Friday, September 19, 2014

You should check out Minx

Alright so I don't always recommend new groups whenever I like them, but only when I think they really deserve it, which is a different matter. Last night I saw Minx on M! Countdown and they did really well for a debut stage. Laboum has also done decently but still show a few weaknesses and their song blows, yet Minx is really competent from the start.

I had only heard of them from the previews on music shows last week, and in really lazy curiosity only searched for them in English on English search engines so I found absolutely nothing about them and thought they were from some no-name agency. However, after that performance, I looked up their MV and holy shit, they are from Happyface Entertainment a.k.a. Dal Shabet's agency. Dal Shabet was also pretty pro from the start, so they must have good people in charge over there.

Anyway, whether you like the song or not, I think they deserve to be checked out, and I do mean checked out because this MV is pretty hot and I know you all love eye candy. I don't know why they have to be so confrontational with the pizza guy, but it seems like he may have gotten a good tip.

P.S. Did you scope the sweet zettai ryouiki? Holy Cyclops that black dress was killing me.


  1. 0:41 is possibly the greatest pre-chorus I've heard in a long time. As I said in the comments, It's lucky how they've been able to come up with a catchy name for the group seeing as how so many labels have really been struggling with it recently

    1. greatest pre chorus for me is probably girl's day's darling lol, and I like the meaning of the lyrics too

    2. Sugar Free's pre-chorus is the best tbh.

  2. Group shares the same name with a lesbian youtube gamer

    1. You mean that Hanna Minx fatso ?

    2. mangaminx, she never showed her face/real name i think so idk

  3. I haven't heard "zettai ryouiki" in a very long time.

    I never expected for this to say, but there are unlikeable voices in that group.

  4. I hope MINX does well. It's probably been too long for DalShabet to make it big, but surprises can happen like Girl's Day.

    I agree that Laboum is decent but I can't get over how one of the girls sounds like a 8-10 year old child.

    On a side note, I regret not checking out Ladies Code when they debuted. I would have liked them immediately with Bad Girl/Hate You. It's just difficult to check out all the new groups.

    1. i actually like that 10yr old voice.. HAHAHAHA..

  5. I wasn't too happy with the verses, but the pre-chorus and chorus itself sounds great.

  6. Out of all the nugus that have been popping up on these music shows (4ten, Laboum etc), Minx was a breath of fresh air. Laboum could be better but that song is literal trash. 4ten's song is obnoxious and their English doesn't do the chorus justice (It's called Tomato, right?)
    Minx is gonna be the group to fill at least part of the hole left by Ladies Code.
    I hope that one girl doesn't keep that Ariana Grande type high pitched screaming up, though. Not a fan.

  7. The song's structure feels similar to We Dont STOP By Fiestar (Slow/Breakdown PreChorus -> Explosive Chorus)

  8. I'm hoping they get on some variety shows so I can see them just being hot/cute without singing that song, and I hope that they have a comeback with a better song soon.

    Hell, I hope Dal Shabet have another comeback soon so my eyes can feast on Ah-young!

  9. contrary to most comments here, i actually like laboum's perf and song. its a fun inducing ride.

    1. Laboum grab my attention because of their choreography, its very different/dynamic compared to the rest of groups currently performing on music shows, But Minx's song is catchier.


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