Saturday, August 2, 2014

Park Bom Diss Track

I bet this girl voted that Park Bom should go to jail.


  1. Anyone got a translation of this?

    1. It's okay I found one:

      The lyrics to the song say, Your bloated, swollen face.
      You”re not satisfied no matter what you put in it.
      You”re going to become an old person next to an ugly child
      You drag your entire body and slap it onto your face
      You”re at the point of addiction, “STOP IT!”
      X? O? The answer is X, toxic.
      Someone call the doctor, someone stop her.
      You”re about the same as the Gangnam Beauty [who got plastic surgery 28 times]
      You”re weak, and you fell into drugs.
      Did the drugs fall into the jelly box?
      Who glanced over the 4 pills that disappeared?
      Since when were the prosecutors so nice?
      The Samsung employee had 29 pills, and was detained at the detention center
      You had 82 pills, and why are you innocent? They”re super cool.
      The ambassador of the Ministry of Justice? You had a very fitting role, huh?
      You took the title of the first smuggling-dol, huh? Amphetamine sh*t.
      The articles were taken down so well. YG is no joke.
      Try to cover up the sky with your palm. You just got your case suspended??
      It must be nice for your fans to cover you up.
      I”m jealous that your CEO writes a novel for you.
      You set fire on your Roommate friends, and they must feel chaotic, because the corn exploded
      You”ll hide behind your influential label and then come back when it gets quiet
      Radio Star or Healing Camp, or anywhere. There won”t be a blow to you, huh? YG, mental breakdown, your fans, mental breakdown.
      How do you have time to go to Japan? Hurry and come back, come back home
      No one else can be a smuggling-dol without you, can”t nobody.
      Listen to this and clap your hands, let”s go party
      YG, mental breakdown, your fans, mental breakdown.
      How do you have time to go to Japan? Hurry and come back, come back home
      No one else can be a smuggling-dol without you, can”t nobody.
      Listen to this and clap your hands, let”s go party NOW

      From: http://www.ohkpop.com/173174/rookie-group-a-kors-kemy-releases-diss-track-targeting-park-bom

    2. This actually sounds like an illeterate jealous fangirl you'd find on an allkpop article. I don't know who wrote the rap, but whoever it was they obviously didn't read your "how drug-fucked is your bias?" article.

    3. Actually the wordplay is really clever.

  2. Really...no one is the US gives a shit.

    1. No one in the US really gives a shit about kpop.

    2. No one in the US really gives a shit about anything

    3. Unless its about the middle east, then we give a shit

    4. Unless its about the middle east, then we give a shit

    5. Unless its about the middle east, then we give a shit

    6. Middle East? Is that left of Kentucky?

  3. more of this so sulli can come out asap plz.



  5. It's a funny track and I love the references to 2NE1 songs but it's against the fucking rap code or some shit to write a diss track about someone who doesn't even rap, because they can't write a diss track back. We know Bom will just ignore this. She should have written about CL instead, then CL might finally be goaded in rapping faster than one syllable per minute as a response and we'd have had a real entertaining rap war on our hands.

    1. i highly doubt she cared or even know about the rap code in the first place. probably went it for the lulz and cheap attention.

      Eminem dissed and made fun of a lot of people who weren't rappers too

    2. It's a fun track but it's also a cheap shot to get attention and to get cynical haters onside. That rookie might soon find that cynical hate of girls in the Korean music scene cuts both ways.

  6. I think the company made her do this in order to bring attention to the group. Well it worked, however some heads might get cut off in the process.

  7. This is bullshit. I read some of the comments and literally, I am not fucking kidding you when I use the word LITERALLY, had my mouth open. Like one of those jaw drop moments. "It's not a big deal." Of course, of course, you wouldn't know the story. You probably know about as much about Bom as this "Kemy" chick. This "scandal" happened years ago, so why should it still matter? I won't tell the full story but I know enough.

    Bom is an angel. She's had plastic surgery, yes, but let's be real, so many kpop idols have as well. It's her life and if she feels as if she wants surgery, she can get goddamn surgery. You don't need to act as if she's some abomination. If you wanna bash every single person who got plastic surgery, go ahead, you bitch. Bash on seniors, idols who built up the hallyu wave while you're at it. I view this as someone getting way too over their fucking heads. 2NE1 is one of the fundamental pushes of the hallyu wave. In the KPOP industry, they are at the top of their game. This is just a petty newbie acting like Bom is a lost, mindless piece of trash who just uses YG to get away with crime (when she's not); a petty newbie who is DISREPECTING her senior (isn't that like super frowned upon in Korea) and bashing her for things she couldn't help. I'm not a hardcore Blackjack but this gets me insanely fired up considering Bom is my bias in 2NE1. This is not okay considering Bom has had to put up with enough bullshit with this "scandal." It happened years ago. Get the fuck over it.

    Then there's also the point that Bom is also a singer, not a rapper. This diss was so likely to just have been intended to draw attention to the group. And that's fucking sick. Earn popularity the right way instead of angering a whole fanbase ("blackjacks are gonna be angry" HELL YES a lot of us are going to be angry. Why the fuck would we not be angry?). I mean, you can have an opinion, sure. But to bash someone who has already gone through so much shit to gain popularity is demented. Inhumane. I hope this popularity bites Kemy in the ass because this marketing tactic is fucking stupid and insensitive.

    This was idiotic, offensive, and callous. Kemy is acting like she's the big dog, like she's somehow above Bom for doing this when she's not. As if she's more knowledgeable and mature than Bom. This is what is fucking immature about her. I hope she's happy knowing Blackjacks are upset & I hope she's happy having sent her group's chances of having a stable debut or comeback or whatever go down a fucking toilet.

    Was it worth it? Did you have fun calling out your seniors like they're inferior? I hope so. To gain popularity like this is a brainless tactic because it'll only make you INfamous. But it's famous, right? That's what you were going for? While you're at it, please call out Zico or G-Dragon. Please, call out actual rappers instead of vocalists so we can see how tough you really are instead of picking on vulnerable seniors to feel superior (when you're not).


    1. If YG wasn't so far above your league, I would actually anticipate some sort of "what did you say bitch" from them. But YG is so far above your league, so you will get your little taste of bitter popularity, but ultimately, it's like a kitten trying to fight a lion (jesus that was a lame simile). You won't get a response. It's not because they're afraid; no, it's because you're some disrepectful peasant. They've got better things to do than to return fire and put you back in your place. The fans will do it for them.

      I don't even know why I came here to listen to this, but it's another view, yes? More popularity? Oh, joy! Was it the only way you could get it?

      I wish you good luck, Kemy, because you're gonna fucking need it. Don't talk like you're sone bigshot when in reality, you cannot even compare to your seniors. Sure, you can rap. Had I not known the true meaning of this song, I might have actually been impressed. But this is abuse of your talent. Learn your place, because talking big will mean nothing until you're able to surpass the talent and popularity of those who built up the industry. I view this as crossing the motherfucking line.

      & if anybody says "oh, this doesn't make you any better than Kemy", please tell me more about that. I'm normally a very chill person but I find this such a callous and brute diss. I'm calling out Kemy for calling out Bom. As some say that "Kemy is just stating facts about Bom we know", I'm going to say that I'm just stating obvious, blatant facts about Kemy that I know. It was a dumb move for Kemy. She had this coming. Try and defend her, if you want, against every single blackjack who is just as upset as me.

      now allow me to rip someone's throat out because dis kemy bitch = r00d


      Aaaah. Thanks for posting the rap. I mean, I haven't even listened to it but I did go on YouTube to read comments like this. Ooooh, the delusional anger. Blackjacks hopping through firehoops and spitting fire and brimstone! Very entertaining. You should do, like, an article on them.

      This is quite a good way to start my Sunday. I bet this all would get even funnier if YG did react to that rap in someway. Also, are Blackjacks burning Kemy on a stake yet? LOL.

    2. Lol, at first I thought you were an angry fangirl and I was about to cry tears of joy.

    3. Damn, I should have trolled this site and not added that last bit in there XDD I bet the reactions would have been hella amusing *lol*

  8. yawn who cares? Next scandal please!

  9. I don't know much about kpop, or rap, or the Korean language but ummm... erm... uh...

  10. god are people still worked up about some stressed out idol getting adderall'd up, i thought it was 2014

  11. All of A.KOR's YouTubes and her other solo rap stuff now has heaps of hate comments on it from Blackjacks. Kemy is getting hated on so hard that I can't help but like her.

    1. Same here. The "diss" was sorta tame, though, especially when compared to the hateful comments she's getting.

  12. What she said may be true, but it just feels wrong to kick a person while his down. And the girl clearly wasn't thinking with her head when she released the song. Blackjacks are going to roast her on a small fire and eat her medium rare.

    1. You may think I am pathetic and blind but I don't find this diss funny. Maybe if that rapper focus on drugs scandal- ok. But dissing Bom for her PS, calling her ugly, "you will be ugly old person with ugly kid", really? Wait a year or two and let's see how your nose or chin or eye lids will behave, hun. You will propably "get prettier thanks to turning 20", just like Minzy did. And btw Bom WAS pretty. She totally overdid PS, but from the start she was really good looking girl.
      This diss is about how stupid, shallow person is Bom- and what focusing on her PS and look says about author of this words?

  13. Whoever wrote it is a genius. I also see this as a publicity stunt fail that accumulated hate, from what I've seen on tumblr by searching a.kor, I think AKF would commit suicide.

    1. From the hate mails or the yg stans?

    2. Yesterday I went on a facebook fan page and there was a lot of death threats and things like that, I bookmarked it but it seems to have been taken down now.

  14. YG Artists throw around the N word? "Well they're rappers so it's okay"
    CL uses the Qur'an in a song? "Your religion is wrong, CL is perfect."
    GD is caught with drugs? "There is no concrete evidence of that."
    Lee Hi forced to lose weight in order to debut? "It's just make up YG would never do that."
    Minzy gets obvious work done on her nose and admits it? "It's just her natural, growing up beauty. Soshi is the group with plastic members!"
    Nugu girl group calls Bom out on her shit. "SHE NEEDS TO DIE HOW DARE SHE BOMMIE IS PERFECT"

    YG stan logic never ceases to stump me.

  15. HAH I could read these youtube comments all day thanks for the laugh w.e this group or girl is. As far as the actual song goes hip hop as a whole hasn't been good sine the 90s so fuck it.


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