Sunday, August 10, 2014

[MV Review] HA:TFELT/Yeeun/Yenny/Not Lim - Ain't Nobody

With the Wonder Girls essentially over, Yeeun has emerged from JYP's dungeon after spending time working on her composing skills. I'm just glad she used all of that time for something productive, because she hit it out of the park with her debut.

Upon listening to the song for the first time, I was really bored within the first thirty seconds. I know Yenny has composed some good songs before, so I was sad that she used her title track to cater to Korean vocalfags who think the only good songs in the world as sentimental ballads. Then the chorus kicked in and I became an instant fan of the song. I happen to love the dichotomy of the song, with the subdued verses and the powerful chorus making the song very interesting for me to listen to. With the slow verses, it allows the chorus to pop out even more. If there's one thing I don't like about the song, it's the "ey ey ey ey" shit you would hear in a 2NE1 song. On the song side of the equation, Yenny basically did what Teddy has been trying to do with 2NE1 for the past couple of years, but made it enjoyable to listen to.

Meanwhile, the MV explores Yenny's sexuality. It's not the typical love song where she is yearning for a man. She goes full out and displays her object sexuality at its maximum, as she grinds against the wall and rolls over the floor, enjoying foreplay with inanimate objects. As this song is supposed to be for the masses, Yenny couldn't scissor with the wall and floor. Plus, there's probably not enough lube in the world to prevent major pain from grinding the puss against that cold asphalt.

In exhibition A, Yenny is grinding against the wall, allowing the wall to pleasure her ass.

In exhibition B, Yenny is on the verge of cumming after grinding against the asphalt.

In the end, Yenny's debut is awesome and I'm glad JYP didn't have someone like Brave Brothers compose this song or god forbid have the 39045730742834th female idol have a solo debut with a Duble Sidekick song. I hope Yenny makes enough to roll in the dough so that she can caress her body with bundles of cash instead of trying to grind some dirty-ass asphalt. 


  1. She better not sing it live again. Hurt my ears.

  2. LOL at the street part when she goes on a stroke against the ground. I was imagining someone doing this when crossing the street.

  3. Replies
    1. Hey dude, you're back! I thought you had listened to one too many Brave Brothers' songs and committed suicide.

  4. Lol at the dumbfans on the YT channel trying to explain the video. Like anyone cares...

    1. Here's my interpretation: Yenny is hot, fap to her

    2. I'll take that advice to heart

  5. Dspite Yenny being one of the hottest women in history, I really hate her solo debut. This songs reminds me of the type of songs which made me give up on the western music industry.

    1. Indeed, I prefer Red Velvet's 8bit debut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsOV3npi0oQ

      Disclaimer: alcohol gives me happiness.

    2. I share your sentiments. Although I can't say it's a bad song, it just doesn't appeal to me.

  6. Yenny fucking delivered. She also said she had to fight long and hard with JYP to make her debut happen, especially with her composing it.

    She did an excellent job

  7. JYP is doing a good job at delivering all the hot WG members life alert. Maybe Yubin gets a shitty solo in collaboration with Tiger JK (who has mentioned wanting to work with her, what a shit-show) and Hyelim keeps getting surgery to look socially acceptable.

  8. Sounds like one of Kelly Clarkson's reject song tbh. Decent debut but girl gotta work harder at her live singing. Hurts my ears, bad.

  9. I enjoy this song (gotta admit that dubstep is likable, not like those from Y-to-the-G) and for the trap part, it's for the swag yo (check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKCeNdECIwA). I think her live is decent, why do u guys hate it (at least it sounds better in the vid above). Anw, can't wait for Yubin's solo debut

  10. Agreed. THIS should have 2NE1's comeback song. The more I think about SNSD's and 2NE1's comebacks the more I realize they were great at the time but are now just men and sort of forgetful. However I think Yenny did a great job with this.

  11. i love the chorus but i feel like the song never built up enough to it? like the first verse+chorus was great, but then the composition for the second chorus and the brudge were variations of the same thing and i feel like the song had a lot of unexplored potential. also the sia "chandelier" concept is less effective on a fully grown woman, it creeped me out a little bit, esp because the song and the choreo didn't hit at the same time. this is good, but maybe she should've listened to jyp a little more.

  12. I don't get the negative comments about her live singing. Yenny's live vocals were pretty stellar IMO. Maybe pressed fans of rival groups commenting here?

    1. I don't think Yenny or even WG is worthy to be called rivals to anyone anymore lol. Even AOA is more relevant to any of them nowadays

  13. This song was too random for me, almost as random as IGABD

  14. Don't mind me here just sipping some of this Haterade......:)


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