Thursday, December 26, 2013

Exo helped me realize how the Nazis came to power

It's what we call, "not-so-subliminal-messaging".

I never thought I'd see anything like this in my own lifetime but here we are. Exo today became the first million seller in kpop in twelve years. How are so many people duped into listening to horrible music? Well, there's precedent for such mass mind-control.

I'm not necessarily surprised at the fact that Exo is that popular I'm more just surprised at how effective the SM propaganda machine is.

Slightly worse than FEMA camps.
For those of you curious as to the actual numbers, The Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda SM released a statement:
"If you add the 430,000 sold copies of EXO's special winter album 'Miracles in December', which was released this month, EXO's total album sales this year remarkably reached 1,440,000 copies... Both nominally and virtually, they are showing an album fuhrer king-like power."
First the Ailee nudes and now this, won't this year just end?

tl'dr SM = literally worse than Nazis


  1. I can't help my love for Exo but in reality this brings me more joy than anything... please give me more of this stuff

  2. "Duck Dynasty" is the highest rated cable reality show of all time. If the dopey American masses can eat that horrible shit up, I'm not surprised that the dumb Kpop masses would make EXO the best of the best.

  3. EXO can't be part of the Nazi regime or anything related to it... Why do you ask?

    Because Suho is rich... Therefore he is Jewish.

    And if GCSE History has taught me anything... It's that Jews and Nazis can not be friends.

    1. lol about the Suho thing. And your last name is AWESOME!!!

  4. I mean, they have questionable title tracks but they have a lot of good songs on their album as well imo

    1. This. And I really dig that D.O guy with his IDGAF attitude

  5. OMG actual rare photos from inside Project Luhan.

  6. "How are so many people duped into listening to horrible music?"
    That's not very nice, their album tracks were actually really good. Maybe you don't like their title songs but you can't just say all of their music sucks LOL

    1. everyone seems to defend exo by saying that their album tracks are good, but there are only about 3 tracks on their album that you can listen to more then some ten times without being bored to death, and miracles in december was so damn boring that i couldn't even get past the one minute mark. exo isn't altogether horrible but everything about them is so...bland

    2. Everyone has different tastes with music and I'm not just saying that to defend EXO. You found Miracle of December boring, other people might think it's beautiful. Same with their album tracks.
      I understand your opinion though cause there are other groups and artists that have released music that just straight up didn't appeal to me regardless of how popular the songs were (Taeyang, G-Dragon, Teen Top, etc).

    3. the latest songs from taeyang, g-dragon, teentop are in the same boat as exo's wolf... they are horrible. And about their album being good, it is not true. I have listened to exo's full album and there is only one good song, the rest are the same as wolf.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. SHIT NO. I usually enjoy AKF articles (even if I sometimes disagree with authors) but not this time. You can't compare SM to nazis. I live in Poland; my granddads fought with nazis, and my grandma was almost murdered by them. Also nazis killed and terrorized a lot of people in my country.
    SM is shit but not as big as nazis. End of story.
    And sorry for my bad english. I know that it's suck.;f

    1. My family has starved to death or killed by insurgents in Somalia and people still make 'starved African child' jokes. Basically learn not to take things so seriously

    2. Who jokes about starving children ?
      I don't even know how you can make a joke in any way about it.

    3. Youve never heard somebody say something like "You should finish your food, theres starving kids in african with no food"

    4. I don't think so, but that's also not a joke.

    5. Maybe it's because I use Reddit and Imgur but seen that so many times

    6. You shouldn't go to leddit, they're the second most cancerous site on the internet, right after 9fag. They should be permanently wiped from the internet.

    7. > They should be permanently wiped from the internet.

      You nazi!!!1

    8. If it means forced and unfunny memes will finally die, you can even call me a solanaceous herb.

  9. the number 1 form of delusion. release title tracks so bad that they overrate the other songs.. i've heard the rest of their songs on the albums and they're just ok/good songs. when fans describe the rest of the album as amazing im like stop.

    1. That would explain a lot... I listen to the repackage tracks a lot more than I do the original album ones.

  10. You may find their music bad but at least a lot of them have actual talent. You know being in the music business and all, but then again nowadays that can have nothing to do with possessing musical talent XD.

    In my opinion EXO is great otherwise Suho wouldn't be apart of my name :)

  11. You made my day today! This is just awesome. I love all your articles. Finally someone who has a brain. You made me regain hope in humanity again.

  12. Exo reached that number because of the 10000000 versions of the same album... I don't like how SM tries to make this an acomplishment.

    1. But i have to admit that's a really good way to sell albums and even more when you have horny fangirls.

  13. I have friends who started a #StopEXO movement, but the Nazis threatened to skin them alive, so they died down a bit.

  14. By comparing SM to the nazi propaganda machine, does that make the sm rookies the hitler youth?

    1. The Hitler Youth are all the Exotics who lap it all up. Possibly the SM stans in general, but you could make an argument for them being Italian Fascists or something.

    2. So are SNSD the Italians and Taeyeon Mussolini ?

    3. Look at SHINee's "Everybody" MV. The military like uniforms they wear in it remind me of the Gestapo.

    4. To be fair, Japan's also pretty obsessed with SS uniforms.

    5. Yeah, BoA's Japanese backup dancers wore something similar in one of her concerts.


    6. Japanese "Liberal Democrats" have expressed they'd sympathy towards Nazism several times. Sm stans= Balillas? Sounds appropriate! http://youtu.be/0Jg4fWU4BYY

  15. Well, EXO has all the Chinese fans to think and the four popular members. I don't know how popular they would be without Luhan and Kris in EXO-M or Chanyeol and Sehun in EXO-K helping to get the chinese fans hooked on them. I just don't see where Xiumin, D.O or Suho is charismatic enough to lead them into the popularity level they are at now. It also helps that there are 12 of them. Fangirls are bound to like SOMEONE and thats the bottom line. But bottom line is, EXO is nothing without Luhan, Kris, Chanyeol and Sehun which is apparent by how they are trying to shove them down your throats. Chanyeol is everywhere, he's the new Yoona/Siwon of SM.

    1. ...Are you serious right now? How in the hell do you claim Xiumin, D.O. and Suho are not charismatic enough yet claim Sehun is? Do you even know who Sehun is? And where has SM pushed Sehun? I think you're mixing up names or something.

    2. sehun is basically a dancing vegetable dude what

      and in exo-m kris shouldered a lot of the variety stuff when they were promoting in separate units; he's gotten significantly quieter now, but in 2012 m unit variety shows were all him saying stuff and the members adding stuff on. lu han isn't particularly charismatic, but he does have the awkward manchild look that seems to attract throngs of girls

    3. lol you think I care enough to go into details...that's funny. I never said Sehun was charismatic...I said SM is shoving him down people's throats. No, he's not as in your face as Luhan and Chanyeol but he's there next to them. And if you think Xiumin, Suho and D.O could carry EXO alone....just LMAO. Read next time...it's not that hard to do.

    4. I mean, you seem to know enough about them so you probably care more than you'd like to let on. Sehun has not been shoved down anyone's throats. He's barely done anything. He's tied with Lay for the least activities. "And if you think Xiumin, Suho and D.O could carry EXO alone" where the hell did I say that? Maybe take your own advice, yeah?

  16. Well, it's pretty easy to sell 1 million albums. EXO have the money of SM to promote them globally, plus, whenever they release an album, they have 2 versions, then, they repackage the album and sell it again, knowing that their fans would buy several copies. SM definitely are smart, no doubt. EXO's teasers are their form of propaganda, I guess. Well, the concentration camps must be SM's new parks. Unfortunately, it's function isn't a rehab centre, like Kpopalypse and probably 99% of the population of men want. It's to brainwash people, and punish those who disobey. Damn. Adoif Hitler would be proud of SM (AD) entertainment.

  17. my theory with exo is that they had a two-pronged attack:

    1) they all look good, in a really underage kind of way.

    2) they aren't allowed to do even half of one interesting thing on variety shows so fangirls can fill in the blanks with their ideal personalities

    1 + 2 = perfect imaginary boyfriend for a ronry thirteen year old

    1. If you were to analyse EXO, you notice some interesting things.
      Kai: Dances well, but ugly as hell.
      Luhan: Looks good, sings okay, no one cares about him.
      Kris: Leader, tall, good looking, appeared on TV, mediocre rapping skills.
      D.O: Sings well, ugly.
      Chen: Basically a Chinese D.O.
      Baekhyun: Sings well, doesn't look too bad, called EXO sasaengs crazy.
      Suho: No one really gives a damn about him to be honest.
      Xiumin: Another obscure member that no one knows.
      Chanyeol: The main rapper, and not that well known.
      Lay: Gets 1 line, supposedly the dance machine, no one bothers about him except his "healing" powers.
      Sehun: Youngest, also another member who seems to have no use.
      Tao: Does some martial art, quite athletic, but again, another member who seems to have no use.
      SM's marketing skills with EXO were ingenious. Giving them "powers" was just a strategy to take advantage of curiosity, and to be honest, they look so average to be honest. I remembered many fans telling me that Kai was handsome. He looks hideous to be honest.

    2. jesus bro you have so much poison for exo

    3. I mean damn. Your comment reads as though you hate them but you sure seem to know a lot about them.

    4. I actually copy and pasted that. Lol. And no, to be honest, I'm not a fan of them either. I found that long statement from the net.

    5. My heart shattered into a billion pieces when you called D.O ugly, but meh.

    6. Chen is Korean, even though I know no one here cares.

  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-1XTH0wycQ
    Slay-ara has once again revived all those dead with their cover of this trot song. Midway Hyomin notices everyone is crying from the sheer power of their voices and starts saying "crap, crap crap", to awaken everyone. Eunjung takes her coat off and strips away all dignity as the netizens who called them bullies furiously fap to Hyomins gloves, and Eunjungs dominatrix suit she was wearing under the coat. Showing the charismatic performance of the century, Hyomin and Eunjung dominate all that is in their way showing the netizens just how they can bully those bitches into submission. All it needed was Boram, our new vocal goddess, singing every other line to compliment the song, she's our best main-backup vocalist, not just in Kpop, but in every genre, her Mariah like high notes in Hide and Seek was sure to throw off all the Netizens as they questioned if they were listening to Carey or Jeon. Stay classy, Korea.

    1. I cracked up so hard at that "crap" part. Hyomin still looks fapbulous though

  19. Who knows... maybe they're all illuminati!!! Because there's no way someone may like listening to shit. I mean... if I want to listen to shit then I will just do a big shit in the bathroom, then I will put the shit in my ear, and listen to my own shit instead of exo is illuminati shit, (how many times did I said shit?)



    1. Wow i really like this kind of subjects and i can't believe i read everything even the comments... That reminded me of something i read long ago.


  20. I want to round up all fangirls and force feed them some H-Town

  21. I heard fangirls bought 10 copies of each album at concerts/fansigns, I don't know if its legit but it's highly likely.

    1. well it is very likely that they bought 30+ copies of one album to get into a fansign, because to get into one you have to buy the album from a certain store within a certain period of time and basically its a raffle to determine who gets into the fansign. since exo is so wildly popular now, they might have had to buy even 50 to get in (and this is just for one fansign, so fans that follow them around must have hundreds tbh) but that doesn't really count as an advantage because fans of all artists do this

  22. SM pimped these little EXO hoes HARD this year. They need to.

    Super Senior are way past their expiration date and need to be put to pasture
    SHINee are not seeing anything other than 2-3 tier group status in their careers
    TVXQ look old and busted as fuck

    Why the hell do you think they kidnapped my beloved INFINITE oppars?

    With YG and JYP promising a dick buffet of epic proportions in 2014 I would not be surprised in those greasy faced twinks from the SM Rookies debut within the next few months.

    1. about tvxq though damn yunho really did drink his face to death its like eugh what happened bro get ur shit together

    2. he's still kinda hot i guess but when you compare him to 2006-2008 yunho he looks like a beggar test tube baby abomination

    3. "beggar test tube baby abomination" remind me why i love you

    4. Yunho should really go to the gym and stay there.

  23. I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy your website. It helps to cope with all the fanboy/fangirl comments like this one "♡♡♡ [insert idol name here] ♡♡♡" and the hating replies you can get whenever you say something that does not involve totally and unconditionally loving a song or a member of their favorite group. So yeah, thanks!

  24. maybe it's not the right place to talk about it but can yall please write something about this?!


    i would love to hear your opinions ~~

    1. No-one's boobs look like that when lying down. Not even fake ones.

      Photoshop is a powerful tool.

  25. Aaaaand if you type "anti kpop fangirl" on Google what is the first result to autocomplete??


    1. has there ever been an inflammatory article about infinite? i remember one about inspirits calling the police or some garbage like that but nobody here seems to really care about them :b

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