Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hello Venus is Making a Comeback

Hello Venus is making a comeback with a new member.

As a lot of you already know, Pledis withdrew from managing Hello Venus, leaving the management exclusively to Fantagio (HV was a joint-management between the two companies, with Pledis handling music activities and Fantagio handling acting activities). WIth Pledis withdrawing, Yoo Ara and Yoonjo, both from Pledis, withdrew from the group as well. Fantagio is mainly an acting agency, housing stars such as Kim So Eun, but they really cannot do any worse than Pledis did at promoting the group.

I think this is great because Yoo Ara is the definition of bad plastic surgery. Her face reminded me of a Halloween mask, suggesting that Pledis used the cheapest surgeon in Gangnam. However, I am a bit sad that Yoonjo is out of the group, but her sacrifice will be remembered as she took Yoo Ara with her. As long as the new member is good looking (or at least better looking than Ara), I am fine. As far as I am concerned, Hello Venus retained its best four members, and its most important member Yooyoung, as she has single-handedly kept this group alive thanks to her acting gigs the past couple of years.

The only bad news is that Brave Brothers is producing the track. He has produced some gems this year (such as AOA's Mini Skirt), but also some real stinking pieces of shit (Hyomin's Hot Body). I hope HV's track is more of the former. I also hope that HV will finally gain some relevance now that Brave Brothers is producing their title track.


  1. i can already see them doing a sexy concept. all the remaining members can pull it off

    1. If Yahage was proof yeah they can do. And i like Brave Bros because 95% of his stuff is sexy

  2. Ara was really pretty though, Her jaw was a little wierd when she smiled but she had cute duckfaces.

    1. "cute duckfaces" - This does not exist.

    2. Same I liked ara. Shes pretty imo. Idk she has a serene beauty to her.

  3. I liked Hyomin's Nice Body and y'all can suck it if you disagree. It was so much better than all of Brave Brothers watered-down Alone rehashes post-Miniskirt.

    1. The sad part is miniskirt helped AOA win a trophy before the band. Proving Korea has no time for bands only time for idols who dance to Beyonce.

    2. When the band releases shit like Moya, it's no surprise the band won't be winning any trophies. It took me 6 months before I could admit to myself that I liked Miniskirt. I fought valiantly, but I lost to those twirling hips in the end.

    3. Speaking of twirling hips, you might like Hello Venus' Wiggle Wiggle, with 6 cute girls wiggling their asses at the camera. Be sure to choose the Dance Practice version of the vid, cuz the standard version is too dark and like a strip club; you can't really see the excellent wiggling they do like in the Dance Practice.

  4. I'm looking forward to more Alice and Lime.
    Hopefully it won't be insanely pseudo-kawaii shit as their last releases.

    I too thought Yoo Ara looked weird as fuck. It blows my mind people fap to her.

    1. I always referred to Yoo Ara as Frankenstein's daughter.

    2. And I've always agreed with you. :chuuu:

    3. I fap to her all the time she has a really nice big ASS you guys are just hatters

  5. Thing they need to succeed:
    Yooyoung and Nara being hot. Check.
    Lime going back to debut looks. Pending.
    Brunette Alice. Let's hope.
    Good music..... Wait Brave Brothers? Lol. Good luck with that.

  6. Mixed feelings about this. Guess only time will tell

  7. Hell yeah, gimmeh moar Hello Venus.
    Motherfucking Pledis not doing anything for motherfucking way too fucking long time.

    I have no idea if they'll retain the rapey cute girl thing they had going, but a comeback is a comeback and I'll at least enjoy the visuals.

  8. goodbye Autistic Sica and Overly Affectionate Yuri

    just give me more Lime

  9. what are you talking about yoo ara is hella beautiful I love her Ass but you most be happy because her show biz career is pretty much over ... T_T im so sad,I hope she does something with after shcool aka after thought anything I dont give a fuck I just want to see my lovely Yoo Ara T_T

  10. Finally.

    I'm looking forward to this.

  11. I'm as interested in bad plastic surgery as the next guy, but i confess i looked at Yoo Ara's Google images page of a couple hundred pix, and i must be blind, cuz i don't see Frankenstein's daughter at all...? Maybe most of the pix were pre-PS, but she doesn't look bad to me. What am i missing?


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