Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Ultimate Kpop Music Awards Show 2015 [PART 1 - SURVEY]

Hello and Welcome to The Ultimate Kpop Music Awards Show (aka UKMAS), a show in which awards will be handed out... to music videos... and stuff... Yeah...

I don't even know why this picture is here. It's not like they're gonna win anything.

UKMAS 2015 will consist of three stages. Part 1 is the survey where YOU guys will choose the nominees for each category (I'll get to the categories in a moment). Part 2 is the nominees list and poll. Once I've tallied the votes from the survey (which means I'll need shit loads of people to take the survey) , I will pick 5 nominees for each category. You guys will have to take the poll to pick one winner for each category. Part 3 will be the results... which is self-explanatory I think.

These are the categories: 
  • Catchiest Song
  • Best Female Act (Can be group or solo)
  • Best Male Act (Same here)
  • Sexiest Music Video
  • Best dance - Female
  • Best dance - Male
  • Best plot-based Music video (Wait... Are there even any this year?)
  • Best Dance Track
  • Best Ballad/R&B/Whatever slow shit music
  • Best Visuals (includes styling, makeup, outfits, etc) - Female (EDIT: I've noticed a lot of confusion here, you need to type in the name of a music video, not a group/group member)
  • Best Visuals - Male
  • Best Nugu Release
Rules and Regulations
  • ONLY Title Tracks
  • Leave 5 answers for each category, no more, no less (Unless you absolutely can't think of any) 
  • Its UKMAS 2015... So only 2015 music. 

Thanks for taking time out of your very busy lives to fill in this survey! I'll release the nominees list once I have enough responses. If the results are too widespread, which is very possible, I may have to resort to personal judgement, which, to be honest, isn't the most valid... But what is these days?


  1. I spent almost two hours filling this thing out, on a sunny Sunday afternoon.
    You're welcome

  2. FIVE answers per category??? On to the next article. Yawn.

  3. But wer'e still mid 2015.. maybe there will be other and better songs released later on in the year

    1. I'll make another one by the end of the year. So this is a mid-year kinda thing.

    2. I'll make another one by the end of the year. So this is a mid-year kinda thing.

    3. I'll make another one by the end of the year. So this is a mid-year kinda thing.

    4. Ohhh. Okay.. to the survey I go then

    5. Ohhh. Okay.. to the survey I go then

  4. i have no idea which songs released this year...

    1. saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.

      I'll have to actually go through the releases and listen to them. Woe is me.

    2. Precisely why the survey is like an exam. Yawn.

  5. Too much underwhelming music bro. The faps are still there tho.

  6. I accidentally put in a couple of non-feature tracks. Oops.


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