Thursday, April 24, 2014

Can Puff Guo Make Heechul Straight?

With absolutely nothing happening in Korea since last week, there hasn't been shit for the AKF investigation team to report on. However, they have done some research and believe that Puff may be able to turn Heechul straight. (Note: This post is video heavy (roughly 4-5 videos) so be warned.)

A few of you commented in the article yesterday about how all of this is a ruse to simply make everyone think Heechul is straight. However, I think this is a plan devised by SM to make Heechul straight. Korea isn't going to have gay "rights" for a long time, so it's too risky for SM for one of their idols to be publicly known as gay. Even if there are rumors, rumors are simply rumors at the end of the day.

Seeing as Puff can be extremely hot or extremely cute, SM is hoping that Heechul changes.

SM's plan is for Heechul to be able to watch this scene from the drama Just You without saying:


  1. being gay has its perks too yaknow

    1. in korea these perks include being told to keep things in your own "gay world"

    2. well in general homophobia has had a lot of hilarious fallouts but i was quoting a particular person whose comment NB translated

    3. My bad, my response was toward JW.

    4. Well I was talking about being gay in general, eg. guys are pretty straight forward with what they want (like sexy times, etc), but I guess you can't get to enjoy the perks if you can't even get to meet anyone lol.

      Heard there's a place called Homo hill in Korea, so subtle.

    5. There's that and then there is this NB article where K netizens support Jodie Foster's gay marriage. Double standard or hypocrisy or a little hope for Korean LGBT community?

    6. Anyway, new display picture y'all. Cyclops Overlord unf unf unf.

    7. everyone seems to really like that photo of jiyeon but my favourite from the pictorial was the one of her in a white dress kneeling

    8. kneeling for a blowjob huh

    9. @blue you know, cleavage and shit.

  2. she looks like a more pretty version of ayano omoto from perfume

  3. He probably wishes he could be a lesbian for her.

  4. Maybe it's just me but he comes off more bisexual than gay

  5. Heechul might be bisexual. He clearly likes women, and anyone who says otherwise probably hasn't seen much of him, but he has also said and done things that would make some people think he likes men. I kind of get the feeling that he's heterosexual, but he's not one of those pussies that feel they have to constantly prove it. It's not like Heechul is the epitome of a normal guy, anyway.

    1. Didn't he specifically state in a personal ad once, that he wasn't interested in women? In fact, he says it all the time and whenever the chance arises; SM forces him to say and do lots of things. Before he would always help to hype Yoona up and say she's natural/pretty and now days, he says the girls he sees at SM, he feels like they are just average looking.... I really am just at the point where I feel like it's just him being gay. He's blatantly dating that guy and the proof is all over instagram/twitter.

    2. which dude? i'm interested in this

    3. okay i did some research heechul is 110% fucking his hairstylist


    4. It would make a lot of sense, actually, since Gunhee looks a little like Heechul and Heechul is incredibly vain. Honestly, I had forgotten about Gunhee when I typed that. I wouldn't say I'm 110% sure of anything, I don't know him.

  6. We will never know the real person behind each idol


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