Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday Shitfest #19

All hail Jiyeon.

For those of you that saw my livestream, I'm sorry it got cut short, but blame it on the Chinese UCAADs that assembled my computer. I'll have to take it in since I don't know shit about repairing hardware, so tomorrow's livestream will be canceled. However, I will be streaming on a weekly basis for the rest of the year on the weekends, probably making them 1-1.5 hours long so that I can do them more regularly. I have no idea if I can keep this up into next year (no idea if I'll get a job and be working 60+ hours a week, be yet another college graduate who has to work at McDonald's, go to graduate school while amassing more student debt in hopes that I can get a job that pays more than $8/hour, or teaching English abroad in some remote-as-fucking-shit African village.) So yeah, I cannot make any promises when it comes to AKF and 2014.


  1. For those that watched my second stream last night and Ahjussi's stream after that, I hope you guys enjoyed it.

    Anyway, what would be the better streaming time for you guys? 8 PM EST Friday night or 8 PM EST Saturday night?

  2. You'd better keep blogging, you UCGAD.

    (Well okay, you don't have to - but if you stop, I'll be sad.)

  3. Hopefully you can still continue leading the cult. AKF without AKF seems, well, odd.

  4. I found the newest League of Legends theme song for a champion really good, this comes from a person who rarely ever like any english songs,


  5. IDK if this is something interesting but a new group called "TINT" is gonna debut with that girl from K-POP STAR SEASON 2
    These Rookies have made comebacks 2EYES-Shooting Star,Tiny-G-Miss You,FLASHE-O YE YO,BPPOP-Never Ever Let Me Go & the "new" PIGGY DOLLS have a new single called "Butterflies",Ace Of Angels with "Confused",and 9MUSES with "Gun" they have not released the mv or official audio but are performing in music shows.DAFUQ 9muses! also BESTie(with ex members from group "EXID") are making a comeback next week :)

    1. AoA was triple box dance (nice asses) and I hope Brave Brothers make bestie look sexy since I have Dahye as my bias.

  6. Replies
    1. look into your erection and say that you bitch

    2. Tenga Egg >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jiyeon's pussy

    3. yeah she sucks. Eunjung ftw.

    4. > Eunjung ftw


      > Hyomin FTW

      and this

    5. EunMinYeon FTW. They come in a package of three.

  7. Does anybody know what Crayon Pop have been up to lately ?
    I'm subbed to their YT channel and saw their new versions of some songs, but other than that it seems they're just doing promotion right now.

    1. probably catching up some much needed RnR since their done promoting BarBarBar

    2. Last I checked, about 10 days ago... I was very busy until today, CP was doing so many college festivals. I guess their schedule may have lighten up, but still very busy. Reddit and tistory(If you can read Korean) has stuff posted about them on daily basis.

    3. I would never go to leddit, but thanks for the heads-up.

    4. If you are so interested in their whereabouts why don't you just search crayon pop on google?

  8. UCAAD? What does it stand for? Ugly Chinese Asinine Ass Dickhead?

    1. Upstanding Citizen of African-American Descent, I think AKF once clarify it as a substitute for nigger

  9. What's with all the racism. niwae just don't shut down this site, kthxb

  10. Why dont't you teach english in Korea

    1. Because that's just a job and wouldn't help me on any career path. Unless I was guaranteed to meet Han Ye Seul or some shit, I wouldn't teach English in Korea, despite myself being a UCKAD.


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