Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Changes, Updates, Glitches & More

As you can see, the layout was finally updated after two years. I did make a post this March/April promising to redesign AKF, but those plans fell through. Someone offered to design the new website (we were going to move away from Blogger), but there were some problems with that. AKF is simply too big to host on a free host outside of sites like Blogger and Wordpress. Buying a host, domain names, security measures, etc. for a new site would have cost much more than I wanted to spend. I didn't want to resort to having to put ads on here or asking for donations because that's just not my style.

So, akisame, our newest author, volunteered to redesign the site. She was able to remove many of the glitches and bugs that plagued AKF, but you've probably noticed a new bug that we're trying to work out. The author names are fucked up, but everything else is working smoothly, so it's something we'll have to live with in the short term while we work on getting it fixed.

The discussion of a new commenting platform keeps coming up and it's one I keep putting off. There are authors here that want to move to Disqus, but there are others of us that are cautious of that move. I want your opinions on whether or not we should adopt Disqus, or if you have any arguments for keeping our current system, post those too.

In 2014, expect there to be fewer posts per week on average compared to 2012 and 2013. Zaku is studying to get into optometry school so he can remove people's eyeballs so that he can fuck their eyesockets, Shinbi is still studying to get into med school, and I'll either be working at a job that consumes my soul or going to graduate school. With Kpopalypse, Ahjussi, Fany Pack and Soyeon Friend being adults with full-time jobs, they'll post when they can. I don't know how much time sulli_fag will have to dedicate to AKF while sniffing buttholes full time now, but he'll be here when he can be here. Akisame is still a high school kid, so I doubt she's going to waste her youth writing all the time when she could be out toilet papering someone's yard (I miss high school for that very reason).

In 2014, I will look to add new authors. 2013 is very rare in that Kpopalypse was the only new author added until today. There will still be plenty of posts next year, but just don't expect us to cover everything out there. None of us get paid for this, not even me.


  1. I've been a reader since early 2012, so this will be a rough and emotional change for me. Ain't nothin' wrong with a redesign once in a while, but the main objections I have to Disqus include the upvote/downvote system and the loss of all previous comments.

  2. lol author names are all fucked up

    1. They seem to be working in the comments again.

    2. Then what happened to my comment here...
      I'm turning into you lol

    3. comekpop and akisame are working on that right now. The CSS is making every author have the same name for some reason.

      However, as akisame was cleaning out all of the other bugs the site had, this one happened.

    4. I am so sorry about the messed up names, I contacted several people and I am waiting for their help.


    At any rate, fresh look is good!!

    1. Oh, and I personally voted for Disqus because it's a cleaner/more streamlined comment system. I suppose up/downvotes are a concern, but I would hope none of our readers are crazy butthurt enough to abuse it. :3

      And isn't there a way to import the old comments too? We can't lose comments like the legendary 637, that shit is AKF history.

  4. I think Disqus is a bad idea. I had a really bad experience on NetizenBuzz when IU had her whole plagiarism "scandal" and I noticed that all the intelligent and reasonable comments were downvoted, right to the bottom. If we got Disqus then the idiotic fangirls might use it as an opportunity to neg-stalk.

  5. Disqus for mobile totally suck. And please don't atlete the old commenta, or at least give me te time to screencap any single one of them :D

    1. "don't atlete the old commenta"

      LOL, there must be a reason why they call it "auto corrector", but I still can't figure out what it is.

  6. only downfall about disqus is when you touch sm and yg articles.... all the dumbasses come out to play in the comment sections. dont even get me started on future exo articles.

  7. New layout looks great!

    I've always been against implementing Dicksuck. Reasons:

    * We'll probably lose the old comments and there's a lot of fun and important history in those comments. I feel that this is the biggest issue at least for me.

    * Commenting becomes a popularity contest and encourages the same herd mentality we see in fans and netizens generally, as people strive to post first so their post has more chance of rising to the top, encouraging them to whip out something trendy and gimmicky in two seconds rather than spend a minute to use their head and then write something worthwhile - people shouldn't feel like they're wasting their time if they have unpopular opinions

    * People will get neg-stalked and comments that probably should be read will get deliberately buried.

    On the positive side, I guess at least I could gauge how many fangirls I'm annoying with the downvotes, that'd be kind of useful. And it would bring in more participation, just a really low knuckle-scraping level of participation. If we implement it anyway I won't be too upset about it. Do what you think's best for the site.

    1. Another thing to consider is that Disqus allows "guest" comments which is the same as anon comments and as far as I know there's no way to disable that, so it'd be effectively just like letting the anons back in the building.

  8. We have 9 authors, so which author corresponds with which SNSD member.

    Anti Kpop-Fangirl: Taeyeon.
    Shinbi: Yuri.
    Ahjussi: Yoona.
    Zaku: Seohyun.
    sulli_fag: Hyoyeon.
    Fany Pack: Tiffany.
    Soyeon Friend: Sooyoung.
    Kpopalypse: Sunny.
    akisame: Jessica.

    I tried to choose based on role and/or favorite members. I'm Taeyeon since we're both the leaders. Shinbi is Yuri because everyone faps to her. Ahjussi is Yoona because Yoona is one of his favorite members. Zaku is Seohyun because they're both robots and Seohyun is Zaku's favorite member. sulli_fag is Hyoyeon because of that Craig's List article he wrote about Hyoyeon. Fany Pack is Tiffany since Tiffany is Fany's favorite member. Soyeon Friend/Joeyeon is Sooyoung because that's all that was left lol. Kpopalypse is Sunny because Kpopalypse loves Sunny's boobs. Akisame is Jessica because Jessica is her favorite member.

    If anyone has any different combinations/lists, go ahead and post them.

  9. I think the update looks great, but I miss the old way of perusing archives. It used to be that you could click on a dropdown arrow for, say, October 2012, and see a list of articles in chronological order, "boram looks like crusty porridge lid", "seungri arrested for making designs with semen" etc. Now you just go to October 2012 and have to scroll through all the articles and don't see them on the sidebar. I just liked being about to pick and choose the old way. Everything else looks great, though.

  10. I''m leaning against Disqus implementation. I think the upvoting/downvoting will considerably skew what comments get read, though I do think Disqus does notifications well in continuing a discussion. If there was a comment system that featured that kind of notification system sans the voting, I'd probably go for that. As the others have said, there is a lot of history in the sites comments, maybe there's some way to preserve that.

  11. The layout "change" isn't as drastic as I expected, and it looks good, so good job guiz.

  12. It's great that the site has updated, I really like how smooth it is, I'm a little disappointed about no longer being able to scroll by title but the upgrade actually feels like an upgrade (unlike AKP's).

    Long time lurker, first time commenter here and I'd like to say welcome to akisame and I hope you'd do us vocalfags proud (because we are the minority here) secondly don't go on Disqus-ting, it's not a bad system but the downvotes, fangirls that are on the prowl for anything against their EXO oppas and anonymous comments are gonna be a bitch to handle...

    Oh and Happy Boxing Day motherfuckers, I'm from the future! >:D

  13. Disquis would kill the site for me, imo.
    A large part of AKF(G) is shit-talking, slut-shamming and gigolo-counting in the comments.

  14. Like the new layout, miss the old drop-down archive at the side, but no biggie.
    And I'm also against Disqus, I mean, c'mon this is AKF, meaning we'll talk shit 'bout lots of Kpop group/act/artist and any fangirl with a Disqus account will stalk, hound and not to mention downvote any comment to oblivion if they found a hint of disagreement about their fave group.

    Merry Xmas btw

  15. no disqus please. the site looks a lot cleaner now but i kinda agree with the comments with the drop down achieve, i like it but i guess its "new thing not used to yet" situation which we can get used to over later on.

    welcome kemosabe..

  16. Like the new layout, especially the Sica. I'd prefer no disqus. It does get too cliquey.

    1. Fuck that I'm all for cliques. If you can't hang with the big dogs maybe you should GTFO????

  17. I changed the blog archive to the way we had it, since I prefer it that way too. It's much easier to find old articles since the Google search feature sucks.

  18. Love the new look. LOL the first change I think since I found about this blog about two years ago. And no disqus please.

  19. Not feeling the colors of this new layout really but here's to change.

  20. It'll take a while for me to get used to this lol

  21. As long as you guys keep writing good stuff, I don't really care about anything else.

  22. Optometry school?! I want to be an optometrist, too. Good luck Zaku.

  23. Yay for redisign. Nay for dicksuks or whatever/however it's spelled. Pretty much what Kpopalypse said.

  24. Oh, and please bring people like Infamist, Rotary Knight and Fat Chorong back, we need cynical menstruated obnoxious mutherfux0rs like 'em. The comment section is getting way too edulcorated for my taste. Miss you guys! :'(


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