Monday, August 18, 2014

KARA 'Mamma Mia' - AKA Time to be OK

KARA as seen by someone with cataracts.
KARA has finally come back sans Nicole and Jiyoung and basically it's time to be OK. The new addition to the group, YoungJi (as in bizarro Jiyoung) says a line or two though so that's cool. Apparently she doesn't really speak Japanese that well yet though so maybe that's why. Fangirls seem to be evenly split with some vowing to never like the new makeup of the group and others feeling like it's a good transition between old-ara and new-ara. The truth of the matter is that this video while having a pretty generic boring concept does provide for some good fapping opportunities.

No! You're doing it all wrong!
Just as tomorrow, tomorrow night begins tomorrow.
I don't know I might be in minority in that liked Secret's comeback more, I bring this up since both these songs were by Duble Sidekick.

I wonder what she's waiting for?
This video is basically just a message for retarded fangirls who might be ready to riot that you all need to shut the fuck up, cherish Hara (if you aren't already) and get OK. 

Fuck, lost my place.


  1. Song's unspectacular. I was hoping for something more flashy and disco.

    I kept wondering if Hara somehow un-shaved her jaw or something, because she was looking more normal (and kawaii as fuck) again than here:

    1. Uh, had to search a bit before finding it:

    2. But, most importantly, Youngji seemed to fit in well.

      Also, way too much fucking Gyuri.

    3. No Sweetune was the problem. Everything else is ok not great but ok.

    4. I guess Sweetune is a song writer ?
      How does it relate to what I said ?

    5. Sweetune wrote all of the title tracks from 2008-2013. Duble Sidekick composed this song.

  2. The song started to get better when 0:22 kicks in. Never got to finish the video because of the MV being boring. And also, the random english lines....ew.
    Will definitely download though

  3. Song is my jam. Video was pretty.

  4. Maybe my expectations were too high but I was a bit disappointed. MV was boring but nice to look at and the song is a solid 3.5/5. I didn't think Secret's comeback was better until this one fumbled the ball and made it (Think I'm in Love) hot shit in comparison.

  5. Song is good, although Duble Sidekick ain't Sweetune. LOL'd at the captions.

  6. Love it. No more shrills from Nicole and no more unnecessary raps from Nicole and Jiyoung.

    1. I do. She was my favorite member. But her high notes were painful and I hate idol rapping. Nicole's ass was really what kept her in the group all of these years.

    2. Sure it was what kept me abusing the replay button on YT

  7. They couldn't have done a better job with the transition IMO. It still looks and sounds exactly like Kara and they didn't over saturate the song/video with Youngji. She'll just slowly creep in looking hot off to the side, and then before you know it no one is bothered by her presence anymore.


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