Saturday, March 22, 2014

Orange Caramel bad for humanity?

Broadcasting group KBS has banned Orange Caramel's "Catallena" from airing.

You can't air that anymore, Raina.

KBS blames its ban on one scene in the music video that "disregards human life." According to Pledis, it's the scene where the members are in plastic.


Normally, I don't agree with Korean TV bans. I don't think airing music by someone charged with illegal gambling is going to corrupt youths, nor do I think using a foreign expletive will lead to the downfall of Korean society.

I agree with this ban, though. Wrapping people in plastic is dangerous. We've all seen the warning labels.

Sure, it's all "Look, I'm Nana!"
Until you can't breathe. Then you look like this guy.
He ain't cute.

Kpop attracts a young demographic. It's also a known fact that kids imitate everything they see on TV. Not convinced this is a real problem? Well, I have proof. In fact, the "Catallena" plastic scene has already led some misguided youths to cover themselves in plastic like their favorite unnis.

The only way to stop this growing concern is with large, obvious warnings. To this end, I've created some caution labels to affix to some of the more offensive or perverse kpop videos to help clean them up for broadcast and send the message to viewers that what they see is not proper behavior.

With these labels, we can stop these videos from poisoning our children's minds and metaphorically pissing on our society's values. 

This has been a public service message from Friends Uniting to Correct Kpop.


  1. Sign me up for FUCK immediately.

    1. Thanks for helping the cause.

    2. Raina looks like she's concentrating hard on straining out a constipated shit in that first photo.

    3. I thought she was just trying to let a little breeze in.

    4. Look at her hands, she's praying: "please... stubborn poo, don't tear my anal walls"

  2. These group of people that decides the bans are officially retarded, if anyone dies because they do something like that is totally their fault.

    Plus how are you going to find a human sized styrofoam, then wrap yourself in plastic to an air-tight level without using any machine? Plus you'll have a big chance of some other people helping you do that. You would think these banning idiots would respect some intelligence we have, but no.

    1. We are in the age where parents think they're not responsible for what their kids do.

  3. I'm surprised you didn't bring up the fact the Rihanna did it as well lol.
    Not sure how I feel about this ban, I mean sure kids will do stuff like that, but kids can also read and so can the parents (one of the reasons why they started putting those warning signs on there is because parents were using them to purposely suffocate the kids, and too many kids were dying from the crap.) Overall, with this ban I feel as if they just overreacted.

  4. Your logic should be banned, Fany Pack.

    The Vixx one tho lmao

  5. You'd think that the country with the 2nd highest education rate in the world wouldn't have that many morons who'd imitate such things.

    1. I guess memorization doesn't equate to common sense.

    2. I guess a high IQ doesn't necessarily mean that it's put to good use or even used when needed.

  6. Orange Caramel have convinced me into doing this: http://farm9.static.flickr.com/8042/8007526705_2e205851cd_m.jpg , shit is dangerous, can't blame KBS

  7. I for one think all OC video's should be banned, but that's because Nana is just a disgusting creature to look at. I don't think it is right to subject kids to such a grotesque, macabre creation. The wrapping in plastic ban is probably because the Korean government doesn't want to give all the losers in the country who couldn't be the top student at their middle school another idea on how to commit suicide.

    1. I'm sorry but you have seem to have a very awful taste

      Perhaps by Nana you mean Bom?

    2. If it wasn't for Nana, I never would've become so attracted to Korean women.

    3. my bias is raina but i dont deny the fact that nana is one pretty woman, by the love of god, what kind of face do you think is pretty.

  8. Ban 4minute's comeback. That fucking slut Jiyoon is encouraging public masturbation among our youth!

    1. It seems to me like she was actually trying to promote sex in a public bathroom with ten male strangers.

    2. I think you're both right. Jiyoon needs to be banned from broadcast permanently.

  9. "I agree with this ban, though. Wrapping people in plastic is dangerous."


    1. May I remind you that this is a family site? Those pants are unflattering, see-through, and worn by JYP. Get that filth out of here.

    2. sorry

      here's the non-offensive version


  10. I'm a huge Orange Caramel fan, but I support KBS on this ban because I've been around the Kpop scene long enough to question the intelligence and common sense of most Kpop fans.

    1. being expose to kpop fans, made me question humanity..

    2. but this site made me think otherwise, its just them dumb folks who needs a cleansing

  11. Lol it looks like Sohyuns doing the nae nae in that pic

  12. The wal-mart red forsale sticker lol

  13. Apparently Koreans are smart enough to achieve straight A's in school, but fail in every aspect of common sense. You'd think that KBS was run by insecure women who were trying to find a reason to justify the ban on this MV, when it might be because they just don't like idols that look good, but, since they're people stupid enough to attempt this, I can't even blame KBS. I wonder if they had banned MBLAQ's It's War back in 2012. It encourages viewers to shoot a curved shot at their own necks.

  14. Since this is an Orange Caramel article I though i should share their dance practice. Nana makes the video worth it, it's really funny.



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