Thursday, January 2, 2014

First Yoona, Now Sooyoung

Sooyoung has apparently been confirmed by Soompi via Sports Seoul to be dating Jung Kyung Ho.
That's the sound of the collective SONE population rupturing again.
With video too!

Apparently, the two have been previously linked and alleged to be dating since 2012/2013 but their respective companies have denied everything til now. With "definitive" photographic and video evidence to the contrary, their companies now had no choice but to confirm it. No sources on that yet, but that's what some "reputable" SONE twitters have been telling me. 

It never fails to creep me out how these people can get all the photos and video without the targets in question realizing it. As 10x more obnoxious as American paparazzi can get, at least you know they're there most some of the time.

The only complaint I have to this is... Why the fuck pick someone so plain/ugly, Sooyoung?? WTF

You had all the dick in the world to choose from and you chose his. Sigh, for shame.

Anyway, with Yoona and Sooyoung all locked up (and confirmed by SM) plus Hyoyeon allegedly dating someone too, that makes 3/9ths or 1/3rd of SNSD tainted by the D. I don't know if SM planned all this to happen in such a short timeframe of each other, but at this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if the other 6 have relationship stories hit the web too. Good thing Seohyun is a robot and requires nothin less than a Hard Drive and not a USB nawmean If the trend keeps up, old news like Jessica fucking Taecyeon, or Taeyeon fucking some guy in Super Junior (Donghae??) might as well be true too.

Maybe it's all some elaborate scheme by SM to steal all the media attention for SNSD's impending January comeback, because it sure buried poor Girl's Day's comeback media play attempts.


  1. Ahjussi (Part Two)

    Suddenly, Ahjussi gets a notification from his Soshi Sasaeng App, photos have been leaked and SM have confirmed that Sooyoung is dating someone as well...

    "No, not my beloved Shikshin! These bastards are contaminating my poor sweet innocent Soshi... I must move quickly!"

    He finds out the dude's name is Jung Kyung Ho and unlike Lee Seung Gi, he looks like someone that is not worthy of even breathing the same air as Sooyoung, let alone locking lips and embracing her.

    "I'm gonna cut him!" he says, putting on his balaclava molded from the skin and silicone found in Lee Seung Gi's face. "I should really hurry up before someone notices the head in the trunk".

    He rings the doorbell and hold his machete aloft, Jung answers the door with a cheery smile on his face and a half-naked Sooyoung wrapped around his arm... And arm that after answering the doorbell, he no longer has.

    Ignoring the shrill screams of his beloved, Ahjussi starts chopping the man into pieces, stripping meat from bone like a homeless person in KFC.

    Ahjussi then steps out of the home, leaving the corpse to lay there in a pool of blood. "But there can't be any witnesses..." he murmurs aloud, and without a second thought nor a slither of sanity left, he holds the machete aloft and with a tear rolling down his cheek, he proclaims, "Good night, sweet princess...".

    A sickening thud and gush of crimson liquid explodes out of the cleaved skull of the corpse formerly known as Choi Sooyoung.

    Ahjussi leaves the home again, carrying the body of his loved one, and lays her gently into the trunk of his car... he closes the trunk after one last solemn gaze at his handiwork and scampers to the driving seat of the car that was formerly Lee Seung Gi's.

    Choking on his own tears he bellows, "I want to forget!" and puts on the radio, but pounds his fist into it the moment he hears...

    "Ayo GG!".

    (I think that's an accurate depiction of an Uncle Fan to this piece of news!)

  2. If Taeyeon is revealed to be dating anybody besides Tiffany, T.O.P, or some qt korean girl I think I'm going to stop paying attention to kpop. I've been looking for a reason to get out anyway.

  3. SM make publicity for their comeback

    1. I don't think so. SNSD is at a level where everything they do is news so why would they bother to do this ?
      I feel like some shaddy stuffs are going on with the governement and the latter is trying to buried their "mistakes and scandals" with these news because it's sure weird how two medias release dating scandals from members of a same group.

  4. You don't find him gorgeous ? Granted, it wasn't the best picture of him but you should try to watch Heartless City, he is freakin' hot in that drama :)

  5. Am I the only one that doesn't give a single fuck about any of them dating? The only dating news that caught my attention was tony an and hyeri's.

  6. wasn't there a rumour about taeyeon and leeteuk a long time ago? :b

  7. This from from NB
    [+60, -10] Jung Kyung Ho "I'm dating a non-celebrity." Well, I guess Sooyoung's face would be considered non-celebrity

    [+41, -4] Maybe he called his girlfriend a non-celebrity because Sooyoung's face doesn't look like a celebrity

    Dem shade man

  8. Well, good for her I guess. She used to be my fave back in the days(I still like her tho, 'cause she's funny and querky), up until I found this site since then I still cannot un-see the things AKF revealed

    1. IKR! AFK corrupted the incorruptible... but I can't look away.

  9. Jessica's already probably fucked Taecyeon and Donghae, so her dating someone is not going to be news to me.

    PS. I think both Yoona and Sooyoung's boyfriends are unattractive.

    1. That's why. hmmm, there is somehting called, hmmm, personality, you know? Normally it comes with a person, fyi.

    2. all 4 are unattractive 'cept that the dudes are au naturel.

    3. ...on second thoughts, maybe not.

    4. @RFD I know there's a thing called personality, just making a comment on how I feel about their looks since I don't know them and therefore I don't have the right to make comments on their personalities.

    5. Hyoyeon's boyfriend is the best looking out of the 3.

  10. Maybe it's their upcoming concept..."Now we all got a boy" or something

  11. Her boyfriend looks a bit like Baekhyun or however his idol name spells.

    1. Hell naw! Her boyfriend is plain-looking as fuck.

  12. For once I agree with knetizen comments lol

  13. I don't care who Sooyoung and Yoona fuck. As long as no one is fucking Tiffany, I'm ok.

  14. Now I just need to know who Taeyeon is dating.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Don't think anybody really cares who Sooyoung is dating, but obviously a step up for this dude considering Sooyoung is considered to be mad rich thanks to her family.

    I was actually happy about the Yoona thing, at-least there is no more TaecYoon or YoonTaec or whatever the hell it was called. I hope Jessica doesn't date Taecyeon; it would kill her ice-princess image to date a cornball of that level.

  17. I thought she was a bro hoe? http://youtu.be/7nS4hXuSx2k?t=1m35s
    I dont know why people think she's not that pretty, I would love an opportunity to re-break her tailbone.


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