Sunday, November 24, 2013

Teddy is the luckiest mother fucker alive

So I was trying to write an article but I couldn't find anything I wanted to write about. I went to Naver to see if there were any news about Han Ye Seul's upcoming drama (she's rumored to star in Shooting Star, which would air in March 2014), but no, I found out that she's dating Teddy. Yes, Teddy, the UCAAD who has canally raped me for years. (Canal rape is rape of the ear canals).

I'm going to need something like an evoker after seeing people on Twitter laughing at me.

I feel like I have to do that to someone.

Looking on Twitter, YG fangirls are saying poor CL. What the fuck? You expect Teddy to go after a shark girl like CL over Han Ye Seul? What kind of fucking logic is that? I see EXO fans saying poor Kai. Fuck Kai! "Poor AKF" is more like it.

Fuck life. It always finds a way to kick you in the nuts.


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  2. Replies
    1. I saw your tweet, and it's too bad that I don't drink haha.

    2. :P first time for everything ! S'all good, took a shot on your behalf ! you still got Vic http://24.media.tumblr.com/81bda72b5d7b060b2fd3ec5d30e5d675/tumblr_mwozu0YTIz1rmoe7mo5_250.gif !

  3. Please tell me it's not a coincidence you post this on the day Persona 5 finally got announced ? haha

    1. Great day and a shitty day at the same time.

      I was going to throw in Persona 5 in an article I was writing earlier, but I thought the article sucked, so I scrapped it.

  4. Little did you know teddy threatened to produce every ost song on her next 5 dramas if she didnt agree to date him.

    1. I'm just hoping HYS doesn't join YG Ent like Epik High did.

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  6. This has nothing to do with this post, Hell, I'm not even sure this is new news, but Eunjung has gone platinum blonde.
    I'm diggin it.

    1. I saw the pic. It was time she did something to her hair, and this new look is really hot.

    2. Too true. Just when I thought she couldn't get any sexier. Well played Eunjung, well played.

    3. You guys actually like her hair?? o.o" She looks like the pokemon Furfrou with that cottony hair cut. Imo she looked better in brown hair.

  7. I've wanted to say this for a long time, but this should be changed from "Anti-Kpop Fangirl" to "Pro-Kpop Fanboy" XD

  8. I'll be just as sad if Jongup dates, but oh well. Such is life.

  9. Just let da biatch go Chuck oppar ! You still have us !

    Btw, P5 for PS3 is just fcking awesome. I was worried that it might hit PS4 since got no money for that biatch yet

  10. It's just dating, besides, with all the hotties still out there,she's just one piece of candy from a great big Sweet Shoppe.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Besides, what if she's like this? http://youtu.be/-4tu_ro98Pw

  11. Unrelated: The twins from Crayon popo look really pretty:
    Note: you may want to turn down the volume since their singing sucks. still they do look pretty without those helmets.

  12. Why do you fucks posted unrelated shit with the Saturday Shitfest JUST ONE FUCKING POST BELOW THIS ONE?

    There's a God damn reason why I created the SS articles...

  13. Sending her some tweezers and a magnifying glass. Hopefully they will aid her in finding Teddy's peen. Also sending her some condoms because you know he caught some incurable shit from Chaerin.

    Kai needs to stop lying. The only pussy he's interested in is Kyungsoo's.


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