Saturday, September 6, 2014

Rest in peace, Rise of Ladies' Code

We all hoped for a miracle, but the reason we call them miracles is because they are rare.

Unfortunately, Rise did not recover from her severe injuries and passed away at 10:10pm.

Rest in peace, Rise. Thank you for the gifts you leave us with. You were loved and will be remembered.


  1. RiSe's injuries were almost severe as EunB's. Her chances of survival were very low. At least she doesn't have to suffer any more.

  2. Wow. I half-expected this but I wasn't prepared to hear it this soon.

    1. Her injuries were extremely severe. Major damage to multiple areas of the brain. Typically if you don't wake up from a traumatic brain injury within 24 hours it is not expected for you to survive. The stories of people waking up after 10 years or whatever are truly exceptional cases, usually with far less damage to the brain. I still had some hope because I had a friend who, like Rise, was in a coma for a few days and he needed defibrillation at one point, but things were worse for Rise and the chances very low. I have been meditating on life and death for the past few days so I can handle this better.

    2. I was also kind of expecting it but was still not prepared for it.

    3. Same here. It really hit home when I watched their last performance.

  3. She put up a great fight for 5 days considering how sever her injuries were. She's in a better place now, may she rest in peace with EunB.

  4. Also RIP for Ladies code. The group had so much potential yet it was robbed from them so violently


  6. When I heard about the surgery stopping due to blood loss I knew that it was a bad sign and I half-expected this, but part of me also wanted to remain positive and hope for the best, as is human nature. RIP

  7. " Yeah, that’s right, I’m RiSe, I’m a bit hotter than the others
    I’m not ordinary, I look fierce so they can’t easily talk to me
    My face is sexy and my personality is cool too
    Don’t talk to me and tease me about my pronunciation"

    Forever iconic

  8. Is there an update on Sojung? I heard she was out of surgery. Is she recovering?

    1. sojung has come out of surgery and is conscious

    2. She's recovering from her facial fractures. Ashley and Zuni have minor injuries, and are at the hospital comforting Sojung, because she knows about RiSe EunB, and is said to be deeply grieved.


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