Sunday, April 20, 2014

NS Yoon G Knew She Would Get Hated On

And here you were, expecting me to show a picture of her cleavage.

In an interview with SportsSeoul, NS Yoon G admitted that she knew that she would get hated on for showing skin.




"But that would distract everyone attention from the music," said the only fan who is a fan of NS Yoon G for the music.

"But you're just a fat chick who could never show skin without everyone throwing up, so your opinion doesn't matter," said the rest of the fans.


  1. ♪there is no need to shame other body types just to make your point about NS yoon g's, a fangirl's stupidity exists independent of her weight and it's not an intelligent argument or a particularly original one♪

    1. You do realize this is AKF right?

    2. yeaaaaaahhhhhhh expecting something other than a done to death joke that doesn't get anyone anywhere and is an expression of the way people are socialized to equate fat to evil today is really what's holding us back as a species

    3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFRylztSXvE

    4. Get over yourself, blue, this is a satirical site where political correctness is thrown into the trash.

      No, what is holding us back as a species is thinking that being fat is something to be proud about - when it isn't because fatness is a sign of greed. Not only that, but being overweight can lead to a number of health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension etc. There's nothing acceptable about being malnourished (and that goes for super skinny people too), so stop celebrating being overweight - especially since it is something that one can control.

    5. Society has degenerated so much that being a fat slob is something you're supposed to be proud of these days. It's the cool thing for fat girls to say "men love curves, not sticks" because all of the fat girls I know from high school write shit like that on Facebook. No, beached whales aren't attractive and there's nothing positive about a lifestyle that's about gluttony and a lack of self-control.

      Besides that, I make fat jokes because everywhere you go on Kpop forums, it's definitely alright to make fun of Asian women for being too skinny, but making fun of a fat woman is like taking a dump on the picture of Muhammad that someone just drew.

      Plus, this post wasn't about skinny vs fat at all. I don't even see where you drew that conclusion.

    6. It's so ironic when fat women rave on and on about how men prefer women with "curves" so they can put down women with healthy bodies, especially since their own bodies aren't "curvy" but are just layers upon layers of shapeless mass. Why should we be celebrating fatness when fat people themselves shame the healthy body, and skinny shame others, to make themselves feel better? I would rather have no curves if that means I have a lower risk of developing heart disease.

    7. I'd say that love yourself no matter how you look is being used by fat people to feel better and defend themselves. I'm quite confused on where to stand as well, I guess you shouldn't be using that notion as an excuse to stay on that unhealthy condition

    8. Rather than shit on who is a fat slob, we should all just shut the fuck up about each other and focus on ourselves.

    9. *And who is the opposite of a fat slob* I also wanted to put.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. I do not think this particular issue comes form society "degenerating". There are eroticized depictions of fat girls from prehistory (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_of_Willendorf), where this seems to even have been the ideal, until today.

      (Their entitled attitude certainly does, however.)

    12. You know, using that same quote (or words along the lines of) "be comfortable with your body" when you are fat kinda lessens the impact of it. I am another fat chick, but my last fuck about the thin vs. fat argument someone pulled out of their ass, flew way and jumped into a massive bucket of shut the fuck up.
      Nacho, Out.

  2. I was 999.99% sure you were gonna use a pic that showed her cleavage.

    TL;DR I'm fat because of Pringles and Tekken Tag 2

  3. Before this song, I haven't notice Yoon-G. Now, she is my wallpaper and screensaver.


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