Thursday, October 30, 2014

Can Nicole Really Make It Solo?

Nicole was my favorite member in Kara, but I was relieved that she was leaving the group. Now it has officially been confirmed that she will make a solo comeback under Butt 2 Munch Entertainment. I didn't even think she would get a real opportunity to go solo, but it actually is happening.

The first two things that people will say is that "If she has a good song, she'll do well," and "Sunmi went solo and became successful, so can Nicole." Sure, a good song is always helpful. Sure, Sunmi isn't a vocal powerhouse, but she became successful because of "24 Hours." However, I don't think Nicole and Sunmi are comparable at all given each of the girl's circumstances. Unlike Sunmi, I think Nicole will bomb with her solo debut because Nicole is hated by Koreans, she is a "rapper," her replacement in popular unlike Sunmi's, and her agency isn't powerful.

Nicole's first strike is that she is American. Koreans have a tendency to treat "unpure" Koreans like shit, and Nicole always has and always will receive shit for being American. On top of that, Nicole still can't speak Korean at an educated level, and while Koreans found it charming during her Star Golden Bell stint, Nicole has been in Korea for almost ten years and still hasn't surpassed a conversational level in Korean. Meanwhile, Sunmi is Korean-Korean and speaks Korean at a native level of fluency. Koreans are more accepting of Sunmi because she is one of them while Nicole is a perceptual foreigner.

On top of being a foreigner, Nicole held the worst position in a K-pop group: the rapper. Whoops, I mean the "rapper."

Sunmi was simply a singer in Wonder Girls while Nicole canally raped us with every rap break. That is a sin that cannot be forgiven so easily.

While Nicole canally raped us while she was in Kara, she was replaced by a member that is loved by the general public. Youngji is fucking everywhere these days. Meanwhile, Sunmi was replaced by...this.

People were anticipating Sunmi's return after Lim jumped on board. When your replacement looks like she belongs in the Special Olympics, people will want you back even more. When people have "calmly accepted" your replacement who is doing well on variety shows, your comeback isn't anticipated as much.

Lastly, what the fuck is B2M Entertainment? Spica are still nugus and Hyori's career hasn't progressed under its management due to her marriage to Lee Sang Yoon. Who has B2M Entertainment made a success? Meanwhile, JYP has made plenty of his artists a success, and Sunmi had a huge advantage of being under JYP when making her solo debut. Nicole doesn't have that luxury.

Sure, Nicole has a great ass, a lovable (on-screen) personality, and a title track produced by Sweetune, but I find the odds too stacked against her. I want a jam from Sweetune, preferably showcasing some ass shaking and excluding Nicole's shitty rapping. However, I don't see her song(s) doing well and I believe she will have a short solo career.

She can always marry me in a couple of years when I finish graduate school if things don't work out for her. (Don't kill me, TuElite.)


  1. Wait what, Youngi is getting loved? I still see her getting shit on by k-netz.

    If a solo career as singer doesn't work out for Nicole, she could always follow Viki's path. Heard the movie's doing "well"...

    1. K-netz love her on Roommate. By now, there's a lot more support for Youngji than there is hate.

    2. Not sure what places you surf, but Youngji is pretty much universally accepted at single-handedly saving Kara.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Lol I thought this was her solo debut and I was like no fucking way... this song is boring af.

    2. This was during 2012 when all five of the members released their solo songs.

  3. you are so mean sometimes, lmfao. she does not look special. lmfao. but that made me laugh way too hard.

  4. I want to trust Sweetune, they've produced nothing but masterpieces lately (of course let's forget anything they have done with boy groups such as Boyfriend), the quality of the song is the only thing that matters to me.

    1. The quality of the song is the only thing that doesn't matter in Korea, therefore the flop...

  5. This is the first time I am hearing that her solo song was written by Sweetune. Now, I am a little worried because Spica's next comeback song is also by Sweetune. oh boy. I hope Spica gets a decent song, I don't care about Nicole, my bias from Kara has always been Gyuri.

  6. You're not marrying Nicole's ass because I called dibs in my dream long ago.

  7. If there is one thing k-pop has taught me through the past ten months, 2014 is full of surprises.

  8. is that lim's face un shopped? it's horrifying

  9. sadly you are right in all your points but I still want Nicole to succeed,she is very popular with guys and she also has a great ass so if she sells herself well I think she can find some success


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