Saturday, November 2, 2013

Equally angsty Koreaboo i-netizen – the meme

I get misunderstood a lot when I talk about Korean netizens.  People always misinterpret what I say as if I'm picking on the poor Korean Internet users and putting netizens from other countries on some kind of pedestal.  To show you what I'm talking about, here's the latest example of many, taken from the comments section of some Netizenbuzz article about some girl supposedly getting dick from EXO members or whatever.


A few points of clarification:

*  I didn't actually say KOREAN netizens in my post, or specify race or culture at all - other (chickenshit anonymous) people brought up the race issue.  And then I get called the "racist" one.  Irony, no?

*  When I refer to "these ones here" I was referring to the netizens who commented on that article specifically, I wasn't referring to Korean netizens as a whole, but that's a subtlety that I'm sure the people commenting missed because they all got worked up into a little tizzy of "LOOK HE IS NOT AGREEING WITH EVERYTHING THEY SAY, QUICK, WE MUST PROTECT OUR PRECIOUS KOREAN FRIENDS!!!!!!1!1!"

*  If people stopped acting like a hive-mind, maybe I'd stop talking about them as if they were acting like a hive-mind, now there's a fucking thought.

But hey, if these people wanted to convince me that they are just as stupid as any other netizen from any other country, then I guess they can proudly say "mission accomplished" because I think they just fucking convinced me.


So it's in the spirit of equality and racial/cultural harmony that I now bring you my thoughts on international netizens, in tried-and-true Angsty Korean Netizen meme format.  To differentiate this new meme from the old meme, I've flipped over the image (because it's a different part of the world so they're looking in a different direction which is a neat metaphor for cultural difference, oh wow you're so smart Kpopalypse oppar are you single yet) and given the new image a refreshing green tint to indicate the jealously of these people because they weren't born in Korea.  Enjoy.





















  1. The last image represents most of the haters that AKF gets haha.

    1. Our something brings the something to the yard.

    2. Our rationality brings all the crazies to the yard

    3. I was thinking "trolling" and "douchebags" but I like yours better.

  2. Ahahaha, beautifully done. I love the mirrored meme photo, a stroke of genius.

    1. Also a stroke of laziness because I couldn't find another decent image I liked.

    2. Well the way you rationalize mirroring it is pretty profound.

    3. Also my way of subtly implying that they're two sides of the same coin. Mind blown yet? :D

    4. Totally blown.You're a genius and philosopher oppar.

  3. This is the shit that makes their soul burn slow.

    1. I do what I can to make the k-pop blogosphere a better place.

  4. Fangirl logic:
    I love girl groups especially apink~
    *sees photo of apink with bias boy group*

    1. Pretty much! I left the template over at memegenerator.com so if you wanna make one like that be my guest :D

  5. Oppar, you really know how to capture the reader. I know plenty of "Yeah, I know some Korean language". lol

    1. 난 당신이 내 글을 감사하고 기뻐요.

      (That's "I'm glad that you appreciate my writing" fed into Google Translate, but as far as I know it really says "purple monkey orange dishwasher".)

    2. Yeah, Google Translate has it as "As for me, you are thankful and happy about my words."

    3. It should be something like:

      당신은 내 글을 감사해서 나는 기뻐요.

      The little things make a whole world of difference in meaning, which machine translations still have trouble with.

    4. We should give an award out to the person who can find the most obviously-copy-pasted text from some k-pop fan pretending that they understand Korean.

  6. http://kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/in2.jpg

    When it comes to that picture, this has always baffled me. Hollywood is super plastic, but people deride the Korean entertainment for plastic surgery. I just never understood this at all? It's okay in America, but oh noes, if some slant-eyed gook has plastic surgery, WE MUST SHIT ALL OVER THEM!

    1. "slant-eyed gook"

      Sorry, UCAD - Upstanding Citizen of Asian Descent. Shortened it to UCAD for two reasons: so that it wouldn't be UCAAD (Upstanding Citizen of Asian American Descent), and because Americans don't consider Asians as being American anyway. (I was asked "where are you from?" a lot as a kid.)

    2. Hollywood has been plastic fantastic for decades. I'm sure it's also the same in other cities with a big entertainment hub, like Mumbai. I never understood the fuss.

    3. It's absolutely shocking the amount of hate and downvotes I get when I mention that Pete Burns has had more plastic surgery then any kpop idol I've seen.

    4. They probably don't even know who that is and are just downvoting you because you're not agreeing with them.

  7. "Western Music is all about sex and drugs I hate it" OMG 2ne1 and big bang soooo GANGSTAZ!#$%@# Hyuna sooo sexy!!! ZOMG u c 2pm abs SOOO HAWT /panties all soaked!!! Taeyeon so hawt doing moulin rouge!!


    P.S Taeyeon is hawt doing moulin rouge.

    1. another is "*uckn biebers/gaga/jonas/miley etc fans are crazy" or even "Korean fans are insane" to "Omg let's go stalk oppar's hotel when they come to LA!!" /makes sign "I want oppar's D!!" /go to huge crowds @ LAX.

    2. Yes these are all things that are said! My specific focus here though was on the little inconsistencies and hypocrisies that come up when comparing various comments.

  8. http://kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/in11.jpg

    This shit right here >_> I will *never* understand why I-netz slut shame HyunA so hard when bitches like Beyonce and Britney Spears have done worse

    1. I guess they see k-netz do it and copy cos it's trendy. Can't think of any other logical explanation. They probably hope to wake up one day and find out a fairy has turned them into a Korean.

    2. Speaking of Hyuna. Apparently they now released a drama ver of the comeback and its worthy of a t-ara drama ver.

      Fans ate it up like candy

    3. I thought the first one that came out WAS the drama version. Shows how much I know.

    4. The music video is pretty much what the Histroy version of Number Nine was to the Second Version of Number Nine though.

  9. Replies
    1. Me too, that's why I write for it! I like your comments on NB too - a rare voice of reason.

    2. Hey Boa578, I've seen some of your comments on NB. I don't know if you've seen me there, but I post there as TheRealCZ.

    3. i have seen you around too TheRealCZ. I got downvoted when i pointed out a fact about US schools being fund by taxes not test scores lol.

    4. Whoever downvoted you must know nothing about US schools, haha. I was paying taxes to my own school when I was working as a senior in high school...

  10. My Defense - Blogpost Boogaloo

    1. What are blogs for if not to insist that I'm always right and everyone else is always wrong.

    2. What are blog comments for if not to insist that the blog entry was useless and everybody disagreeing is wrong ? =P

  11. Oh, I just realized, 2NE1 didn't have a comeback last month like they promised.

    1. I swear you're literally the last k-pop fan to notice that. Blackjacks been filling molotovs over that shit.

    2. 2NE1 has fallen almost completely off my radar all together so I haven't been paying much attention to them. I hope they release something great like It Hurts or Hate You soon though because they're some of my favorite songs of all time.

    3. I thought "It Hurts" licked a nutsack but I quite like "Hate You".

    4. Hehe I knew you wouldn't like It Hurts. Hate You was my second ever kpop song.

  12. this one for yg stans specifically.

    "hates how bad gross and violent american rap music is"

    will go crazy over gd cl taeyang and winner looking like a bunch of try hard idiots covered up with bandanas from head to toe.
    (and dont come at me with the style bullshit we all can obviously see where the influence came from.)

    1. I'd actually argue in the other direction and say that American rap is misunderstood as bad, gross and violent when it's really nothing of the sort.

  13. You're still a hypocrite though
    when you say Korean netizens are a special breed, you do realize most of the comments made by i-netizens in that article were just the same, people celebrating because knetizens didn't bash Kris and Jang Geun Suk and stuff.

    The same old male vs female "double standard", every time some kpop fan talk about that I think it must be a
    12-year-old new fan, I mean you're supposed to be a "man" a "male" kpop fan but when it comes to T-ara you sound just as pressed as those little fangirls.

    Most Korean netizens hate the shit out of JGS and this time they're not afraid to "shield" him because it's not him in those pictures and if a snsd look-alike were in a picture like that they wouldn't be afraid to defend her.
    so your "when it's male idols.." argument is quite irrelevant in this case.

    1. I finally got a live one, damn that sure took some time. Where were you?

    2. A story for you, Daniel: at my old high school there was a group of kids who liked to follow me and talk shit, I'd just ignore them like I'd ignore any douchebag. One day they surrounded me and one guy in the group started trying to goad me into a fight. This was a pretty normal thing that happened to everyone, my school was really violent. I readied myself and the rest of them circled around and started chanting "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!". I then took a swing - not at the guy who wanted to fight but at one of the others standing around chanting, I just picked one out at random. I smashed him right in the nose - the look of about 1/3rd butthurt mixed with 2/3rds sheer confusion on his face is a treasured memory. That group of people never said shit to me ever again, and I never saw them pick on anyone else after that either. There's a lesson in this story somewhere.

    3. This is more than satisfying and exactly the type of wisdom filled reply I was expecting from you when I typed that comment.

    4. Cheers.

      Oh, and I stopped reading the anonymous douche's comment right at "when you say Korean netizens are a special breed" because that's actually not what I said at all, which shows that he's not even reading what I'm writing but is just here to be a cunt. Which is kind of funny in a "laughing at a donkey hobbling with a broken leg" kind of way but not really worth the trouble.

  14. There is no god.


    1. I guess now the rest of the world now gets a taste of k-pop fandom insanity. I don't think they're ready.

    2. if only the rest of the world cared. as expected its only fandom oriented artists that bothered to even watch. basically only sones gaga and those disney affiliated acts going ape shit over a fucking youtube award lol.

    3. Yeah I guess I meant "the rest of the world who cares about pointless awards for a few bubblegum pop acts".


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