Wednesday, October 28, 2015

f(x) to hold their own concert

Too bad it's in January. Why couldn't f(x) hold it next summer when I would have a chance to actually go see them?

While many groups have already had solo concerts, f(x)'s would be one of the few worth going to based on the quality of all of their album tracks. A lot of other groups have good title tracks, and then halfway through the concert they have to resort to their uninspired B tracks.

Besides, who wouldn't want to watch Victoria and Krystal have sexy solo stages?

Then anyone who goes can masturbate to Luna hitting those E5's perfectly.

And if anyone can listen to Amber's "Shake That Brass" without wanting to off himself or herself, then he or she deserves a medal.


  1. I hope their obsessive "stans" will stop whining like little faggot bitches all over the Internet. 4walls was very mediocre, though, and some of the album tracks are pure trash. Very disappointed with this comeback.

    1. I think f(x) with their new album seems grown up, it's different from their last albums (if you listened all albums). what kind of 'trash' you talking about?

    2. I enjoyed it too, I don't understand the hate. Sure, it wasn't filled to the brim with bangers, it definitely has a more relaxed vibe about it, but the album has shown maturation musically. It's not exactly Pink Tape, nor Red Light, but it shows solid growth and I think it's quite good. But hey, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, I just happen to enjoy a variety of genres musically (I basically listen to a slew of genres, from classic rock, to metal, to indie, to kpop, to jpop, etc, so I have a broader taste than most people do musically).

    3. 4walls sounds very good to me, so I got the album and it's a quality rollercoaster like the previous ones where I end up removing a few tracks here or there because I can't stand them or they end up being too boring/repetitive. What I've noticed is that according to my taste they have managed to put all the filler/bad songs interleaved with the good ones. In some other groups you get a few nice tracks at the beginning and then quality drops (or the other way round), but here I'm tempted to remove the song from the playlist and it makes me hesitate, like, I'll give it another try because maybe I'm being too hard on them and maybe it grows on me, but I'm listening with the finger on the edge of the skip button. Lol, kudos to the motherfucker who decided the sorting of the album and made it difficult to filter.

      I did really like the change in the video between instabitch and cinema letterboxing depending on the oneiricism of the visuals. Shame they don't reverse the style when they get out of the dream. But we get Luna hanging frozen and later wet, so 12 out of 5 stars.

    4. Mediocre as in what? Kpop in general doesn't sound like them

      About the album, I think it depend on your taste. You might like club banger better, so this album doesn't suit you. Still, it is far from 'trash' that you talking about

    5. Diamond is the only song I really liked in the whole album.

  2. "Hold their own concert"?
    Are they organizing it themselves or is there something else special about this?
    Or did they never have an actual full concert before and just appearances?

    1. They've only been part of SMTOWN concerts and have never had their own.

  3. I love the song and the album. It's all I've been repeating for the past couple of days.
    I wonder how long this concert will be since it's their first one and they have 4 albums and 2 mini albums to go through.

    1. It turned out to be fucking long... like 35 full songs, well over 2 hours, wish i had been there...

  4. Or they can hit those E5s perfectly while masturbating to Luna.


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