Thursday, October 10, 2013

[MV Review] T-ara No. 9 and I Know The Feeling

It was the summer of 2010 and T-ara was becoming very popular. They were hot, having just released their repackaged album Breaking Heart, Jiyeon's God of Study had finished, and Eunjung was in Coffee House. Everything was going great for T-ara. You know, before Kim Kwang Soo tried adding his 'Midas Touch' to something that had nothing wrong with it (unless you thought they should have kicked out Boram and Qri). Kim Kwang Soo added Hwayoung, an unnecessary addition to the group who didn't add any real value to the group (until she bared her nipples for all to see, and even then, her goodwill was short-lived until HwayounGate). Who knew it would take three years for T-ara to return to top form?

The production team of Shinsadong Tiger and Choi Kyu Sung is back this, improving their already-good formula that they had going for T-ara. While a senseless rap part was still added (with Hyomin either saying 'I'm addict', 'I'm adding', or 'I'm a dick', therefore confirming that she is an Iljin slut since she is an addict for adding up the number of dicks she swallowed. Am I right, Korean netizens? I can make shit up, too), it was still short and the bridge is a lot better, as it showcases Soyeon instead of the usual rap from Hwayoung/Areum.

So, is this song for you? If you have liked any T-ara title track up until now, especially any track produced by Shinsadong Tiger and Choi Kyu Sung, yes. This song, like Sexy Love, is an evolution of the standard formula ST/CKS use for T-ara, but with a much better chorus. I don't like Bo Peep Bo Peep, Roly Poly, and Lovey Dovey as much as Sexy Love and Number Nine since the first three songs relied too heavily on a hook chorus. It's nice to see those two write a catchy chorus for a T-ara song without repeating a word/phrase over and over.

If you like watching T-ara MVs because they're hot, this MV is definitely for you. While we were cheated out of seeing Jiyeon in the outfit she wore in the teaser, she still looks really hot in this MV. Hyomin and Eunjung look great as ever, and Soyeon is looking a lot better with all of the bloating and swelling gone (just don't look at her from the side, but then again, every East Asian has a terrible side profile for having a 'flatter' face). Qri looks good if you like her, and Boram is Boram. The MV is also great because you can watch it without getting a seizure. Nice to see they are finally using different directors. (Side note: The usual director for T-ara's past MVs also directed Jolin Tsai's Honey Trap and it's Jolin's worst MV. How is anyone supposed to get a boner while also suffering from a seizure?)

However, the song isn't for the following people: 1) Korean netizens who hate T-ara just because they're T-ara 2) any Koreaboos who hate on T-ara just because Koreans do 3) any hipster faggot who thinks anyone who likes T-ara has shit taste but then goes around flaunting about how their favorite pop act/group has 'superior' music. Pop music is pop music, so there's no point in saying "Oh, you like T-ara, they're shit and you have shit taste, but ____ whom I like is a lot better just because)." If you're going to be a hipster faggot, go listen to some boring shit like Busker Busker and be a true hipster faggot.

I Know This Feeling is another CCM ballad. If you like CCM ballads, this will be right up your alley. If you don't, exit the video and go back to fapping listening to Number 9. I like the composition of the song more than some of Davichi's songs released earlier this year. While those felt bland for CCM ballads, I Know This Feeling is a lot more listenable for people who don't normally listen to or like ballads. It's no Falling U, but it is an enjoyable track, minus Boram's rap out of left field. There's not much to write about for this MV since they're just standing there doing jack shit.


  1. Jiyeon has always been one of the hotter members of the group but now she's FAR ahead of most idols. The autotune in the MV made her sound great but that might have been influenced by her seductive eyes/ass in my face.

    And now we wait for comekpop's gifs for "research" purposes.

    1. Yes, I'm definitely waiting for gifs from comekpop and fiddle.se for "research".

    2. Me too, since I have promised to "research" Jiyeon this comeback.

    3. Just don't use those with the flashes in the background...it's like for DayByDay, one of the versions and damn! It hurt my eyes...Don't know why they keep utilising that. Too theatrical for eye candy MV.

  2. They failed the Super 55 Microphone test tsk tsk. KKS haven't you been reading my posts here?

    #9 most fapworthy k-pop video I've seen in a while, Eunjung looks like she is jizzing.

    1. We might eb sued (or paid, depending on the mood KKS is in) if he read our posts here lol.

    2. CCM copy-pasted the text of an entire Allkpop article one and used it in a teaser for Jeon Won Diary. How's that for role reversal.

  3. I heart you Anti Kpop-Fangirl. Now, waiting for your take on 9 Muses. Was that sexy or was that sexy? And the singing was so good.

    1. I might save that for the livestream.

      Any review I do during the livestream will eventually be written on AKF in a more detailed manner, but I want to have enough material for the livestream.

  4. UCAADs... In how many ways can our lord and saviour, KKS, fuck up t-ara's promotions again?

  5. my ghad i want Eunjung so badlkjfa;lskdjfla;kjsef;iajseflk

    1. Just send her a love letter, some chocolates and compliment her hair, it always works for me bro (on eroges I mean).

  6. Disappointed in you AKFG. Clearly, No. 9 is an ode to KKS's failed plans of turning 6-ara into 9-ara. Hence the "I'm adding" as in I'm adding Hwayoung, Ahreum and Dani.

    Seriously tho, song's effin great, choreo's sick(Voguing ftw) and they all look smoking hot.(Can´t get used to Soyeon´s new nose tho).

    1. No. 9 is about the ninth dick that Hyomin is after.

    2. hey hey hey! family webside dude. gezzz.

    3. but she's only got eight holes, and only three of those can fit a penis

  7. Replies
    1. because she doesn't give a fuck, yo. besides it's really good for your skin.

  8. Disappointing to be honest. Where Sexy Love featured a "Avicii analfisting Fruitloops" level of production. No.9 is contrarily run by the mill Korean borg'ed europop, with the unfortunate exception of Hyomin's rap. I had to check Europe's top 40 just for laughs. Shout out to Capital Cities and Serebro.
    With the overused loopy indiepop guitar riff and 2 measure clap-snare beat, it's hard to find anything interesting about it. It's not bad, but it isn't good. C-

    I'm not even gonna touch the ballad. Yuck.

    1. Yup, this song is quite so-so to me. I wouldn't watch this MV if its not for JiYeon' ass and Hyomin

    2. Indeed, the rap sucked. And to save you guys' time, the ballad sucked more than the rap. To be precise, it is NOT a true-blue "ballad", but it still sucked.

  9. It sounds cool, but most T-ara songs have a pretty cool sound. It even features parts that kinda became a T-ara clichée imho (like that interlude starting around 1:37). haha
    But, it doesn't flash me, unlike several of their previous songs. I might like a version without those deep (male ?) voices inbetween better.
    Hyomin's "I'm addict" sounds really weird.

    As for visuals/the MV itself;
    I don't like burning red nail polish and it always (negatively) stands out so much, that it even distracts me sometimes.
    3:06 it's like they're getting on their knees and ready for their manager.
    Qri looked the best to me.

    Who knows, maybe it'll grow on my, but right now I'd only give it an overall 6/10.

    1. "Hyomin's "I'm addict" sounds really weird."

      agreedd i need a version without that part

    2. I am in the minority concerning T-ara members dabbling in rap...except for the above recent case of "I'm addict, I'm addict" , I believe that NO ONE ELSE in T-ara, be it yesterday, today or tomorrow, should attempt to rap other than Hyomin.

    3. Areum was ok in Sexy Love.

  10. Honestly i really like this song... I've been waiting for this an now i'm good with this song it might not be one of their catchiest song but it won't be easy to get tired of this song... So T-ara thanks for making this fanboy happy.

  11. ok when the fuck did Jiyeon get so fucking good looking?

    1. the the new shoulder length hair def adds to it

    2. she has always been hot. you bitches were just too busy crying about her weird eye(s) to notice anything else.

    3. She's always been cute, but the first time that she REALLY got my attention was in the Roly Poly music video.

  12. I like No. 9 better than I Know the Feeling ofc. The only part of the song that annoys me is the robotic voice in the background that says 'number nine', I feel like that wasn't needed at all.

    1. btw, is it just me or in the new background, is she clutching her stomach?
      Eh, it's probably just me.
      I like the new background better, the last one with the teeny bikini girl made me want to go pro ana again.

  13. I know I'm in the minority on both counts here, but I prefer I Know the Feeling over Number Nine, and I prefer Eunjung's looks over Jiyeon's.

  14. i've always thought jiyeon was hot (i actually would go as far as saying she's the hottest in the group. eunjung is hot but there's just something about jiyeon that makes me... very attracted to her). she's been hot since TTL.. i mean how could you not notice it in icboy or even day by day/lovey dovey

    she looked terrible in t-ara n4 though imo. the ugly hair and clothes omg why

    1. Let's try to pretend that Tara N4 never existed, and that they never released Countryside Life, and that they never worked with Chris Brown in the United States.

  15. do you like everything t-ara puts out? 0_0 (even yayaya)

    1. iirc he doesn't like countryside life and bunny style (i actually dislike all of their japanese discography anyways)
      understandable since i dislike those alot as well despite being a huge t-ara fan..

      i used to dislike yayaya but it eventually grew on me since it's pretty catchy haha

    2. I really like the instrumental to Yayaya, but hate the lyrics/singing.

  16. "I don't like Bo Peep Bo Peep, Roly Poly, and Lovey Dovey as much as Sexy Love and Number Nine since the first three songs relied too heavily on a hook chorus."

    but those three songs were their biggest hits. i remember fans voted for Like The First Time to be promoted but they went with Bo Peep instead, and thank goodness they did, 'cos what people think they want and what would actually be a success are often different things.

    it's a good song, but it's much more lacklustre than i'd expect for a t-ara promotion. more of a "we're still here" than a "move aside you slags, we're back"

    1. Oh, I enjoy the hell out of those three songs, but the fact that half each of those three songs is either "Bo Peep Bo Peep", "Roly Poly" or "Lovey Dovey" make them a tiny bit less enjoyable for me.

    2. Really? I thought #9 was very "move aside you slags, we're back". Something about it just clicks for me.

      (and I was ok with Areum still being in the group, but she just didn't quite fit with the others and now that she's gone that's become even more obvious)

  17. oh, and yeah I love CCM ballads. it's pretty much the only consistent product from that maelstrom of madness

  18. I have to say that the song was pretty average, it's not bad at all, but it just didnt give me that insta hook like any of their other songs (probably also cuz I repeated the teaser a thousand times).

    The ballad is also pretty eh, but maybe I'll grow to like them :/

    1. I know Soyeon's nose has been reduced (idk the term), but it still bug me quite a bit here, in the teaser she looked jjangbak, but not so much in the MV.

      I wish she can undo all that shit

  19. Aside from the electronic intro and Hyomin's random rap, I like this song. The girls look fabulous. Here's hoping that they'll stay as 6-ara till the day they disband.

  20. Sigh, another TL;DR article for me. Have never been a Jiyeon stan and seriously what's up with her lameass dancing on 0:58-1:02?
    For me, The MV was reminiscent of Secret & BEG for some reason.
    Maybe it's Eunjung's hair and the high waist shorts. Hmm.
    On first listen, the song sucked. After that, not too bad, actually.

    What they did right: letting Hyomin sing first, the makeup and clothing on all 6girls

    What they did wrong: focusing equally on each girl in the mv, not Soyeon-centric enough, NOT ENOUGH OF HYOMIN'S DANCING - seriously her dance skills are really underrated as I think she's way better than a lotta people unless it includes Kahi, and last but not least...
    putting qri as leader...??? What the f???

    1. Bow down to the Qrieen, hater. Qri is slaying Qri-a so hard right now it's not even funny. She's snatching that fine pressed weave right from your scalp and you can't do nothin' about it boo boo.

      On a serious note; the video is kind of like Talk That to me but done MUCH better. And the BEG part is a compliment imo cause their MVs are always done super well. Like most Kpop songs, the first listen always sucks to me but then I get hooked, however as much a T-ara stan I am I fell in love on first play. The video probably wasn't as soyeon centric because her new nose and the controversy they figured might as well focus on Boram and get those pedo's blood working. Hyomin was a JYP trainee, so it's to be expected her dancing is good, along with most other parts of her. She's a solid idol, imo.

      I also love how this song is pushing them past the negative publicity and they're number 2 on the charts. They're perfect.

    2. Dongwoon was also a JYP trainee and his dancing is dreadful.

  21. They usually have a good non-title tracks. But not this time.

  22. I want to get Jiyeon pregnant so badly.

    1. Then you wouldn't be able to bang her for six weeks after she gave birth.


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