Saturday, October 19, 2013

Saturday Shitfest #20

It's hard to believe we're at number 20 already. In regards to the MV, it sucks. There wasn't enough shots of Jiyeon in those denim shorts. On the plus side, we didn't have to sit through 15-20 minutes of a convoluted story that didn't make any sense. Plus, I don't think anyone got a seizure, so there's that.


  1. This vid would have been a great opportunity for a story actually. I was disappointed that once they got out of the vehicles they just kind of stood around not knowing what to do with themselves. Jiyeon could have at least opened the door of that building at the end and got abducted or something, that would have been a neat twist.

    1. They should have just had Jiyeon walk around for three minutes instead of this mess.

    2. More like they should have them walking around together and then it starts to rain and they all strip down.

    3. I see a future for you in video directing.

  2. I actually agree for once that Jiyeon looked hot in this vid. Thanks to the Eyeliner and denim shorts.
    Minimum Qri is also a plus. All 6 girls can be models should T-ara sink in future.

  3. Can somebody please give me the link to AOA and Nine Muses comeback song so that I know who to vote for? Also to AKF, since English is not my main language please be responsible and tell me how to pronounce UCAAD. Does it sound like u-cat or u-cut or what? I want to be politically and grammatically correct

    1. AOA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1-BTf3_Mys
      Nine Muses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7pXRdkdJxI
      Also, not AKF but I've been pronouncing it like u-cat.

    2. I pronounce it like "You cad", as in "You cad, how dare you! When I tell my father that you've substituted 'nigger' with a polite and respectful acronym..."

    3. I have also pronounced it like u-cat all this time.

    4. I think Chuck and I agreed that it should be "U-kad," emphasis on the first syllable. l0l

    5. Yeah, it's "you-kaahd", or if you know the cod fish, CAAD is pronounced exactly like cod (at least in American English).

  4. Much more interesting than the first video, imho. But it's still just mediocre.
    Also makes the song better to listen to.

    Needs more Soyeon boob shots, though.

    1. True. Soyeon worked the boob much more in the first video. Damn her face actually looks great here for once though. High-f-ve to that plastic surgeon, and to think I was a doubter.

    2. I always thought Soyeon looked very attractive.
      I know she has a "doll face" that not everybody likes, but in her case I dick it.

    3. You're probably one of my the many Soyeon fans who started posting here because at the time, it seemed like I was the only blog owner who was a fan of someone other than Hyomin, Eunjung or Jiyeon. Hell, there are/were a few authors who came here and joined because we both liked Soyeon.

    4. I wouldn't call myself a fan, I'd just give her the dick.

      I came 'ere fo da slut shammin'. arrr

  5. Waveya Twerking:



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