Monday, September 8, 2014

T-ara's Sugar Free Teaser

Based Shinsadong Tiger teams up with Korea's bullying queens once again and I am stoked for the song. Summer is just about over and we have had some good songs (a few great ones), but a lot of mediocre tracks thrown at us. However, T-ara's next track with Shinsadong Tiger has me hyped for what the fall will bring.

However, the MV looks like another schizophrenic mess. I'm sure every T-ara fan is tired of getting a seizure while trying to fap to the MVs. Oh well, hopefully a dance practice version comes out.


  1. So far I like the style but I don't really like the sound. Oh well, let's wait for the full MV first.

  2. How come ST gives all his good songs to T-ARA and gives all the shit, ear-grinding ones to the kids over at Cube Entertainment? I would've thought there would be more money in giving the rich companies the good songs.

    1. I get more excited for T-ARA comebacks than I do for any groups from Cube Entertainment, so I'm okay if ST favors them with the good tunes.

    2. i don't think it's entirely ST's fault. Companies also do have authority in choosing, requesting, suggesting what kind of song they want. and i guess CCM have this basic, that's why not only T-ara but their other artists also have a pretty decent songs regardless who's the composer

  3. From this snippet this sounds like it will be the kpop version of TSUNAMI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EWbonj7f18 . It could possibly be the worst kpop track of all time if this turns true, and that's exactly the reason why I'm gonna start supporting T-Ara. "Trash" will always have a special place in my heart and soul.

    1. Oh boy the k-netz are gonna have a field day with this.


  4. I'm just happy CCM with with Tiger's song and not Brave Brothers' song.

    1. It's a typing mistake, not a grammar mistake. I type fast but I think a lot faster than I type so I get "word leapfrog" sometimes, as my brain races ahead of my fingers.

    2. I always think slower than my fingers :<

    3. "I always think slower than my fingers :<"

      Yeah, that sucks, especially when you masturbate, because I usually cum before I can picture my bias screming out my name :(

  5. Sounds like a mixture between Eurodance and Techno.
    Not sure if I'm gonna like it.

  6. Sounds like we're gonna have a bit of techno-k-pop...

  7. Sound like a typical electro/techno song which many kpop idols are spewing out these days.

    and holy shit I couldn't even recognize soyeon and boram. what the fuck did they do to their faces? ಠ_ಠ

    1. I think it's just their styling, not more plastic surgery.

    2. They definitely did something to their faces. Soyeon is the most obvious one. The rest of the members pretty much look the same. Maybe Qri did something too.

  8. So did the CCM & FNC merge into MBK ever happen? Qri changed her twitter but maybe she doesn't have a correct understanding.

    If it's true, I guess CCM realized they suck at promoting idols anymore and so teamed up with the based gods running AOA.

    As for this song, I can't trust previews anymore, but if it turns out like it sounds it could be some good classic EDM, which is best for T-ara since they don't have good charisma-stamina.

    1. CCM and FNC have always been under the sane company. I don't really understand this merge. Has CJ merged with MBK or have the two sub-labels abandoned CJ and gone to MBK?

    2. the only time anyone has ever put CCM and 'sane' in the same sentence

    3. As long as KKS stay the fuck away. I can't take it if KKS ruins AOA too.

    4. According to Dani's official fb... Btw, it's her official fb cuz she uploaded her ALS Ice Bucket challenge on it and it's not on any of her or Shannon's other social media sites
      "guys! i've got some important official news for u all! our company, CCM, has now merged with FNC entertainment (the home of FT Island, CNBLUE, AOA, Juniel, and other actors and actresses) to now make one brand new company called MBK Entertainment! MBK entertainment is a sub-company of the CJ E&M Music Performance Division. they’re going to establish MBK Entertainment with a bigger value of their company as our company and FNC merge together. this expansion will worth the same as SM Entertainment and YG Entertainment. now our CCM family is one family with FNC! and now our company's artists and FNC's artists all are under MBK Entertainment!
      here's the list of all the artists now under MBK Entertainment: FTISLAND, CNBLUE, T-ARA, F-ve Dolls, AOA, The Seeya, SPEED, NFlying, JUNIEL, Shannon, 이동건 LEEDONGGUN, Sung Hyuk, Kwak Dong Yeon, Jung Hae In, Jo Jae Yoon, Ha Seok Jin, Hwang Jung Eum, Son Ho Jun, Lee Hae In, Choi Soo Eun, Park Sang Won, Kim Min Hyun, Lee Bo Ram, Lee Jang Woo, Yoon So Ra.
      please support our merge! :)))))"

  9. Not sure if I'm gonna like it. The video looks like typical seizure inducing magic which always distracts me from Jiyeon and I'm not a huge fan of EDM/Techno/Computer screeching so this comeback may just not be for me.

  10. My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun

  11. MV has been released early by Dispatch if anyone is interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Lm3Uafw-Og


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