Saturday, February 1, 2014

How absurd/stupid/crazy kpop concepts happen

Apply that to sexy vs innocent concepts in kpop, and that is how it happens.


  1. Haha, so true. For years, fans have been bitching like crazy about how so many girl groups do cute concepts and how disgusting it is because they cater to uncle fans, so then the girl groups do sexy concepts and are now slut shamed.

    1. To be fair, cute concepts look better on some groups. I for one miss the Girl's Day singing about their vaginas in a much less in-your-face kind of way. On the other hand, some concepts for groups that are overly sexy kind of warrant the shaming especially if they initially came out with a uber-syooper-sugoi cute concept but went from 0 - 90 in the following concept. I mean at least Girl's Day did that whole, transition of Nothing Lasts forever > Don't forget me > Expectation > Something (even though I don't find something to be that sexy more like a desperate grasp to try to remain fresh and in peoples minds but whatever). Then again, I'm one of those cray-cray's that when I stan for something I stan for it 100% and don't care what they release as long as it's consistent with what they've released before; i.e. T-ara, AoA, BESTie, Nine Muses, some other random group that's attractive. I miss my pug unnir.

    2. I like how fangirls complain about groups like SNSD doing 'fake' aegyo, but also complain when groups like Girl's Day do sexy concepts. Anyway, in regards to Girl's Day, I liked some of their songs, as long as they could carry off the sexy concept in a classy form that isn't trashy. Female President was rather trashy to say the least. Since sexy concepts are popular in the industry now, many girl groups would try it eventually, just a different way of portraying it. Fangirls are the ultimate hypocrites. Most of them obviously feel inferior towards the female idols and often insult the idols with terms like: 'Plastic', 'Slut', 'Annoying' to make themselves feel less inferior. They also apparently love to look at shirtless males and complain when females reveal a little of their body. Apparently male idols have the right to cater to teenage girls but female idols can't cater to their male fans.

    3. i dont think they like snsd because they are still relevant and can crush whatever group goes up against them, without even trying, lol. that makes me laugh so hard. im like duh bitches, they can wear boxes on stage and still sell a million. the concept thing, most of these groups go for sexy, which i don't mind. but its the same safe sexy shit that every other group is doing. don't get me wrong i love rania, one of my favorite groups, even if the members aren't that hot. yet, i don't hear fan girls giving them shit anymore. its just the groups that did cute and then went to sexy after they matured. and they should be made at the groups, its the dumb ass companies seeing the other groups doing it and fucking copying each other. i don't know why the companies think sexy, is just wearing fucking black and rubbing yourself. you do sexy go all the way. tits and ass please.

  2. And from this, a group like Crayon Pop gains popularity, even though they exhibit neither the typical traits of a cute concept nor of a sexy one. Oh, and they're still shunned by fangirls.

    1. Well, ever since Way supposedly shoved down precious Sunny (so the trolls and cray cray sones would have you think, and they'd probably add beat & stomped on if they could), Crayon Pop are on a lot of fangirls' shit lists lately, which makes me even more of a CP fan.

    2. Well, fangirls definitely apply mainly to EXO and their batshit crazy fangirls.

  3. This post is so cryptic, I guess it's telling how no one knows what the mass wants, and that the guy was talking about zelda franchise.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hell I want something that is more like older KPOP ala 2003-2008 where we had things like cleavage, partying and acting naturally sexy.

  4. Fangirls are so selfish lol, Apparently your oppa's can please you but our noona's can't, I also seen some gay male fans slut shaming girl groups on Youtube a lot. Wierd af to me.

  5. I'm still indesicive about fangirls. One the one hand, they annoying, selfish, mysoginst, idiotic cuts who deserve to be thrown off a cliff along with all their k-netizen buddies, but on the other hand they are hilarious as fuck! My favourite comment takenfrom RBBlaxx's Cha Cha MV: "The moral of this video is that the members of Rainbow are prostitues and if you think otherwise then you're just delusional" that is literally word for word the comment.


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