Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Someone Didn't Secure Their Baggage, It Bleeds Everywhere

Person 'A'. As in definitely not Hyun-A.
In you-can't-make-this-shit-up-news, someone's boobs bled everywhere.

Girl group member A's looks are one of the best among girl groups. She also has a very glamorous body. She's a typical bagel girl / an innocent glamour.

A's group had busy promotions in Korea and overseas. Before a big overseas concert, her company gave A a vacation. A had her vacation and flew back to the country to do a rehearsal.

A was doing the rehearsal and suddenly, A's clothes started to be soaked with blood and it even dripped to the floor. She still finished the rehearsal and checked where the blood was coming from.

It was from her armpit. While she was on a vacation, she got breast augmentation. The surgeon told her not to get on an airplane because the air pressure might rip the surgery stitch on her armpit.

However, she ignored the surgeon's warning and got on a plane as soon as she got breast augmentation.

A is actually addicted to plastic surgery. At first, her company made her get plastic surgery because her looks lacked a bit comparing to other members. But as she was getting prettier, she became proud. She got the breast augmentation without telling her company only to embarrass herself.

Her armpit stitch wasn't too bad because of the advanced surgery system. She stopped the bleeding and successfully finished the concert. After the concert, she came back to Korea and got her armpit stitched up again.

While it's not official who it is, netizens seem pretty convinced it's Hyuna.

Personally I'm just glad it's definitely not Soyeon as she only changes her face, not her boobs... At least not yet.


  1. hyuna is a bagel girl? since when does she have a baby face?

    1. It also says "innocent glamour", because Hyuna is the first person that comes to mind when people think of innocence.

  2. Replies
    1. Why would she make her tits even bigger? They're perfect.

    2. "Girl group member A's looks are one of the best among girl groups." Koreans don't think Hyosung is anywhere near the prettiest in girl groups.

    3. You serious? I thought she was popular among visual standards... I guess just internationally.

  3. I would totally fap to Soyeon even harder with bigger tits.

  4. Surgeons no longer do the surgery in the armpit, they do it on the areola so the scar is not as noticeable so you can tell this is a lie just from that

  5. Fake. Companies don't force members to get PS. They'll just drop them for a prettier girl. And we're talking about 4minute her, a group where Sohyun and Gayoon are both members, so Hyuna certainly isn't lacking in comparison to other members.

  6. I don't care who it was I just hope whoever it is, is okay now! Poor girl :(

    1. First considerate comment, lol. You alien?

  7. "Compared to the rest of the other members..."

    Hopefully it's not Gain. I have never considered Hyuna as a bagel girl.


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