Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Kpop scientists discover Sunhwa expanded 17% wider becomes Tiffany




  1. I would fuck her asshole, dry, with the incoming blood from the tearing of her anus wall as the lubricant.

    1. This doesn't sound like something she would invite you to do. Why would you even think of that you nasty.

    2. I didn't say anything about an invitation

    3. Rape is not cool. Rape is not funny.

    4. There there. I didn't say anything about rape either

    5. You talked about initiating a violent sexual act on someone who didn't ask for it. That is rape.

    6. Additional education before I go to bed: Think about it. If some dude fucked you in the ass so your ass bled and used that as the lube, and that isn't something you wanted and you said something and he went "Sorry baby, I thought you'd like it" you would definitely call that rape. You might say "Well I'm not gay" but you know that just means you aren't attracted to guys, but even a straight girl might not be attracted to you, and even being attracted to you doesn't mean she'd want that. Even if the chance pays off and the other person ends up liking what you do, it is way too big of a risk.

      I am a realistic guy. I know sexual things can go about naturally happening with just urges and body language and such, and maybe one person starts something the other isn't completely sold on but intuitively is willing to try and goes along with it and does like it. However, something else that often happens is the girl knows what she does not want to do but the guy initiates, and because he is physically more powerful than her and "into it" she is too scared to stop him. That is rape. They have actually done a lot of study on this and started girls on "assertiveness training" and that helps stop it from happening some. In the meantime, you need to know that is something that happens, and it is rape, whether or not you are aware of the fact that is what you are doing in the moment.

      If a girl lets you make out with her, that doesn't mean you can do other things to her. If a girl lets you go down on her, that doesn't mean you can fuck her. If a girl lets you fuck her in the vag, that doesn't mean you can fuck her in the ass. If a girl lets you fuck her either way, that doesn't mean you can bust a nut in her. If you're fucking and she decides she is uncomfortable and wants to stop, you need to respect that even if it is annoying to you. Anything at any point from start to finish that isn't mutual is an assault. It is not worth the risk doing stuff you don't make sure they are okay with doing first, and checking in with them as you do.

      Not everyone is educated in this, not even all girls. Some may even feel a bit turned off by a guy checking in with her, because she gets her views on sex from media and thinks it should just naturally happen. But just because she is a girl doesn't mean she understands how common practices should apply wisdom for all circumstances. Not all stop signs have cars crossing in front of you, but that doesn't mean you can just blast through them without stopping. So it is with this. Being communicative is essential to preventing rape and ensuring healthy sexual interactions.

      Likewise, the attitudes with which we speak about sex influences our attitudes about it, and thus our actions with it, so our jokes and projections of certain personas and acts tends to lead cultural practices in a similar direction. It's not a cool thing that you would want to present yourself as being that way, or even funny. It's like someone who just randomly talked about being violent or hateful in any other way. I'm all for sexual freedom and fantasies, but only in the context of mutual enthusiasm. Anything else is violent.

      This probably seems preachy and over-reacting, but it really isn't when one in five women are raped in their lifetimes, and half are sexually assaulted. As you get older, some will trust you with their stories, and it may happen to some you really care about, and you'll see how it affects them, and you'll know how serious it is and worth talking about. You just don't know yet. It isn't something you want to be anything close to being a part of, even just from talking shit.

    7. He's a leddit shitter, what do you expect?

    8. RAINN has found that the majority of rapes are committed by a significantly smaller percentage of the population, repeat offenses are common, and this demographic is resistant to anti-rape PSAs. If we just write people off and let them be how they are, those are either the people who do the raping, or the people who make up the communities where those who do the raping sink into. The light will never reach the dark places if it is unwilling to reach out. If you never come into contact with such a person, then you may come into contact with someone who will. The correct understanding and social influence for respectful sexual practices will never reach through the chain of contacts to reach the rapists if we simply give up on talking about it to anyone who doesn't show the same attitude as us.

      Think about it, even someone in something as horrible as human trafficking probably wasn't always in that. If they don't have contact with normal society anymore, at least at one point they did. And through the course of their life, they made a series of decisions, rationalizations that is was okay for them to do. What if everyone they knew influenced them to be opposed to those ideas? What if people didn't respond to horrible notions coming out of their mouths with "Ew, you're gross" or "You're an idiot, go away" but with instruction and belief that they can do better, that people believed in them and expected them to do better?

      I think we'd have a lot less human traffickers. Same for terrorists, criminals in general, and rapists. We too easily give up on education and influence for positive change at precisely the moment it is most crucial, when it is in regard to someone we have contact with that we find off-putting for some reason. Give up on them because of crap they have been trained to spew, and they will be more likely to seek out a community that thinks the crap they spew is cool. Is that really better? Or do you think instead it is how we get stuff like the KKK? Take your chances to speak good words to someone who seems like they need to hear them. It is the way we build a better world. That goes for addressing crime as well as stuff like environmental care and safety and anti-war/world peace sentiments.

    9. Also yes I realize I almost didn't at the start. It isn't easy to always remember and do. But the fact it isn't natural to us is part of why the world is so fucked up. If we want a world better than it has ever been, we need to be better than humans ever have been. We need to fight that natural laziness and lack of compassion and give each other the chance, give others the dignity of us believing they are capable of being more than they have aimed to be.

    10. Thanks for the moral lesson. Guess i'm heading to jail for this. See you in anal rape hell

    11. Anal sex is, in fact, painful. Well, not that I've tried taking a dick in my ass but i would imagine it would not be pleasant based on statistics. But still not illegal and a fetish for many.

      So yes. If I put my dick in someone's pooper who is experiencing a dick in there for the first time, adding to the probability that I might have a pornstar's like 10 inch dick, she might, or might not bleed. But hey, we're adults, she consented and if she wants to go on, I'm cool with it. If she doesn't we could figure it out like the proper gentle person we are. We can take it slow. I'm a "slow and steady win the game" kind of guy after all.

    12. But hey, there' still a possibility of her saying "Oh god it hurts so much but it feels so good fuck me more" you know sensei

    13. what the fuck is going on here

    14. Is this real life? haha this is weird seeing it on AkF

    15. I feel like Ajussi is one of those people that could talk to anyone about anything and they'd learn A LOT about the subject at hand.

    16. did i just read a whole conversation about anal rape?

  2. I kinda see it in the eyes and the ass, but that's it... also ew at the disgusting comment over me.

  3. Suddenly, everyone has morals now in this blog xX

    1. There is a huge difference between being non-morally consersavtive and wanting to rape someone o_o.

    2. Rape jokes are one of the main reasons we ditched anon commenting. It's not something we want to be associated with.

    3. Besides, there are jokes that are more or less tasteful/harmful. But "fuck her asshole, dry, with the incoming blood from the tearing of her anus wall as the lubricant" sure as hell shows how fucking retarded a person is.

    4. Rape jokes can work too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwMukKqx-Os

    5. Carlin does nothing for me. He is just extremely passive-aggressive, staying right in a zone that lets him talk shit while keeping off the hook solely to stir trouble while his own principles agree about how things get out of hand while never considering his own role in their move in that direction. He never addresses that breach of integrity, he just tries to throw out an anemic blinder of personal freedoms, as if being allowed in itself justifies something as being beneficial. This makes him a lazy person, unwilling to commit to anything he recognizes as good because he's too caught up bitching about the things that aren't good, like he never grew out of being a teenager to actually find himself and act as a whole person to care at all about anyone else in the world. In this he plays the perpetual victim card while trying to act tough even though if he actually were, it wouldn't get to him so much.

    6. I have no fucking clue what you just said about Carlin.

    7. Yeah, man, dem mental gymnastics there! :))
      아저씨. you should write more

    8. Nope. Still find it weird lel. I just got used to every commenter here wanting to buttfuck every idol that his comment wasnt even that much

    9. Yeah where exactly do you draw the line?

      I have always thought that there is no line in AKF.

    10. Sure you can talk about sex with an idol to your will but talking about taking someone against their will is another story. Just because I wouldn't mind scissorsing Jiyoon doesn't mean I would alow her rail my asshole with a strap-on or vice-versa.

    11. AKF shouldn't have to have set lines drawn out like we're a bunch of kids. People should have the common sense to know the difference between "crude and tasteless" and "rapey and disturbing".

      I'm with Ajusshi on this rape is never funny.

    12. @Enigmatic Causuistry; Completely agree.

  4. Tiffany looks better than either Sunhwa.

    1. But does Tiffany do this? http://i.minus.com/i3ChocKYHZk4.gif

    2. tiffany_ladymarmalade.gif

  5. Now I wonder what happens if you constrict Sunhwa 17% slimmer?..

  6. Is Sunhwa becoming your bias ?

  7. Either ass I would gladly hit. With permission of course.


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