Saturday, October 5, 2013

Saturday Shitfest #18

BoA's Message PV is out and Avex had to be dicks and release a 2-minute version.

Yo, fuck that shit. It's not 1995 anymore, Japan. There's this thing called the fucking Internet, so stop it with your draconian practices.


  1. Off topic: SKT won the whole thing at LoL World Championship ! Piglet is too good for Chinese to handle against.

    1. IKR. And to think a certain person thought the Chinese team were in with a serious chance...

    2. A better question is if an American/European team wins a season...actually a Canadian team in the NHL nowadays would have a better chance of winning a Cup than an Western Team winning a League Trophy.

    3. Imo Bengi was the determining factor. Faker still god tho

    4. ...I was cheering for Royals too -_- they freaking bombed.

  2. The chickens coming home to roost for Avex... CD sales on the serious downturn in Japan right now. Not just k-pop but everything else too.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That's rather unfortunate since the RIAJ reported an increase in CD sales in 2012


    3. You should investigate more, maybe you mean Japan is losing its hallyu curiousity

    4. Uh, what? Aside from the idol groups, Japan has seen a massive decline in CD sales over the past decade.

  3. Ah, lets start off with some classy Japan bashing (which they fully deserve.) But Japan probably thinks that physical media is a measure of sales. Not "views" and ad revenue which does little to prove loyalty to a brand except in views. (Mind you I am quite surprised by how chill some KPOP artists involving the YT culture, they know that it gets pirated and instead of bitching about it)

    Also, I would like your slice of the news Kpopkalypse involving sales decline so I can shove it in the face of Anime fanboy and watch their tears. Plus I got a little fic that shows how I went from being an anime fan to a KPOP fan.


    1. Here's a link for you: http://www.japancrush.com/2013/stories/music-sales-drop-despite-penalties-for-illegal-downloads.html

  4. Fuck, man, avex is the reason why I can't find a single PV, well recent PV anyway, of their artists on YouTube... Japan's very strict about YT and copyright policy... esp since YT added that autodetect system. I can remember the days when anime was everywhere on YouTube and now it's removed as quickly as it's uploaded because Japan WANTS DAT CASH

    1. also, the incomplete PVs suck... they are incomplete, they are sliced in half, they are... not the full song, ergo, I don't want to watch them; if I want to see the fucking PV i'll go watch it on Dailymotion or some obscure Chinese site instead. With physical CD/DVD sales slowly plummeting anyway, why is Japan still trying to push them; and don't they know that NOT posting the full PV only encourages people to go PIRATE the full version? I don't understand their logic. Then again, I don't understand the logic of our music industry either, or the record companies behind it. All I know is that they're money-hungry....

    2. That's the point, if you won't buy it. You probably aren't a real fan. I hate this "Backwards" system, but so long as the locals spend and we don't. We have no say on the issue.

    3. I have found that the only genre in Japan that doesn't subject itself to these outdated practices is the hiphop genre, since CD sales for hiphop started crashing before the rest of the Japanese music market. Hell, Rip Slyme goes from selling 1,000,000 copies of their album in 2002 to selling 30,000 in 2011. m-flo, who routinely sold 500,000+, only sold 20,000 with Square One. Knowing that they aren't going to push physical copies of anything anymore, they have changed their strategy to be like the rest of the world, focusing on the digital format, doing more shows, doing non-music collaborations to get the word out, etc. However, Jpop companies are still treating their consumers like fucking retards, trying to get them to buy a $40 CD+DVD package when that shit should be available for $1 digitally ($1 for the song, $0 for the PV). Sure, ad revenue on YT probably isn't the greatest, but it's better to get that money than to lose it to piracy.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. what i really fucking hate though is how i can never get an hd version of anything unless i pay shit tons of money for a cd that has maybe 2 good songs on it- and sometimes not even then (bought a9's vandalize and the uroboros dvd and neither were full hd :|)

    6. And the biggest thing is the Concerts, they are the big money makers for a record label. So they have to provide an extra incentive to buy CDs. Some have private meetings only available by buying CDs to actual concert tickets.

    7. Japanese companies are much smarter than what you think. They've being playing their cards smoothly, they've exploited the (huge) japanese indie scene while officially running the business their usual way. So while everything seems to be pretty static on the surface, there's a lot going on in the background. Pop groups are performing in a lot of underground festivals side to side with underground legends. Ian Martin of Japan Times has written extensively on this, check it out: http://clearandrefreshing.wordpress.com/?s=industry+indie

      Major companies started looking favourably at the internet only after whitnessing some sort of success by japanese indie labels in the last two yaers. Things have gone as far as to push the most noisy, iconoclast, punkish, cacophonic japanese group of the last 30 years (Hijokaidan) to record a full album for AVEX featuring anidol group (BiS) whose gimmick is that of the "alternative" ones. The funny thing is Hijokaidan is just playing the music they want and BiS is still... well, BiS. and AVEX is benefitting from that, otaku's world is strange
      (this shit is just to good to be shitted on in name of an "ideology" :D )

      You're all right about the decline of records sales in the last 10 years, but this affects international artist much much more than locals. Don't forget major record companies are the same brands producing audio and dvd players (sony etc.), not selling physical copies wuold mean selling far less "hardware".

    8. On the contrary, I think you're overestimating Japanese companies. They're investing so much into a dying industry (the physical sales market). Sure, it makes sense for at least some companies to try to gain as much market share as they possibly can before the market completely dies, but for every company to continue to rely on an outdated strategy for a dying market just shows how unwilling they are too change. Then again, this is Japan, so it's nothing new.

  5. In other news, 2Hyun (or as we know them as troublemaker) is having a cumback! Orange Hair Hyuna as well, aka Slutty Hyuna Cumback. Fuck Jihyun that worthless extra dancer who has been outdone by near everyone in Phominute.

    1. Jihyuns role as sex appeal has been rendered obsolete by Hyuna

    2. Also Bestie Cumback, with Brave Brothers being their pimp....producer. Bastard never really gotten rid of his criminal past, merely legalize it.

  6. The only 2 non-ballad chinese song (probably) that I like:


    First one was from group S.H.E, and I really think that song catchy as fuck. Second one was absolutely gold, MV and song wise, it's the beijing olympics theme. Both song has quite a meaning and I like it.

    Most of the chinese pop like jolin tsai's I really do not like it whatsoever (sry akf oppar), and most of the other chinese songs I like is mostly sad sad ballad songs. This is coming from a chinese indonesian guy btw lol (and I can't speak chinese, due to reasons).

    1. Finally a fellow chinese indonesian guy on akf, in which city do you live in I might ask? I also can't speak chinese but that's probably due to my bland as f*ck Mandarin teacher who made me hate the subject and through lack of use. Chinese pop is supposedly made up of 97% sappy ballad songs, the only few pop artists/bands that are worth listening to are SHE, Jolin Tsai and maybe Jay Chou

    2. I lived in jakarta in pluit, but I'm currently studying in perth, what bout u? I also got pretty half assed in my chinese lessons and cheated lot during the tests.

      I really dislike jay chou's stuff, but my friend really liked it and sang it when we went to karoke, most of his stuff is so similar (all that sad stuff) that I can't really differentiate between his songs. The sad ballads that I remember liking is guang liang's tong hua and jackie chan's mei li de shen hua, and most of the old songs that include the chinese instruments

    3. Well I'm still in Surabaya and my parents are going to send me away to Melbourne in early 2015

    4. I also find it unfortunate that China/Taiwan has such a huge boner for ballads. I like them, but not THAT much. It's part of the reason I'm hoping more Kpop groups will venture into the Chinese market. Most likely it would be another SM group, preferably a girl group this time.

  7. Luckily, not all Japanese companies are like that anymore.
    UFA (the guys running Morning Musume, C-Ute etc.) started uploading their stuff to YT in 1080p and even with subs.

    1. Too bad C-ute only has one good looking member and Momosu is irrelevant as shit these days...

    2. MM got a lot more sales again since about ~5 singles:
      Which is pretty much, when compared to other idol girl groups out there in Japan.

      Whether a band is relevant or not is irrelevant for me anyway.
      That being said, I don't like their new singles.

    3. AKB48 have there own channel to~

    4. They're the only ones doing really outstanding in terms of sales.

  8. I think one of the reasons they don't upload the 4min pv is because you can take the audio = no money

    ANd well dailymotion exists too... There are all the pvs, Go France!!

    1. But at least they get money when people watch that, and the PVs always get uploaded somewhere eventually. They can keep the full PVs off Youtube, but they won't keep them from playing on le TV and there's *always* someone willing to rip it and put it on the Internet.

    2. They always gain money even if they don't upload the full pv buddy

  9. Can we all laugh at the fangirls who dissed Justin Bieber and put GD on some sort of godly pedestal?

  10. Btw Nicole's going to stay in KARA.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Wait, that's why they do short PVs? I don't follow the Japanese K-Pop market very closely, but I always figured they did them as some kind of psuedo-teaser deal before releasing the full music video. I didn't think they would be so retarded as to use them as an anti-piracy method. I guess it does explain why the long PV of SNSD's Beep Beep never got released. What the fuck,, Japan?

  12. I love Boa, but ngl, she's looking kind of old in some of those shots, particularly the one in the video thumbnail.

    Love the setting of the video though, Japan is the king of overdecorating shit in an oddly appealing way.

    1. Lol Japan didn't have anything to do with this. Her brother directed this video.


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