Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Jisook Truly Hits Rock Bottom, Jesus Take the Wheel

As Rainbow's unemployment continues, it becomes more and more important to the health and sanity of the individual members to find their own line of work and/or sugar daddy(ies??) to pay the bills.

Jaekyung, the bestest of them all, is a notable example of how to successfully navigate idol unemployment. She has found hosting gigs on semi-popular beauty shows, picked up several thousand hobbies, and generally seems to be enjoying her life outside of the idol world. Not to mention she's still as gorgeous as ever, I would know since I saw her at KCON. *~*

Jisook on the other hand is running into quite the few struggles.

At least she's cute.
Realizing that there's nothing left for her in this miserable idol world, she literally packed herself into a shopping back and prayed some rich, possibly attractive, hopefully not that old/ugly, preferably young but anyone rich would do even if it means he's a fat and old with a 2 inch penis, guy would pick her off the street and take care of her needs.

While the Hail Mary play isn't exactly the most stable or safe way to get back on her feet, I can see where she's coming from. Look at the desperation in her body language as she prepares to step into the bag. Look at the hopeless resignation in her eyes as she sits out in the hallway of some fancy hotel, waiting for an oppa to literally trip over her. Look at the blind faith in her clenched fist as she lets Jesus take the wheel and drag her away, hopefully to no broke bloke's apartment.

I feel you girl.


  1. She's a host on Entertainment Weekly. Why can this cutie not find a sugar daddy there?! Her hobbies are taking selfies, her dog and writing blogs.
    Her inner child must have popped up after having visited the Seoul Kid & adult fair.
    The bag was full of toys but the one that is left in the bag, I would like to play with until the batteries run out :-p

  2. So, where is that zibit bag you talk about? Just asking.

  3. My understanding is that when SNSD's Taeyeon climbs into a bag, it looks similar.

  4. Girl is always posting about buying toys, buying PC hardware and installing it etc.

  5. Hey Zaku where's the epic KCON write-up?

    1. I will have it out soon, I've got a midterm on Friday to study for!

    2. I hope for your sake it hasn't got anything to do with math.

  6. I've got the Weirdest boner rite Now

  7. Replies
    1. This guy http://postfiles14.naver.net/20140813_157/comingsook_1407907864168c0r1h_JPEG/CIMG4784.JPG?type=w2

  8. Some business man who payed $15.000 for a good time. (or manager oppa)

  9. Meh, I'm going back on Jaekyung's twitter, she's shipping selcas en masse, and I'm running out of lube now, dammit.

  10. You see a lot of shit that I don't


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