Saturday, November 9, 2013

Saturday Shitfest #23

Lately Ahjussi has been talking about Ashley a lot, and since it's her birthday today, well, she may as well be today's focus on Saturday Shitfest #23.

As for the stream tonight, check your timezone. I live in the UTC-5 region. Last Saturday night, Daylight's Daving Time ended in the United States, so for those of you who live outside of the United States, the streaming time should be delayed by one hour. Check the first comment for more details about the time until the livestream.

아저씨 adds:


  1. It's 7:20 AM for me as of this comment, so I will be livestreaming in 12 hours and 40 minutes from now. I hope that helps anyone who lives outside the U.S. The normal livestreaming time should be delayed an hour for you guys, but I have no idea if you guys have your own version of Daylight's Saving Time or some shit, thus this comment.

  2. Exotics are batshit crazy lately via Twitter. Having fanwars with Beliebers and Directioners. They actually think they're all articulate and dignified, LOL.

    1. If they do end up getting attention in America and else after the EMAs are over, guarantee the members that will be the most popular are Kris and Kai because they have that 'look' Western people appreciate. Although I am also betting on Sehun and Luhan and possibly Lay. Might as well throw D.O. in there because everyone seems to like him for reasons I just cannot fathom.

    2. I still don't understand how can a fangirl like Kris, since he's so awkward and fugly. Also, Sehun and Luhan look like twins to me and they're both ugly.
      I don't know what's up with D.O., on tumblr people call him squishy, evil, perv etc.

    3. Because he is. He's the spawn of Satan and a petite Thai woman. I just came back to comment on how EXO did not win the EMAs and was beaten out by Chris Lee. I swear this is the Busker Busker thing all over again.

    4. Don't know about the Busker Busker thing but Chris Lee winning was a bigger smack in the face to directioners and beliebers than EXO winning so I'm pretty happy with it. I watched the whole twitter fanwar these days and it was f awesome.
      Lol at the D.O thing.

    5. Busker Busker'd; a term used when two respected parties are battling it out but then some niq come straight out of the left field and shits on both of them. During the MAMA 2012 Awards, it was all down to EXO and B.A.P. and it was a huge thing of who was going to win Rookie Group of the Year but Busker Busker took home the prize. Literally no one expected it but it was hilarious as fuck. Can't believe it happened to EXO again, poor saps.

    6. In no way was Busker Busker out of left field though - they were HUGE in 2012, nobody in Korea would have been remotely surprised that they won. Only tunnel-vision fans of B.A.P and EXO would have been surprised.

  3. Exo ticks were also on Taeyang's case for stealing the one-shot dance video, I saw some who wanted SM to sue. lol

  4. Gotta love Ladies Code not a single weak link. I prefer EunB tho:

    1. Bonus:

    2. Maknae chick is the weak link. Eun B is best

    3. this dispute would be easily resolved if they both just made out with each other.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Did u see Ashley on Weekly Idol? http://youtu.be/RoLg_-qa2Dw?t=53s

  7. I take it you also went to fiddle yesterday ? Oh babyyy

    Because Janeelvorie just posted a YT video and reminded me of it; the new comment system is complete fucking shit and I hate google more every time they do something "new" with YT.
    Sure as hell ain't gonna make a google minus acc just to be able to fling shit at stupid people.

    1. I was lucky that Google automatically made my Blogger account into a Google+ account, so I've had a G+ account since it came out without actually signing up for it myself.

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qL3oiesWA0 DAVICHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I LUB YOU

    1. They might be good singers, but fuck do I hate ballads.

    2. I actually don't mind this song, which feels weird because as a ballad I should hate it.

    3. I like them ballads. Well, only CCM ones because they're sad and I'm a sad kient

    4. Before this naked Aliee shitstorm takes place, you better recognise a real UCAAD! I'm not one for ballads but dem power vocals doe.


  9. Replies
    1. I love how after all that jiggle, the camera loses focus for a split second. Its not used to the proportions.

  10. Ashley is #1 but Rise is pretty freaking adorable.


    So much personality. ^__^

  11. Taeyang's comeback, everyone is jizzing on how good his dance is, which I don't really like. Taeyang is my fav member in GD since I liked 'Wedding Dress' and 'I need a Girl', but wtf happened, now he is all wannabe like GD

    Song's chorus is ok, but please please stop rapping.


    1. jesus christ i've always thought that if there was one person in bb that was an actual musician worth paying attention to, it was yb. whaT THE FUCKING HELL IS THIS

      i have to say though that this doesn't annoy me on him as much as it probably would on gd because he doesn't do that annoying high nasal thing

    2. I guess everyone agrees that this comeback was shit. He should've produced something like GD's Crooked, this nigga thing does not suit him.

  12. So excited to see a Ladies Code reference on here! They're my fave rookies since GLAM.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Add D-Unit to that list and we have an under-rated trifecta, forever stuck on loop in my heart and playlist... maybe even my basement some day.

  13. Late OTL, but Gain was in a Chinese music video recently http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-FOf8RRq-U

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. a new challenger has appeared! 1:26 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Osf_p008W9E

    seriously tho, ladies code recognition! about time!

  16. You can use &t= to link to specific timecodes.


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