Sunday, January 19, 2014

We're (Supposedly) Pro-Anorexia

For those that regularly read the comments, you probably know who wrote this. For those that don't, here:

Yes, everyone's problems in the world are all my fault.

President Obama using drones to kill innocent people in Pakistan? My fault.
The economy still sucking ass in 2014? My fault.
The black unemployment rate being much higher than the national average? My fault.
The reason why Muslims and Jews can't get along? My fault.
The reason why gay people can't get married? My fault.
The obesity epidemic in America? My fault.
The reason the government won't allow fracking to expand and grow the economy? My fault.
The reason why Apple sucks? My fault.
The reason why so many Kpop stars have to get plastic surgery? My fault.
The reason why G Dragon smokes weed? My fault.
The reason why Daesung ran over someone? My fault.
The reason why Seungri loves to jizz on titties? My fault.
The reason why Nicole and Jiyoung left Kara? My fault.
The reason why Hyoyeon gets called ugly? My fault.
The reason why Jiyeon gets called Cyclops? My fault.
Okay, that last one may actually be my fault.

The opinions of nine assholes on the Internet that you don't even know shouldn't affect you. Just because I would rather have sex with Han Ye Seul than Roseanne Barr shouldn't be the basis of why you're anorexic. If you truly have issues, go seek help instead of blaming some random asshole on the Internet for all of your problems.

Han Ye Seul is essentially the root of all evil when it comes to anorexia in this world.

What a bitch.


  1. She wrote a lengthy blog post that I'll have to respond to, but in the meantime, lololol.


    1. This blog post, Funny or pathetic, Take your votes now.

    2. Boy is she butthurt. She should be the next STFU.

    3. http://pastebin.com/8s5u9upJ
      if anyone would like to read my opinion/read her argument being destroyed there it is.

      Also side note: does Yenny visit this website, I swear there was an article suggesting a subunit of Fei and Yubin...

    4. Honestly, that whole thing was ridic, but I was glad to see in the comment section that people were rationalizing it out to her in a kind way, not just saying "omfg stfu ur a dumbass". They had some solid arguments. This girl really does need professional help, rather than taking it out on people who she doesn't agree with.

  2. Yeah, we're all worshipping Sooyoung and never say when girls are too skinny...
    Truly, we are the root and AKF is our Hitler.

    "The reason the government won't allow fracking to expand and grow the economy?" - This is actually a good thing, though. lol

    I had to laugh at the last two examples. haha

    Once again it shows that behind a laughable nick, there's a laughable personality.

    1. After reading her blog post; Being pretty isn't the most important thing. Especially if you're not in a beauty-centered business like idols are.

    2. And judging by the other blog she linked, with pics of her on it, she's not fat, but pretty fucking average.

      It's also funny how she absolutely ignores that we talk similar shit about guys. This is so insanely typical of SJW (social justice warrior) women, they strategically blend out anything that doesn't directly affect them.

      "I know you can't blame the companies for a. starving them, or b. forcing them to go under the knives and get boob jobs [..]" - Oh no, you very well can.

      What she's doing is the same as going on 4chan, getting burned and then calling the users assholes. It's stupid, useless and completely redundant.
      Especially if you upload pictures, it's your own damn fault if you get shat on.

    3. "Typically, people fishing for compliments attracts insults. I'm not saying it's in any way courteous, but the internet is not the place to look for courtesy." I thought that comment summed it up pretty well.

      The thing is, what you post gets spread around. The internet can be a really cruel, cruel place, and that's why it's important to be cautious about what you're posting.
      A chatroom on this site was clearly NOT the place for a selfie or two - and the fact that she needed your opinions to justify her appearance... well it really puts her entire "fuck you AKP and ur skewed beauty preferences" argument into a loop of hypocrisy. What goes around comes back around, and on a "no shit" site like this, the chances of it not being in a good way are incredibly high.

  3. Hey girl, you are not a hideous beast. You just look like a normal American girl. We are all normal people here on this blog. Just be satisfied in your own normal identity. You see us admiring these women and think these are the only women we'd ever be interested in? More so than that, you somehow let the site lead you to believe all men everywhere hold such standards for themselves? No. You should be more concerned with the fact you are literally driving yourself crazy by comparing yourself to and trying to compete with international pinnacles of beauty that millions of people admire knowing they have zero chance at ever being with them. Do you know how crazy I would be if I thought the only way I'd get a woman is if I was like Won Bin or Rain or T.O.P? That's a ludicrous standard.

    In real life, there are some things you can to do be fit (which is not starving yourself, slimness has little to do with weight) which will give you an edge, but attracting other people is about being an engaging, interesting, and charming person. All three of those things flow out from being secure in yourself so you can bring something to the life of the other person instead of looking to them to complete you, which no one can.

    Aside from missing this essential point of socialization and attraction, you have also severely misinterpreted a lot of things said on this site, which we have blatantly stated again and again, yet continue getting ignored (which in a way keeps it fun), that fangirls hold these idols up as perfect gods so making fun of them is a good way to troll those fangirls. It really works, and being hypocrites by worshipping goddesses such as our lord and savior cyclops is just another layer of trolling fun to piss them off. It's pretty simple yet somehow forever effective.

    Anyway, these posts are giving me some motivation to write my master post on many important topics around beauty, value, talent, and entertainment. Perhaps I will...

    1. Aaaaawww, you so QT <3. Kiss my a$$, How can you get mad at these people? Welcome to the aegyo side of antiloopfangirl <3 *rainbows*

  4. This is my first time commenting but I just had to address this. As someone who is currently suffering from anorexia, I would just like to say this girl is very very stupid. I don't actually understand what her problem is. How exactly is she living life if seeing people thinner than her makes her want to relapse? Anorexics don't relapse by seeing people thinner than them otherwise no one would be able to be properly treated. It might just be me but I'm more worried with how I look myself than how I want to look like others. Her rant makes no sense also, why is she complaining about white people on an Asian entertainment centered blog? Also, she clearly doesn't understand how being pro-ana works. Maybe if you guys posted about how to stop yourself from eating and to make sure to eat in front of the mirror so you can be reminded how repulsive your body is, then yes, you would be pro-ana. Posting pictures of woman who are attractive doesn't make you pro-ana. It just means you appreciate someone looks. And why the hell is she talking about the T&A on this site?? She just seems to be nitpicking about everything. Calling everyone's breasts fake and putting in her own personal experience as if it's relevant to boob sizes...jackass.

    Oh god don't get me started on her damn tumblr. "i didn't lose enough weight to be considered anorexic" it's a mental disorder, you're diagnosed by your mindset and bad eating habits, not your weight, otherwise every underweight person would be anorexic. That's like saying I didn't cut deep enough to be considered depressed, makes no sense.
    Ugh, my first time commenting and it seemed more like a rant but she just irked the shit out of me. Anyways, dumb bitch is dumb. Keep up the good work on the site :)

    1. *hug* my ex girlfriendsuffered from anorexia, so I can understand how you feel.

    2. actually dsm iv uses bmi to measure anorexia- (less than 85% of healthy bmi => ana) idk about dsm v because that just got put into place but yeah

      as a recovering bulimic myself though i did find her commemts pretty annoying

    3. I wanted to comment with similar thoughts, but you pretty much summed it up. Although I didn't suffer from an ED myself, one of my best friends did suffer from anorexia and seeing her battle it was tormenting.

      This girl seems to be trying so hard to be seen as depressed, anorexic... craving for attention.I can't take her seriously.

      Anyway, AKF is probably my favorite K-Pop blog and I love it just the way it is.

  5. lololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololollolololololol

  6. I did see pictures of snsd on a pro-ana blog once and you also have pictures of them sometimes. So law of sylliogism, this is a pro-ana blog. That's it.

  7. Actually you have had a pretty big influence on hyoyeon being called ugly

    She couldn't possibly be called anything worse than average looking now tbh (have you seen her in marchen fantasy? Errmeehgerd)

    Not exactly relevant but, hyo fans gonna fan

  8. thin privilege is having akf make blog post about u

    you will never be a big and beautiful woman with curves like me

  9. How in the HELL does this site promote anorexia? And compared to say 90% of people in the Korean Entertainment Industry, Han Ye Seul is a lot healthier looking! Han Ye Seul is my fave actress and model btw.

  10. Poor girl. Nobody hates her as much as she hates herself. It's a pity though.. with confidence, she'd probably be a really beautiful girl.

    And I can vouch for AKF. This site is the most just and unbiased site when it comes to talking about beauty... okay maybe not really unless you read in between the lines and not take everything said here too seriously.

    Also dear ki$$-my-a$$, if you cannot handle the things being said here, maybe you should visit this site so often. Just a thought. =)

  11. What I don't get is why she singled out my post in particular. Obviously she didn't fucking read it because there's not a word about skinny girls in there, and if anything I'm the resident chubby chaser. Maybe she just saw the title "Chocolate Love" and started thinking about how she'd really like a piece of chocolate and everything kind of snowballed from there for her.

    1. Oh my god I just read her blog. So many misinterpretations. She's not even reading what she's reading. She thinks I'm comparing Sulli to a llama while totally missing the connection of why the llama is there. She notices that I ranked Martina highest on my boobs post but doesn't stop to think why I might've done that - I'm practically throwing people like her a bone and she doesn't even know what to do with it. Someone please link her the Piggydolls post I made, I'd love to see what she makes of that one. I'd leave a comment on her blog and take her flaccid argument apart piece by piece but time is short and I've got bigger (fatter) fish to fry.

    2. I left a reply to her, sorry I didn't link the Piggydolls post. Is that this

      Also read Shinbi wrote an anti-diet one on them. Err... anyone have the link?

    3. I think she's just searching the antikpopfangirl tag on tumblr given that I made that post about your article when you first published it, and she only reblogged it yesterday or the day before. I think she's just young, delusional, and looking for attention.

    4. The piggydolls post: http://antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com.au/2013/09/this-little-piggy-doll-didnt-go-to.html

  12. I'd like to see a tie-in post about the Rainbow Blaxx vid in which that madame measures the girls disapproving with a tape measure. I think it'd go really well with our pro-anorexia stance.

  13. I think hyoyeon getting called ugly AFTER she became hot is kinda your fault somewhat. Lol jokes (well not rlly)

    1. I don't think hot is the right word here. More like she finally made it to average attractiveness.

      And I've been calling Hyogre ugly long before I discovered this site.

    2. I think hot is the perfect word here lol.

  14. AKF also made me turn gay when he posted those morbidly obese woman, thanks AKF.

  15. I feel really bad for her, she is so young and is looking for herself. she just doesn't know how to vent her frustration. the blog post aren't terrible, they are more entertaining. and sometime informative. i like this website, even with the girl post. i look at the girls as inspiration for makeup ideas for my cosplays.

  16. She must've never read the stuff i wrote. Newbie.

    She'd be ashamed her butthole was so small.

  17. Okay here goes nothing
    1) as far as I am aware most of the "shaming" that goes on here is in jest? If you people really think Suzy is fat we need to talk because her profile weight is 45kg or something and guesstimating her heaviest was maybe 55kg? And? ? Members of snsd even joke about Hyo being an ogre why is that an akf thing. And CL... well idk. But I doubt most of you folk would actually walk up to someone like Suzy/Hyo/CL and call them fat/orge/ugly etc. Called humor, okay.
    2) what. She specifically linked a ton of selfies, and not only is she really fucking pretty, she's not remotely fat? At all. Nor ugly. She reminds me of my boyfriend's ex who was gorgeous af too. (Weird comparison, I know but bear with me). That whole bit makes her sound body dysmorphic more than anything and seeing the captions and tags on her selfies doesn't help.
    3) uhhh how is that promoting anorexia. Don't remember that post in specific but I'll assume it was a classic "yo dis chick is hot fap now" post. Not as if whoever wrote it was like "yo dis chick is hot look at how skinny she is like 40kg soaking wet anorexia is such a turn on" yeah she is skinny. But people find what they want to find hot. She isn't attracted to anyone who would like her (as she said herself) does that mean she's encouraging them to do whatever to become more attractive to her?
    4) ??????????
    a) Sulli is not a llama, she is a cao ni ma, or grass horse which is because of her choice of language, not her looks. Amber is the selfproclaimed llama, but anyway.
    b) going to assume the sica bit was written before chuck's realization sica is now really hot but anyway. Called humor. I've never thought of sica or hyomin as particularly horse-ish either but whatever if you folk laugh idc.
    5) the author page is a thing. There's
    -shinbi (who published a piece against piggy dolls dieting quite a while ago, which would be a direct argument againt anorexia. But nah.)
    -the Fany pack
    I think that's it atm, but there's been plenty of female authors so? ?
    6) uh why is this on here. Called an opinion. Even different authors within the sight can think differently about songs what does this have do with anything
    7) ?? Again. Ok. I'm not one of them (;;) but there are women who happen to store most of their weight in their boobs, or get skinny and still maintain their breast size. I don't know how it works and it infuriates me because as soon as I start dieting my boobs/butt are the first to go, but it happens. And calling G.Na's (among others) boobs plastic (they look real to me plus they've fluctuated a bit with her weight) is a tad hypocritical, since she even had issues with malnutrition a while ago and I think has some level of insecurity over them (when she debuted they were trying to hide them I remember.) So uhh. A person's definition of the ideal boobs/butt is again, an opinion thing. Some people find massive boobs and black girl ass hot, some would rather have err, perky boobs and a tight butt? Idk I don't even like these things.

    Also an earlier point she made, but I'll throw it out here. Guess what? I've got an eating disorder. Akf didn't fuel it, but you know what doesn't fucking help? Seeing girls who are at a great, healthy, perfect weight that I would kill to be complain about being fatasses. It's not her in specific, but I see that all over and I think that's much worse than akf posting skinny girls and making jokes about Suzy. And so even though she's acting like a huge source of justice here I doubt she realizes she could be fueling someone elses anorexia. I'm not going to go starve myself anymore than I already am but there's plenty of other girls out there who are heavier than she ever was who could, and can be very easily influenced by her remarks about her weight.

    Okay. There. I've dumped my rant.

    1. *I put sight not site a while ago and cbf reposting so

    2. I'm glad you at least had the patience to go about addressing her ignorance on various matters.

    3. By members claiming hyoyeon an ogre I assume you mean Jessica calling her Princess Fiona because of her weight years ago - nothing to with her looks officially

      I find the posts here funny but this is the one thing that rustles my jimmies - everywhere else has essentially accepted she got a good make over and looks better/pretty good/really hot

      This is the only place that people still think she is ugly that I have seen

    4. "This is the only place that people still think she is ugly that I have seen" - You must be visiting only grouphugging circlejerk boards then.

    5. Maybe - better than sticking around boards that just talk shit for the sake of talking shit and can't move on from 2009.

      Is she the least attractive idol in Kpop? Personal preference. Is she ugly? Hell nah.
      I frequent this board because it has a lot of funny things on it. But dumb stuff like that is a major jimmie-rustler.

    6. "major jimmie-rustler"... oh boy...

    7. I think we can all agree than Hyoyeon now looks far and away the best she's ever been, cause she either getttin that D or smokin that B.

      My guess is both.

    8. "major jimmie-rustler" indeed. It is a fun phrase to use.

    9. I couldn't disagree more. I hate unoriginal meme-spouting and people that use them have immediately lost all credibility in my book.

    10. So my rational points are not credible because I used an overused meme? (which in all honesty I did not know was so widely used)

      Seems a shame dude. Regardless, this is supposed to be a place that dislikes delusional fangirls. And to me, it seems very delusional for someone like her to be called an ogre despite obviously not being.

      Anyway I have a habit of debating too much. I'll give it a rest now - just putting my point out there.

    11. "So my rational points are not credible because I used an overused meme?" - For me, yes.

    12. Well that's just something you should try and improve on then. Meanwhile I'll not use overused memes if I know they are overused.

    13. I don't see it as an improvement to accept meme-spouting.
      But I guess this dialogue has run its course.

  18. I have certain issues with some of the stuff posted on this site, but I still come here because I find a vast majority of it entertaining. I certainly don't blame this website for any of my insecurities or my weight problem. If anything, the beauty standards that I sometimes disagree with on this site have helped me find things I like better about myself.

    That entire post was really just her 1) using her hatred AKF as a way to express her own hatred of herself and 2) trying to use AKF as an excuse as to why she hates herself so much. She literally went around in loops, using any spec of "proof" that she could in order to justify her deluded idea that AKF is out to make women feel like shit.

  19. In response:

    I really think you should stop blaming people on this website for your mental shortcomings. If a blog posting has such a huge effect on your mental stabilty than your mind truly was not stable in the first place. I think you have issues from your past that has effected the way you see yourself and now it's time to seek improvement.

    It is time to stop living in the past and start living in the now. The past is simply what you've told yourself. It is time to sit down and write out all the wonderful things that make you who you are. Time to think about what you love about yourself and your future goals. Seriously take some time to write down positives....negatives....goals. then begin to work on improvement even if you have to seek help from others.

    Also i would advise you to not worry about men/boys until you have completed realized you love yourself. You cannot love others until you love yourself. You may want acceptance from others but you need to first accept yourself.

    Stop blaming blogs for your problems and you need to ask yourself....why am i reading a blog and being bothered? And...how can i overcome this?

    Also one last thing...never take anything on this site too seriously. It's all in fun. Us men dont really have a place we can talk about kpop. Kpop is a thing we all love but can make fun of at the same time.

    I hope you read this and see i am trying to tell you to love yourself....find what you like about yourself...seek help....and never seek love of others unless you first truly love yourself. You are all you will ever have.

    1. Sulli_fag, I love it when you're srs.

      Pls sniff her butthole tho, she could use the confidence booster

    2. I was deeply moved, then I masturbated.

      All jokes aside, this was a nicepost

    3. P.S.: We all kiss you, please come back.

    4. You got it right the first time, we all kiss Sulli_fag after he's licked every asshole from this side of the Earth.

    5. You all kiss...my butthole.

      It's juicy and waiting.

  20. Stop going to her blog guys, shes earning big $$$ from the hits

    On a side note bro, bring on more curvy girls please!

  21. I think she's looking for someone to blame when it's her own mindset who 'cause those shits... I love it when bitches be hatin' and akf be like 'bitch get out it aint' my problem' lol


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