Saturday, February 7, 2015

Jonghyun Doesn't Need A Girlfriend

Jonghyun says he doesn't need a girlfriend, and I'm here to explain why. And for some reason, it seems like a writer on AKF covers Jonghyun relationship status at least once a year. 

Like most Asian men, Jonghyun's penis is nearly impossible to see with using something such as a telescope. He got tired of Shin Se Kyung using a scope to find his penis.

Nigga, I can't see yo dick. I can spot a buck's dick from 100 yards out, but I can't see yours from three feet away.

With his former girlfriend being this hot, Jonghyun's penis couldn't become erect enough to satisfy Shin Se Kyung. So, Shin Se Kyung had to peg Jonghyun, as that was the only way any kind of penetrative intercourse was going to occur in their relationship.

I'm assuming this is how Shin Se Kyung would look as a tranny.
After getting rammed up the ass a few times, Jonghyun knew he was a faggot, and thus turned to Key.

He doesn't need a girlfriend because he has a boyfriend.


  1. I never thought I'd see the day an AKF author believe in JongKey. Give HYSFag a cookie!

    1. It makes me sad that "JongKey" is actually a term.

  2. smh@ this poor journalism jonghyun very clearly lost interest in key a long time ago andhas been very, very hot for taemin ever since

  3. Hitomi Tanaka must be heartbroken.

    1. She shouldn't lose hope just yet. Maybe one day they'll shoot a pegging scene together.

  4. I don't know what's sadder. It's either op's obsession with penis or the fact that he finds that this is a worthy enough subject to ponder upon. Hell, it might even be the fact that the drawn penis is worse than AKF's version of one

  5. Replies
    1. lmfao. I'll have to make sure AKF sees this.

  6. Actually there is written "lover" not "girlfriend" lol.
    And it was given him by fans to mock his sappiness about relationships and couples on his radio show....
    But I guess it wouldn't have made it funny- oh wait.................

  7. People on OneHallyu are raging because of this article

    And what do you know, one's above me!

    1. http://onehallyu.com/topic/22255-the-official-bashing-thread/?p=6722873

      I think this one is the funniest by the way

    2. "I hope that author gets fired" lol ok

    3. Yeah, I should fire myself!

      Also, great find yura sexual. I haven't laughed this hard in a while. It feels great to see my writing rile up these fangirls. I do this shit for fun when I'm not working, but Kpop is their life, so I find it hilarious when they lash out at me or any of the other authors.

    4. Totally welcome and glad I found it, It amazes me how pressed they get when this happens.

  8. LMAO at the imbeciles back at OneHallyu. This site is SATIRICAL and SARCASTIC. It is all tongue in cheek humour... I highly doubt that the majority of posts here are actually serious journalism with the intention to inform. Like seriously. Well.. This post did something right, it got a few squares riled up. Great job to author.

    /thunderous applause/

    1. I love it when people get so hung up on the race (or other identity traits) of someone who said something they don't like, as if that should make it any more or less offensive. Or maybe they just want to be able to say, "tsk tsk, white people being racist as always" or something like that.

    2. Yeah, it's very obvious which articles are meant to inform, and even then, those are opinion articles. Oh well, I enjoy riling up these retarded fans.

    3. Give them time and soon they'll be pissed at you for hating on retards. Justice for crayon pop etc.


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