Monday, December 15, 2014

Are YG Stans the Most Persecuted People on the Planet?

After the latest proverbial smack to the face, this time courtesy of Skrillex, YG fans have a real argument to be the most persecuted people on the planet. 

They have rightfully spoken out. GD's performance in this has been universally panned while other netizens have pointed out that CL looks really hawt. Yep, that's where we are. YG stans are clinging to CL's looks as the one redeeming factor.

Meanhile, Netizens are asking time important questions such as, "Is GD black?" "Was the song even kpop to begin with?" "Will this hurt CL's US debut?"

If you remember a while back when it was announced that CL was going to debut in the US by spring I made a promise to eat my hat, that's how sure I am that she's going make it big. Well after this bomb I am currently researching which fabrics are the most edible.


  1. hahaha, i grabbed my popcorn and headed straight to r/kpop for the show

  2. haha waiting for the "Pre 2010 KPOP Golden age " comments

  3. I dunno why, but I suddenly want t-ara fanfiction.

  4. Everyone hates it, I'm so happy

    1. https://twitter.com/zakubot/status/544635828073279490

      Schitstainz ‏@konphuzed Dec 15
      @TheRealCZ @zakubot @asianjunkiecom When you get brainwashed with K-Pop 24/7, you no longer have a sense of what good music sounds like.

      See, YG fans call people who don't like the song "brainwashed". lmao.

  5. That song being released to the public must violate some part of the Geneva Convention, holy fuck. It's far from the final nail in the coffin though, isn't it? Not yet. ~_~


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