Thursday, May 1, 2014

Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 53

This week's photo comes from Daniel:

Thank you for your submission!


I don't even need to say anything anymore when it comes to EXO STFUs. They are all the same level of ratchet bullshit.

Can't wait to see EXO show up to your future graduation and funeral because they totes will. They care about you, too! Forget your family. You don't need them.

If anyone has submissions for future Stupid Things Fangirls Utter, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, tweet them to @akf_shinbi, ask them at ask.fm/akfshinbi, or leave them in the comment section below. Remember your rights on this site: anything you say or do here can and probably will be used against you. Thank you, FISHies!


  1. man this lil bitch just needs to go to college for two minutes seriously living away from your family makes you appreciate them x1000000000000

  2. yep and i wonder who paid for that laptop and internet your using to write dumbass shit like this.

  3. Well, maybe they have a really sucky family that's made out of giant dicks? Probably not though. It's a possibility though.

    1. Yeah family could be rapists and murderers or something. Mind you having an EXO fan for a son or daughter might've been what pushed them over the edge...

    2. this sounds a lot like typical privileged teenager who is convinced they don't feel love for their family. when i think about that phase in my life i want a bus to run me over.

    3. Thanks to Trololol, I can't help but imagine a gang of human-sized penises(standing upright and wearing shoes and little hats) raising this child. No wonder why she's so damn lost.


      You know how parents love to compare you to other kids, why not do that with EXO? If mum explains that Kai isn't a waste of a room she could be renting out and he doesn't sit on the computer all day, how long will it take for fangirls to instinctively rebel? These biatches will return to the real world faster than it takes to pick up a drinking habit.

    4. You're welcome, that image was what I had in mind as well.

      Well, it's possible that her (I'm gonna assume it's a she) family really fucking sucks.

  4. As much as I'd be willing to believe that this girl might just have a family that are less than admirable to her and as such s/he is a white sheep amongst black sheep, I honestly believe that this bitch needs to cool her jets for a moment.

    Shit like this disgusts me regardless of whether or not you think your family are assholes or not, the fact that you care about complete and utter strangers who probably live half a world away from you and, outside of fanmeets, are completely indifferent to your existence over your family is plain and utter stupidity.

    God, where were these people even born?! :(

  5. I just think is funny how she only cares about exo-k and not exo-m. it's the same thing only that they sing in mandarin.

    1. I always preferred Exo-M and wished that the two subgroups would remain separate, but SM knows what makes their pockets jingle and gave up on their "take over China" scheme to promote all twelve together. Now we have eight Korean members trying to sing in Mandarin instead of just two.

  6. Okay, I'll admit it...I'm an Exo fan. I'm afraid to admit it on this blog, though, because everyone on here seems to hate Exo and their fans. Lmao. Anyway, as an Exo fan, let me just say this-this person is a dumbass. Hopefully they were just trolling...HOPEFULLY.

  7. See if it was EXO-M it wouldn't be so bad.

    (no but srs wtf)

    1. Lol agree.

      No but why are people even attempting to defend this shit with "weeeelll maybe her family really sucks" when that is fairly unlikely. Your family is shitty to the point of loving a group of men who are basically fictional characters as far as your real life is concerned more than them? I fucking doubt it. It's just typical teenage bullshit "WWHHHAAAAA I GOT MY PERIOD NOW I THINK THE WORLD IS OUT TO GET ME AND MY PARENTS ARE ASSHOLES FOR THE NEXT 5 YEARS EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVEN'T ACTUALLY CHANGED AT ALL IT'S JUST ME BEING A LITTLE BITCH WHHAAAA!!"

  8. I'm an Exo fan too. People like that make it hard for us semi normal/not insane people to admit so......the struggle.

  9. This was actually posted a day before my birthday lol.


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