Saturday, May 31, 2014

Busker Busker Disbands?

Dreams do come true.


  1. Now we just need the remaining following

    -A KPOP MV with bikinis that don't suck
    -KPOP Girl Groups being Sexy again
    -A Boy Band having to change choreos

    But for now, fuck Busker Busker and their shitty excuse for music

    1. My list

      - Having a boyband that's actually filled with MEN MACHO GUYS not sissy pussy slanky oestrogen twinks. (2PM is the closest one but I don't like them)
      - 2ne1/EXO disbanding

    2. 2NE1 may be gone given how old some of them are. and we may not have to put with Exo in a couple of years

    3. Exo disbanding in a couple of years? No! D:

    4. One of those came true! VIXX had to change their choreo because Leo fans were butthurt over N being in the center during his lines.

  2. I'm cautiously optimistic. There's always the threat of a reformation. Plus, each member will now probably have their own separate groups. It's like an amoeba.... you think you've chopped it in half but then it splits into three more...

  3. They broke up? That's great, but they could still become soloists. At the very least, they won't be doing anything for a while. Now I shall go to the comments section on a Busker Busker video to laugh at their fans' reaction.

  4. I will never understand what k-netizens (and koreaboos by extension) saw in that group. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzfest with everything they ever made.

    1. Its a group who plays instrument and indie to boot. To be honest japan never had to put up with as much beyonce/mj cunt munching or dicksucking unlike kpop.

  5. Who cares even. They did have that one nice song though, I'll give them that. But there's a ton of better indie artists in Korea and beyond.


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