Friday, February 7, 2014

AKF Design Update

Hey guys, I thought I'd give you all an update about AKF's design. As you know, I changed the layout about a month ago, but I did it relatively quickly and there are many things that I'm not happy with. I also know, from people's comments online, that quite a few of you aren't too fond of the new layout either. That's why I have decided to revamp the site, once again, don't worry you won't have to deal with fonts like Paytone One or the teal colour scheme any more - the site will look much more cleaner.

I just wanted to give you heads up because I'll be updating the site over the next couple of days (including today), and since I'd rather not take the site offline for a few days, if AKF takes a while to load or looks different it's because I'm playing around with the code.

I hope you enjoy the new features when you get to see the completed site!


  1. More compact and functional is always good.

  2. I'd also like to have an option to have more than five articles on the first/front page.

  3. Looks really clean! The authors' names are still smooshy, though.

    Can we move the FAQ image under the "about us" so people can see it immediately or should we just leave it as is?

  4. Looks great!

    There's a big empty space to the right of the banner though. I wonder if the banner should be centred... or perhaps we could put some boobs there or something.

    1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrMawW5J6NU

    2. OMG the banner has been changed and there is now boobs exactly where I suggested that they go. All hail akisame!

  5. Looks like we'll have to bring in comekpop to fix the name issue again lol.

  6. It looks clean and crisp. Cool!

  7. Thank you for changing this. I absolutely HATED that girly bubblegum colours even though I'm not a guy. Don't give me any more heart attacks kthxb.

    1. I don't think the previous color palette fit AKF's tone as a site, it was kind of soft and flowery. I can't say I'm a fan of the current brick background though or the gradient navigation bar.

    2. "or the gradient navigation bar."


    3. I feel like gradients are best left untouched unless you're confident you can implement it into a design so it feels cohesive with the entire look, and color is factor that makes or brakes a gradient for me. I don't feel like the monochromatic grey fits with the rest of the site, everything else is relatively flat save for the raised look of the navigation bar.

      A textured background like the brick wall is just completely jarring to me especially with the kind of site this is; maybe the navigation bar would look better against a solid color. At the end of the day, it's personal preference and this isn't my site.

      I do like kpopalypse's redesign, not perfect, but much cleaner compared to what he had. http://kpopalypse.wordpress.com/

    4. I used an extremely subtle marble texture behind my site. It felt better to me than just having a blank colour with everything 'drifting', it anchors things a bit. Funnily enough I was inspired by akisame's brick wall which I think looks really good.

  8. I like it better than the last one.

  9. I like the authors list and how putting the number up there made me realize that a third of the authors are female. :p

    1. OMG we're called "the nine", how fucking badass. All we need to do now is doublecross and shoot each other Reservoir Dogs style.

    2. It should list which SNSD member we'd be like in parentheses or something. But I don't wanna be Sooyoung :[

      Actually, that's just a bad idea

  10. 1)The main page has very few articles and it gets irritating clicking "older posts" . Can you fit in at least 7 articles per page, you can resize the fonts,images and all.
    2)One technical change i would like---- Can you integrate the comment section with lets say google+ or Discus...so that we may know if our comments got responded, likes or disliked. And the current comment section has too many blank spaces between one post and another..mainly font resizing.
    3)How about a BLACK dark theme...save energy..

    1. and when we click reply the page, the view automatically flies up to the top, very irritating
      and there are those dead spaces to the left and right
      we wont mind small google-text-based Ads...

    2. I'm not adding Disqus to the blog and you can be notified if you just click the "Notify Me" option before you hit the "Publish" button.

      "We won't mind small google-text-based Ads" - I don't think Chuck wants to sell out AKF just yet.

    3. ALSO! There's nothing I can do about there not being an edit function or the page automatically going up when you comment.


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