Friday, November 1, 2013

Livestream Feedback

This is for the UCAADs that watch the livestreams. I'm trying to find out what could be improved when doing these livestreams.

1. Length. Are they too long or too short? I try to keep them an hour to an hour and a half long, mainly because I tend to do these weekly (for the rest of 2013 at least), so there isn't enough material to make these really long like my first livestream, where it was three hours, plus the dualstream with Zaku.

2. Time. I usually do these at 8 PM EST on Friday or Saturday nights, as they usually equate to being Saturday and Sunday morning for those of you who live on the other side of the world. Are there any other additional times that would work. For my personal schedule, I can't do any in the morning, where it would be night time for the viewers on the other side of the world. I could do livestreams during the week, but they would be at the same time, mainly because that's when I get home from school every day Monday-Thursday. Then again, I don't know if anyone would actually want to watch a livestream during those four days and half of the people would be fucked, as they live on the other side of the world and have school or work during that time. I was thinking that I could also do a one hour stream at 2 PM EST on Saturday or Sunday, which wouldn't work for those of you living in Asia, Australia, New Zealand, etc., but could work for Americans/Canadians and Europeans.

3. Content/Structure. So far, almost all of the streams have been Q&A. We (the livestreamers) generally wait on questions to be asked while also talking about the stories that happened during the week in between. I was thinking of having several topics to talk about and discuss them with the viewers. For example, we could discuss certain news issues, music videos, controversies, etc. in depth and have that as the topic for 10-15 minutes before moving onto something else. If this were the case, the streams would probably be shortened to one hour so that there isn't much dead time at the end of the stream.

4. "I want to see Shinbi strip." Well, I can't help you there. I have asked Shinbi if she's interested in doing livestreams, but she's too busy with school at the moment to do anything more than her Shinbot articles.

5. Other streamers. I know how it can be repetitive to just have me livestreaming with Kpopalypse doing his thing once every one-to-two months, but there's really nothing else we can do about it. Ahjussi tends to livestream after I'm done and Zaku, the UCAAD who started all of this, hasn't livestreamed in months. If some readers want to volunteer and pick a day to stream, that would be welcome.

6. Any other suggestions can be left in the comments section.


  1. Chuck's Kpop cover dance, please!

    1. I can't dance.


  2. Please read T-ara's "Yayaya" in the style of Morgan Freeman.

    1. No one can touch Cristopher Walken's performancehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJDx3H_hvI8

    2. I don't know why I was expecting Christopher Walken's interpretation of "yayaya"... maybe I should step away from k-pop for a while.

    3. The only other voice I can really do is my "Batman" voice.

  3. 1. Length shouldn't be a matter, anyone can (and I've seen) quit mid stream if it's too long, if anything it's too short.

    2. I work on Saturdays, so if you stream on Friday I can't watch it, and if you guys can stream two hours later than your usual time, I won't have to wake up at 6am to watch you people, kpopalypse doesn't have a problem with this since he streamed twice a day.

    3. I think Q&A is fine, but sometimes I feel bad when there's very few viewers and no one asked questions, and I tried to ask stuff to get the stream going, do like a comedic shit, or anything really. For example, kpopalypse played some songs on his guitar and piano, I really liked that. I absolutely dislike Zaku's stream style, I attended his double stream with akf oppar, it feels like I'm just watching another guy watching MV most of the time. I attended akf's stream, it's half like zaku's and half like ahjussi's, I'm so so with it.

    do like a massive cam stream sometime, maybe that would be interesting? like the viewers also participating and shit.

    1. The U.S. set it's clock back one hour last night, so the time difference should be an hour longer now. I may move it back another hour to 9 PM EST, but we'll see if there are any other comments about time being an issue.

      Do you mean massive cam stream with using Google Hangout or something? GH is a hassle to use, and I know a lot of people want to keep their identity hidden, so I don't know how that would work out.

  4. I think I've missed the last week or two of streams due to life, but yeah, I'd also want to avoid a reliance on the viewers having questions to fill air time since there may be no questions. Finding content to fill time will probably be a challenge though. Just having things to discuss like with articles is always good.

    1. Yeah, I've noticed in my last two streams that the last 30-45 minutes were dead time for the most part because of the lack of questions. I almost canceled Friday's stream due to being sick, so I didn't prepare for it at all. I'll try to prepare some stuff for Saturday's livestream.

  5. Someday I will be brave enough. Someday.


    To livestream. Not strip!


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