Saturday, May 17, 2014

Jiyeon Releases New Teasers For "1 Minute 1 Second"

There were two new Netizen Buzz articles released about Jiyeon (here and here), but since Korean netizens want to recycle their comments, I'll recycle a meme picture I just used the other day. I'm putting in as much effort as they are!

I don't know why Korean netizens are trying to resist the Cyclops Overlord. They'll worship her after they fap to her MV anyway.


  1. What does her "tattoo" say, something with parents....

    1. "My parents are the heart that keeps me alive". Hyuna has exactly the same tattoo but instead of "parents" it's "mother".

    2. Huh? From what I've seen it looks like "My parents are my heart and [always blocked by something]"

      At least it doesn't seem to have an unnecessary comma.

    3. Okay, "my" instead of "the". Trust a T-ara member to have an Engrish tattoo.

    4. Did you even pay attention to what they said? If Jiyeon's tattoo was Engrish, it would say "My parents are my heart that keeps my alive" not "My parents are my heart and ____"

  2. 1 min 1 sec is the average fapping-to-orgasm speed of CCM's test subjects when looking at these pics.

    Also anyone notice the gorilla has the same pose as Jiyeon in the last photo, just from a different angle?

    1. Wasn't that kinda the joke ? haha

    2. I wasn't sure if it was deliberate or coincidence!

    3. Lol, 3 days before foreshadowing.

  3. She´s so ugly, I´m sorry. One of the ugliest girls in Kpop. Whoever told her that she´s attractive enough to be an idol really needs his/her eyes checked, because obviously she´s not. Bitch looks like a retard 24/7.

    1. Someone's an ugly bitch here, but it isn't Jiyeon. Don't women ever get tired of acting so insecure all the time?

    2. I'll give you a chance to tell me who's pretty

    3. Even if I'm not a fan of her cyclops eye, she ain't ugly.
      And certainly not one of the ugliest in K-Pop.

    4. She may not be a conventional beauty, but many find her attractive. I certainly think she has charm.

    5. curestfuxxx butthurt much? she needs heavy eye makeup just to look human. don't know about you, but that's not attractive in my book. nice try, though.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Netizenbuzz must have sent someone over.

    9. Random jealous girl: It's funny you think anyone believes you're not some greasy teenage girl with body issues. You're allowed to not like her, but you're calling her every name in the book because you know she's prettier and has a better body than you. Enjoy that self pity you're wallowing in.

    10. Btw pretty much every guy on this blog is jerking it to her. Yet no one is jerking it to you. Let that sink in.

    11. ouch. that hurt so bad. lol. no you guys are funny. with really low standarts, but that's fine, i guess. you are wrong though, if you think that i'm a jealous haterrrrz just because i think your noonar is ugly. no need to get all defensive, i don' t really care if you think i'm ugly overeweight or greasy or whatever because i know how i look like, you don' t, so it's okay. i was just voicing my opinion. cyclops is too ugly for an idol but good enough to be a North Korean bumpkin.

    12. "b-b-but muh opinions"

      Calm down Miss Piggy. Like I said you are free to not like her but you're not fooling anyone either. Let us know when your period is over so everyone can get back to fapping to actual hot chicks in peace.

    13. I guess you're into boring idols like skeleton yoona

    14. "you guys are funny" - Confirmed for first week on AKF.
      D'awwww, isn't the worthless shit-noob cute ?

      @RealJW; that's not how you spell ui.

    15. Someone drank a little too much Haterade.

    16. so much butthurt here! really never expected that this blog would take stupid things like this so fucking seriously! you're acting just like those crazy fangirls who get so easily offendet at everything. just go back fapping to cyclops because YOU are obviously too ugly to have a real girlfriend.

    17. damn, you koreaboos are fucking scary.

    18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    19. Okay, trolls are something we occasionally deal with. But what I specifically dislike about you Isebel, is that you decided to stereotyped a whole nation of people trapped by a brutal totalitarian dictatorship simply to create a half-assed insult that makes little sense. Furthermore if you're not a troll I think you're a bit out touch with what an ugly person looks like. I personally don't find jiyeon attractive but she's definitely not ugly by any reasonable definition.

    20. so i'm a troll because i think that an ugly person is ugly? i was terrified the first time i saw this mutant.

    21. This is what a beautiful woman looks like



      A true Goddess!


      Me SO jelly


      Keep fapping, losers.

    22. You're a troll because you're trying to convince everyone that an objectively average to attractive girl is actually some hideous monster. A 2 second google search shows me you've been commenting that she's an ugly mutant on most of the Jiyeon posts here for the last couple of YEARS. Seriously. Put down the cheetos, go wash the jelly off, try to make your busted face look nice and maybe someone will want you. I doubt it, but it's better than wasting your life raging over some girl you'll never meet.

      In b4 "b-but u gaiz shes fugly! u must be butthurt lel" for the 5th time. What a retard. Don't you have some cafeteria tables to wash or something?

    23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    24. You are paranoid. "Last couple of YEARS"? Listen clusterfuck, stop being delusional, please. i´m not so obsessed with your k-freaks like you are, i DO have a life. of course you think she´s beautiful, dumbass, because ugly people tend to like ugly idols, that´s the damn truth, i know it hurts.

      One last thing: Noonar doesn´t love you.

    25. "Btw pretty much every guy on this blog is jerking it to her." Please speak for yourself, I respect my sperm too much, I' d cut my dick off rather than fapping to Jiyeon. The article posted just below this one is full of hot women, btw.

    26. @Isebel

      Aw, looks like baby's mad now. Someone found out she's a ronery internet loser and she's lashing out. There there, it'll be okay, just go change your diaper and wipe the spittle off your mouth. Life will get better once you grow up little girl.

    27. wow, let me add something too..

    28. in the end, after all is written and fapped, it looks (to me) like Jiyeon has won (since at least one person found her picture to be "good enough" and, as far as we know, it's unlikely that ziodonato is fapping to Isebel's picture). now let's wait for round two: the mv.

    29. I don't see how starting a fight with people over the Internet and continuously goading them to respond proves that you have a life. Rather, it just shows that you crave attention, and we're giving it to you. Also, digging up all those pictures of Jiyeon simply just shows how hypocritical you are. If you had a life, I don't think you would spend it digging up photos of Jiyeon which you consider ugly. Secondly, if you were that repulsed by her, why would you go search up her pictures, then bitch and moan about how ugly she is? Nice try, and thanks for the submissions to Shinbi's STFU articles. Your contribution has been excellent.

    30. If this was reverse psychology to make me line up some Jiyeon posts for the future, it worked.

    31. Kpopalypse if you're running low on ideas (which you're probably not) I'd like to see a part two of words kpop fans don't know how to use, because ugly is defiantly one of them.

    32. I'll consider it! I can think of a few others too...

  4. Her face is glorious!

  5. All hail the Cyclops Overlord.

  6. As long as her make up is ON, and is always looking at me from a side angle, or has half her face covered with hair/hoodie......im cool with it,

    1. I guess that's what one would call conditional love.

  7. i can always read the title of an article and sort of guess the amount of comments it will get based on content and the site, so when the comments are way larger than expected i know something went wrong. and without a doubt, there is a huge mess of a comment section started by a troll.

    other than that. two more days until cyclops slays us all.

  8. i like Jiyeon but this is too much that she copy Hyuna tattoo ;c


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