Thursday, April 17, 2014

Another Retarded Exotic Posts About Sewol

What the fuck? 

Even considering the likelihood of many of the females on board the ship being EXO fans, do you think any single one of them gave a single fuck about EXO when they were dying?

Cartman: Every single retarded Exotic.
Wendy: The rest of us.


  1. Personally, I feel like adding "retarded" or any other adjective that denotes some kind of mental handicap in front of the word Exotic is redundant.

  2. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BlbTlfqCMAA1Cnc.jpg


  3. There are so many rumours and fake text messages from the victims going around right now. According to Mbc (I think it was mbc) the police hasn't picked up any phone signals from the ship since yesterday.. sooo :/

  4. I hate that the deaths of hundreds of people is being made into something about Exo. Exotics are stupid.

  5. Exotics just make it to easy for me to hate them.

  6. Again this is why I use tumblr.

    1. Because your soul fuels on stupid fangirls ?
      Mine does it too.

    2. I follow non-diseased fangirls.
      My should fuels on Mark.
      Stupid/delusional fangirls are like the chicken pox of Kpop. You get infested with it once and then you don't look back.

    3. *My SOUL fuels on Mark.

    4. hnnng mark tuan rite hnnnggg got7 (other than the underage ones cause that shit isn't cool)
      tumblr has more than its share of stupid fangirls though, you just aren't following the right blogs

    5. Yes Mark Tuan :)
      I'm around the same age as the younger members in Cock7. But I've always had a thing for the older members in any group (Taeil, TOP, Mark, Suga, ect.) But older than the last one.
      If that's the case then I'm glad I'm following the wrong blogs :D

    6. My point was, tumblr is just as shitty. And in the SJW department even worse.

    7. Like I said, I don't follow those type of blogs.
      SJW's are both delusional fans and anti fans but both should just stfu imo.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. To be fair a lot of these people are trolls. But you're still a massive douchebag if you think it's funny to make jokes about a national tragedy.

  8. And suddenly I'm reminded I'm mostly sane and not an excessively obsessive zealous fan.

    Also this reminds me of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/13th_Guards_Rifle_Division#The_Railroad_Station.
    That one always gets me going.

  9. This comment is somehow worse to me than the last one. I think it's because the comment writer in the post before this was obviously just batshit crazy.

  10. These exotics need to be slap on the face severely with baby powder

  11. I normally like to ridicule exo fans, but I'm convinced that almost all of these posts are from trolls and not really exo fans, but that being said, the trolls are really pathetic people to be using this situation to get their rocks off.

  12. One by one, they will fall.


  13. In a perfect world, a member of EXO would step up and tell all their fans to sit the fuck down. A while back, Mickey Yoochun was in a drama and all his fans hated one of his co stars because she was talentless and basically rode in there on the agency's coat tails and Mickey told them to gtfo tyvm. It was beautiful. The fandoms wouldn't be nearly as retarded if the groups were able to put their fans back in place

    1. really? did he actually say that? well obvs not literally but he told them to go away?

  14. I'm glad this kind of blog exist. Seriously, these kind of people make me lost interest about EXO.

  15. Gosh, I hope you do an article on EXO fangirls. I am beyond bewildered by them. I love the group, but I actually really hate their fans now. Never came to feel like this before. Was always a passive observer to every group and their enormity of a fan club. BUT FUCK, I HATE EXO FANS. ONE MORE STUPID THING THEY DONE AGAIN AND I'LL HATE THE GROUP FOR NOT CONTROLLING THEIR ASSWIPES OF A FAN CLUB.

    1. Dude, they're under SM. SM eats, sleeps, and lives off of their delulu fanbases. Fan and anti-fan insanity allows them to make bank no matter how shitty each comeback is. That's why things such as crashed weddings, glue spiked soda cans, IGAB, and... this shit (Though in this situation, I like to think that this is just a troll or batshit insane fan and not a normal Exotic) happens and goes unchecked. Make the fans worship the ground a group walks on or hate enough to spit on their graves = money and publicity and they don't even have to try.

  16. Maybe there are a few fans thinking of exo...not everyone...but a few... You never know?!


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