Wednesday, May 7, 2014

[MV Review] Exo - "Overdose"

Well, that was a whole bunch of nothing.

Join me as we explore the depths of dullness.

Exo returned this week with the most boring comeback I've seen in a long time.

Kai's shoes, the single most interesting part of "Overdose"

Ever since "Mama," I've been convinced that Exo is actually a sophisticated cult intent on luring young, unsuspecting girls with its mind tricks (Luhan, mostly). This song reminds me why I suspected that. The verses and even the chorus have a certain mesmerizing cadence. About the 2:35 mark, the music combines with red strobe lights and fancy hip action in such a way that I feel like I'm being hypnotized. I think it's telling me to buy something; I'm just not sure what.


Creepy cult vibe aside, this song is underwhelming as shit. Only now, on what has to be my fifth listen for this review, does "Overdose" begin to resemble a whole song.

The video's even worse. I get the feeling that the creative output for this comeback culminated in the "O" pose in the beginning.

Just how dull is the video? I really had to try to find good screenshots. That should never happen in kpop. The GooSEM (Good Screenshots Each Minute) was, like, 4. Orange Caramel averages at least 20.

Shots like this were few and far between.

And for a song called "Overdose," I was sorely disappointed by the lack of sleaze in this video. There was nary a needle, a person of questionable consciousness, nor a Fiona Apple-style skeeze party to be found. What a waste of a good theme. I know I shouldn't be shocked, as SM never pushes boundaries with that sort of thing. But dammit, don't give your snoozefest such a great name. Stick to something more appropriate, like "Yawn" or "Narcolepsy Attack."

BOTTOM LINE: There is nothing to "Overdose." I'm not even sure that was an actual music video I just watched.


  1. The strobe lights and neon pulsing background are obviously a hint to f(x)'s next comeback, as well as their outfits which seem to be recycled from both f(x) and SJ. They always get absurd dances when they need to balance out a bland song.

    1. I didn't get the f(x) influence in their outfits, but I could see the SJ. Also, bucket hats? What is this, 1997? Fuck off with that nonsense, people.

  2. Even though I'm an Exo fan, I find the reviews for their songs and music videos on this blog absolutely HILARIOUS. Anyway, I personally liked the song. The music video, however, bored me (as most music videos do) but I did enjoy the dance.

    1. While we obviously disagree on the song itself, I appreciate your honesty.

      I can't think of the last good SM video. Maybe TVXQ, but even then, there's usually some awkward visual effects.

    2. I also liked the song a lot. The beat always goes hard.

      Regarding the MV, I always prefer box sets because I come to watch the choreo, don't usually care about other aspects of the song, but the editing was so clunky and awkward :// And the overdose concept would have been an awesome thing to explore outside the choreography, but I don't have high expectations about SM mv so...

  3. I liked the song but the MV...

  4. exo fans be the sorriest. fans will make an article/forum bout some basic instagram selfie and that shit will rack up 200 comments like it was something actually important. stay thirsty exotics.

    that aside i finally found a member that i like. chany'all is cool. their songs still not for me tho.

  5. It looks like SM finally found a way to recycle that trash bag of old H.O.T. clothes they were hiding in the basement. I hope they shook the cockroaches out. That is the only explanation I have for these ridiculously outdated HEP HAP clothes. They need to stop trying this concept with EXNO. They can't pull it off.

    That diamond formation looks hella dangerous. Suho can barely move on his feet so him being up in the air makes me nervous. Anticipating him breaking his neck at some point during promotions.

    1. I don't understand the hate for them, though. Is it the negative side of the fandom that makes you view them with distaste?

    2. same reason i believe snsd and 2ne1 get alot of hate. rather than the idols themselves its the fans that are too in your face. they dont let you naturally fall in love with the group. they try to force feed it to you and over play the talented card when in reality they're not anymore special than other kpop groups. and sones and exotics are becoming famous for accusing everything in existence as copying off their group. this last 1 isnt for everyone but my personal problem is the exaggeration and heavy focus on visuals. its hard to find a sone exotic that will actually spend time talking about the music without going right into the "omfg such goddesses" or "omg he's killing me". they ok not all that.

      in kpop as a whole all groups do that but i feel like those 3 in particular take the cake. like ive seen dramas and shows where they play an exo song for like 3 seconds in the bakcground the comments section will be flooded with omg exo <3. like they need to chill.

    3. Amen Mikey. I would also like to add that fans are notorious for throwing shade at other groups and throwing EXO's success in their faces. They are like a monstrous hybrid of Sones/Blackjacks/VIPs/Assies (the missing C is intentional and fitting).

    4. I apologize on the behalf of my fandom.

    5. Couldn't have said it better. I also don't when EYK or anyone talk about how groups that do more "acoustic" music are "More popular than YOUR favorite idol groups." Like I give a shit how popular a group is. If I like the music I like them. People have different music taste, deal with it.

      I also apologize on the behalf of my fandom too. Not all EXO fans are deranged fangirls.

  6. It is an Overdose. An Overdose of yawn.

  7. Moving the camera like a fucking low budget lipdub must be the new SM cool thing because i have seen it on TVXQ then on the last SNSD performance, then on this MV.

    At least the TVXQ one was more planned and have hot girls, but this one is a mess.

  8. I really like the song.
    In all honesty the song saves the MV for me.

    1. And the dance. I really liked the dance.

    2. Me too, It caught me faster than Growl did.

  9. mv was fangirl fodder bs, i hate the farmer's wife blouses they wore for the showcase, i hope that never happens again.

    also pls god can exo k stop participating in exo m's fucking songs

    that is a tight fucking song though....for the first couple of listens.

  10. i think Thunder is the best song in the mini, you should give it a listen.

    1. That and Moonlight are my fave.

    2. Thunder has definitely grabbed my attention.

    3. Thunder is fucking genius!

    4. As usual the other tracks are better than the title track(although Overdose is miles better than say, Wolf).

      The fan base is fucking nuts, but on the other hand that level of popularity also means they get some pretty good songs and not just one meh title track and 10 piles of horse shit.

  11. Replies
    1. I honestly liked the outfits. It looked like a throwback to the 90's/early 2000's.

  12. I literally face-palmed when I saw the outfits.

    Charity shop clothes and bucket hats - the SM outfit designers are superb.

  13. I like Overdose. My tastes are usually very different from those of the writers on here, but it's interesting to see what they say.

    1. Ditto Snachel Snoward Ditto. My tastes are always different and usually the songs they like I find rather boring, but I can't help but come back because they have some funny ass articles.

  14. As usual nothing EXO related pleases any of the writers on this site, but it's whatever I'll keep visiting.

    I Liked the song and whole mini album, I though this mini album alone was better than their whole first album as a whole since more than half the songs on it were sleep inducing, Music video was just my style though and so were the clothes. As for the dance it's definitely interesting to watch, but not that difficult though. As this comeback didn't disappoint (me anyway), I'll continue as a EXO fan.

    1. I also think Overdose mini is better than XOXO. Mostly because I have no interest in teeny boopy baby pop so I didn't care for Don't Go, Peter Pan, XOXO, Lucky, 365 and Baby. Basically just spent my time listening to half the album.

      Funny thing my sister like the pop songs better than songs like Heart Attack, which I think is sex.

    2. Heart Attack, is perfection.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Same here. Those 1D(ick)ish songs annoyed me! Luckily Run is the only song on this minnie that I need to ignore. Although, Love Love Love sounds kinda weird, bad weird. Points for Lay, Meep Time!

  15. I honestly was waiting for the MV because I really liked the leaked practice video. However, i find the low quality leaked video to be better than the official MV.
    The one thing that really annoyed me from the MV me was the stupid hat Baekhyun and Kris are wearing.

  16. I actually like the song, but the MV is a big "meh". What the hell happened with the wardrobeeee!!!!!!!

  17. Honestly, I don't mind this song. The music video is okay as well.

    And damnit, when's f(x) coming back already?

  18. I had to listen to the song like 40 times to like it. The chinese in better but their chinese stuff normally sounds better in my opinion, it may be because sone exo fangirls made me hate Chanyeol, just maybe.

    1. Chinese version is always better. Always.

  19. If anything, this lackluster release allowed the Seoul Beats review and a very nice amount of i-exo fans shitting themselves because the reviewer didn't like it. http://seoulbeats.com/2014/05/exo-overdose-painful/

  20. Again, dancing in a box. -.-

    1. barely even that. there's far too much zooming in so you're often missing a decent routine

      i do like the song though.

    2. @nayeon_fag
      true. that is why I prefer the leaked practice video.

  21. I don't understand how/why anyone has expectations about SM music videos. They've been in boxes for years now, what the hell are you expecting? Anyway, I love Overdose and the mini album is pretty good. As per usual, I prefer K's version but I think I'm the minority...

    1. I'm with you in this case. Normally I'm M-biased toward all their videos simply because in my opinion, M houses the most talent in Exo. However, the M Overdose video seemed overly convoluted and rushed compared to K's. Additionally, nobody gestures that they would like to finger me when the music starts in the K video, unlike the M video, a quirk I didn't appreciate at all.
      But I want to talk about Tao's hair. Was it really necessary that he was blonde for this video? And let me ask you, was it sensible? I feel that Tao's hair make-or-breaks the badassness of Exo, and in this case, it broke it.

  22. also, I swear that "come in" at the beginning was taken from Labrinth/Tinie Tempah's Earthquake

  23. the best part is that it's called overdose and it's 4:20 minutes long pffffhfhfhfh i cant

  24. I liked the clappy clappy part at the end and Suho's constipated face but honestly it should say something about EXO-K when EXO-M comes in and saves the whole fucking video dear god

  25. Ah you forgot one thing. The end when Kai looked like he's flying. Horrible CG. (I wonder if you ever understand this or not. Just...try to watch that mv again please.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I'm glad someone else noticed.I like overdose but why still someone elses beat without giving them credit that's not right.


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