Thursday, March 13, 2014

Ladies Code's Zuny Is So Cute

Now I actually have to pay attention to Ladies Code. I better get accustomed to all of the vocal masturbation and obnoxious yelling in their songs.


  1. I feel like Ladies' Code use the "vocal masturbation" and "obnoxious yelling" pretty sparingly. Except in Pretty Pretty. That one's a bit yelly. I still feel like Bad Girl is their best.

    1. Pretty Pretty was the first song I listened to from them...and I hate it lol.

    2. pretty pretty was meh, they should have promoted "hate you"..

    3. Must be the only one who likes Pretty Pretty.

    4. I like "Pretty Pretty," too. In fact, it's the song that first made me get in to them. It also resulted in a 2-hour binge of Ladies' Code songs. Seeing as there were only 3 I liked at the time, it was pretty intense. I haven't been on a good kpop bender since.

  2. I loved her rap in "Hate You", it's what made me Zuny-biased. I like Ladies Code's sound, I find them very appealing musically.

    1. I remember feeling like the rap in Hate You felt a little awkward and forced. Your opinion is different from mine and therefore you're wrong and should be sorry.

    2. My name is cha_cha :P

  3. After School Club is quite possibly the worst show I have ever seen. They actually put in extra effort to make things as absolutely awkward as possible for everyone involved. The lame and annoying hosts (though Hanbyul is lukewarm hot), the wait for the idols to understand what the fuck everyone is saying and the awkward as fuck fans on hangout.

    1. Yep. I've tried watching a couple of episodes, but I couldn't get past how cringeworthy the hosts were.

    2. I think the only ones I've watched is the Nine Muses episode and the Girls Day cooking one, but the second they started the hangout I skipped that shit, and yeah the host make shit super uncomfortable

    3. I watched the BTS episode because it was on my birthday. Will regret for rest of life.

    4. I never heard of this show until now. I may have to watch it to see if it is as bad as you guys are saying lol.

    5. It is awkward but a great opportunity for international fans to communicate with their favorite idols. There are lots of awkward moments since it's a live show but I really don't think it's as bad as you guys think it is.

  4. WTF lol. Amazing MC's, Yoo Jae Suk should watch and learn. And the girl is meh. Sorry CZ.

  5. Mines. I claimed her already, check the akf chat history when bob first intoduced us last year, I like her caus she looks like aubrey plaza from parks and rec

    1. Damn, first Bob claims Hani and now you claim Zuny.

  6. I hate those two guys. I am never able to watch a full after school club episode, because it is always boring.

    1. I only saw the one with Got7 (I think it was After School club, could be wrong) and the highlight was the cartwheeling.

    2. And Mark and JB's duet thingy.

  7. she is the cutest....after eunb ofc. but still, she's one of my fav maknaes


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