Monday, February 10, 2014

AKF Psychological Therapy

It's been a few days since I last made an article because I have been receiving psychological therapy. You see, I never knew drawing dicks meant that I had a psychological disorder. I just thought that I wanted to pee in some of these female Kpop idols' butts.

You can read more about the (supposed) psychological disorders in this OneHallyu thread.

I called up a psychologist and set up an appointment to get a psychological evaluation done. I remember the conversation vividly.

Me: "Doctor, people have been telling me that I have psychological disorders just because I find Korean idols to be hot."

Doctor: "Well, I don't see the problem, yet. Go on."

Me: "So I run a site where I post just whatever the fuck I want, and from time to time, I make edits using MS Paint. I usually draw stick figures banging an idol or edit dicks into a female idol's mouth."

Doctor: "Pornographic drawings don't equate to psychological disorders."

Me: "That's what I'm saying. I mean, if fangirls are allowed to spend hours writing terrible fanfics about male idols butt fucking each other, what's so wrong with me spending five minutes editing a picture?"

I then proceeded to show the doctor some of the drawings and the unedited original pictures.

Doctor: "Well, the only thing that I see wrong is that you don't do this enough. Your therapy is to simply draw more of these pictures."


  1. The first two photos are breathtaking, that lucky stick man.

  2. I need to call a psychologist because I like this site lol.

  3. Is it wrong that I'm a girl and I really don't mind the fact that you find female idols attractive??? I mean for christ sake there are no ugly idols to begin with so you can't help but be attracted to some of them. Ugh. I find the drawings silly but its up to the idol to decide rather they are offended or not. I'm pretty sure I need psychologic help, but it is most definitely NOT because I like this site.

    1. Except for hyoyeon, of course.

    2. In my own personal opinion I think she's quite pretty, just styled completely wrong :/ Seriously, she looked mad beautiful in her IGAB photo book and their 2012 and 2013 Japanese promotions. But like I said that's just my opinion.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. She is hot, ppl here are stuck in 2009

    5. No matter how hot she is getting, she is still nowhere in the same level as the other members imo.

    6. No amount of plastic surgery can save her.

    7. She needs a nose job, But then... I agree with No.

    8. And a mouth job.
      It's a Never Ending Story(tm).

    9. I'm always in the minority when it comes to kpop. This is one of those times I am.

    10. she probably need a sex change too back on her early days since she looked like a male orc

    11. I 100% agree. I find her to be the hottest, idgaf

    12. Many women think Hyoyeon is the "hottest" because she's actually the least attractive member of the group and therefore less threatening to the average female fan. Women are always ready to praise other women who are roughly as attractive as them or uglier than them, but when a much hotter chick walks into the room suddenly she's a dirty whore, too skinny and/or slutty, and an automatic bitch.

      Women are so predictable(and I would know, I am one).

  4. Should have made them in 4K resolution, just to make even more of a statement. haha

    Coincidentally, kids that get upset over stupid crap like that are always incapable of articulating themselves properly.
    Going by post #33 she's apparently also anti-homosexuality.

    1. As comekpop pointed out, those thread tags are hilarious:
      "AKF, you sick dog, god damn you, perver fucker, you will get sue soon"

  5. Any fangirl who says it's wrong to like an idol only for their appearance is spewing self-righteous BS. If Kpop were only music, it wouldn't even have an audience LOL.

  6. "do people still read his blog, he sounds like a butthurt and lusty 10 year old"

    "darling he is not that important but i think he got a sexual harassment when he was young,he should go to see a psychiatrist and you too if you think that site is okay"

    so did you got sexual harassment when you were young ? LOL

    1. A boyfriend fan said the first quote, Obvs butthurt their oppas are being called names.

  7. plot twist: the doctor is kpopalypse

    way to troll the horny fangirl akf

  8. Nom nom nom nom nom

    That thread was delicious

  9. Would you believe I looked at that third picture for a good thirty seconds before I worked out what the edit was.

  10. AKFG is a total cunt, fuck that guy! The Real CZ is the only man who will ever rule my heart <3

  11. These drawings... are masterpieces!

  12. Those picture dude, I laughed at little too hard at those pictures, especially after reading the story. They are so bad, they had crying. I think I got a six pack, you sick fuck. I fucking love it. You gotta make more, this is what those korean comedy shows should be doing. LMFAO

  13. http://i.minus.com/iWO66iFyqDqK5.gif


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