Wednesday, June 24, 2015

AKF Survey Results

By now, anyone who was going to take the survey has taken it by now, so I wanted to go over the results.

First, I noticed that a lot of readers have poor reading comprehension. There were a few times when we mentioned the changes that would be coming to AKF: here and here. Essentially, we moved from posting every day with short posts with little effort to doing longer, better posts, but not posting as frequently. I thought this was very apparent, but how would I know, as I've been gone for most of the year.

First, I'm going to touch on content that you guys want to see in the future. For the most part, people were content with the variety of articles that we write, but some people had some good suggestions that we'll incorporate if we can.

First, there are people clamoring for more fap articles for male idols. It's never going to be as frequent as fap articles for female articles for a variety of reasons: while this site has more female readers than male readers, this blog is primarily aimed at male readers. There are so many other sites where you can find fap material for male idols. If Fany or any of the other female authors want to do a fap post for male idols, fine, but don't expect it to occur frequently.

Some people suggested that we go back to covering K-pop news, which will not happen unless there's a story that an author actually wants to cover. I've always found those articles to be the most boring to write, plus with the proliferation of other K-pop sites, you can find K-pop news anywhere.

Quite a few people wanted fapcams to come back, and a couple of authors are one step ahead of you guys.

Some people wanted more insight about nugu groups. Luckily, Kaylia already started that series just before the survey came out.

People want more specialty articles from me, such as comics, rap remixes, fanfics, "what netizens really meant", and MS Paint pictures. I'll post those when they would be appropriate to post, and I'm sure HYSF will post more fanfics for people to read when he returns.

People want more MV reviews. There have hardly been any in my absence since I was the only one who reviewed them regularly. I'll try to do more MV reviews, but I will not try to review every MV when it comes out.

People want more STFU posts. Shinbi is really erratic with her posting, and when she officially resigns in the near future, we'll find someone to take over the series.

On a related note, a few people expect every article to be making fun of fangirls. That's not what AKF. It is a philosophy of going against what K-pop fangirls believe how fans should be. AKF is mainly enjoying K-pop how you want to, regardless of what fangirls say. You don't have to like every song from your favorite group, or even like every member. There are a million of other examples of what the AKF spirit embodies.

Lastly, on this subject, I have to address something. There is a loud, vocal minority that essentially wants this site to have every post like Kpopalypse's posts. I'm sure Kpopalypse would agree with me in that would be very bad for the site. I really enjoy his articles, but what makes AKF work so well is the diversity in writing styles and viewpoints. For every one reader that likes an author, there is another reader who doesn't like that author. I'm not going to alienate half of the readers for a vocal minority.

Next, I'll address the responses about my absence. For the most part, people have enjoyed AKF without me being here, and for people choosing "Yes and No," the comment essentially was "I like the new authors, but the site needs you to post again."

For the most part, people like the new authors. A lot of them are new to writing for a blog, so I expect to see the new authors improve over time. Many people are split on HYSF, which is what I expected. I am not going to remove someone who I personally picked to take my spot, so those people can stop asking for me to fire HYSF.

A lot of people are asking for more frequent posting, which is unrealistic unless we add more authors or unless you guys pay me more than what I'll be making at my job. For the most part, HYSF and I will be doing mainly scheduled posts from here on out. He'll be starting grad school at the end of August, and his summer internship is making him busier, which is why I've been back to take over him for a bit. Expect me to be gone for the majority of July, as I'll be in Chicago for training. 

I do expect to be posting a large percentage of the articles on AKF in in the foreseeable future, but I don't expect it to be around 70% like it used to be. HYSF will pick up some the slack, but it's going to be much like how it is this year: everyone else pitching in, especially the new authors. HYSF is much more open to taking risks on new authors than I am, mainly because it backfired on me back in 2011, but with dedicated editors, the quality of the posts from the new authors is better than what we had in 2011. 

Anyway, that's really it.


  1. " while this site has more female readers than male readers, this blog is primarily aimed at male readers."

    LOL, that's weird. (Probably) heterosexual girls coming to a blog to see female idols photoshoots, "THE GREATEST K-POP ASS MASTERPIECES OF 2015",a boobs quiz, photo modifications made with paint of female idols getting fucked by a stick figure and crude dystopian fanfictions about psychopathic (usually) female celebrities with mafia organizations killing fans in the most absurdly gory way possible. I guess it can appeal some girls.

    Anyways, i don't think this web is going in a bad direction. We just need to let the new authors to have more ideas and experience writing. With some time this will gain some traction.

    1. Girls like to look at pretty girls too. That doesn't make us lesbians. ^^
      It's fun for me readings articles from the guys POV

  2. I'm actually shocked at the hate HYSF is getting. I thought most welcomed him... It's probably just shock factor settling in.

    This doesn't really have anything to do anything in the post, but two tips for coming to Chicago are 1.)Be extremely safe (depends on what part of the city but with the crime rates who knows) and 2.)Bring a good amount of money because Chicago is expsensive and taxes everything. Other than that, you should be good. The weather can be zany but the summers have been scorching these past few years.

    1. I am puzzled by it too, back in February there was a Three Month Report and most were supportive or at least neutral towards HYSF.

  3. Shinbi's gonna retire soon? I mean, what?
    Also i can't understand the logic behind wanting everyone to write like Kpopalypse. It's cool and all to have someone writes long technical posts or long fan fictions with twist ending, but ten of them? No thanks. It would be boring. I mean would you rather have 6 Cyclops Overlord in T-ara or the current line up with five different Overlords and the other girl? Exactly.

    1. She's about to enter med school. We had a former author (JK, or Jae) who was a med school student. She was only able to post during her first year, and even then she only posted when she didn't want to study.

    2. I see. Good luck Shinbi. But isn't AKF authors supposed to be jerks who stay at their moms' basements and have no life?

      I think I remember JK, back when I was still a silent reader.

  4. "I like the new authors, but the site needs you to post again." I think that's the best way to sum AKF up since you went semi-MIA!
    None of the new fappers stood out to me as bad people, but I'd love to have your asshole attitude back for some more posts.

    1. @No, I don't know why, but I keep agreeing with almost everything you post.

      To the entire AKF Team:
      -Shinbi...PLEASE DON'T LEAVE! You're part of the old guard...!
      -I do NOT c why HYSF should be fired. He is okay.
      -I also agree that AKF is still one of the bestest writers here.
      Any1 who disagrees should not waste effort in telling me, b'cos IDGAF.

      Last but not least: If 90% of the articles on this site start to become boring with lousy and untalented writing, or come across as TL;DR for me, I'll be outta here for good.

  5. Yeah I agree that if every writer wrote like I do that would suck dick. Purely as a reader I'd probably stop visiting AKF completely if that happened. I don't want to see other authors write like me, that would be horrible. I want to see other authors write like THEMSELVES, with cool unique styles that entertain so I can click on that link every other day and get something fresh and different that I can't find on my own site or anywhere else.

  6. Blah blah blah, who's the chick in the pic?

    1. Use google pic search, you lazy bitch.

    2. It's Sunmi, who has difficulty smiling in the pic 'cos she's not as roaringly successful as she wants to be. Just joking.

    3. Thanks. And how the hell do i use pic search? I oly know the other way around, search for pics when I know the name..

    4. Right click the pic. I'm a genius.

  7. There are different authors?
    Lol i just think every post here is written by an Anti kpop Fangirl. period.

    1. Jesus Christ.

      People like you are why I think the majority of the readers here are fucking stupid.

    2. Oh am gee. Is that Kwanghee in her profile pic? Hmm.

    3. This is why I mention my own name in my headings and about five times every sentence in every post that I do. I get called out all the time for being condescending but THERE'S A GODDAMN REASON.

    4. lol dunno why you guys are mad tho. I dont even care who the authors are as long as I enjoy the post smh

    5. Because people like you are the fucking problem.

    6. I guess somebody took the multiple personality disorder post the wrong way.

  8. Please re-title this article as 'TALES OF THE ILLITERATE'


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