Sunday, November 29, 2015

Posting Schedule Update + Commenting Policy Updated

So we're finally instituting the changes I mentioned here and here.

Thursdays: Fany's Best of the Worst. Fany typically posts these on Thursdays, so that won't change.
Fridays: Fancam Appreciation. We had a series like this at the beginning of 2014, and since people wanted fancams back, and since it's an easy weekly installment to do, I'm reinstating it.
Saturdays: Revival of Saturday Shitfests. This was mainly to advertise the livestreams and to allow people to talk about anything K-pop related. The format will mostly stay the same; however, I'm going to write a little bit about K-pop stuff that happened during the week that with stuff that I would have liked to write about, but the content didn't warrant its own article.
Sundays: I'll be debuting a new series called Sunday Shitposts. These will be compilations of short articles in AKF's old style. I briefly had a series like this a few years ago that only had four or five installments.
Mondays: STFU post #1 of the week.
Tuesdays: STFU post #2 of the week.
Wednesdays: A new series by HYSF in the vain of STFU, but covering the dumb comments of Koreans from the translation mills (NB, KPKF, Pann Choa, etc.)

The other change is that the articles from veteran authors (aside from HYSF and myself) won't be scheduled. HYSF and my new system of posting will guarantee a post every day of the week. So authors such as Kpopalypse can go back to posting whenever. Any substantial article from myself or HYSF will most likely be scheduled since I expect both of us will do the majority of the writing on the weekends -- since everything else we're writing is being scheduled throughout the week. We'll try to throw in some MV reviews during the week. However, for the newer authors, your articles will still need to be scheduled since they have to be reviewed by an admin anyways.

We think this should address most of the suggestions in the surveys. This should alleviate the fact that most of the authors don't post at all anymore. There will most likely be a purge of the inactive authors, but that will wait until the end of April when I have a little more free time to make editorial changes to the site.

The other big change is that I am allowing anons to post again like the old days. This will be a trial basis from now until the end of the year. I don't expect it to be a big problem, but if it is, it's really easy to change it back so that only people with accounts can post. If anything, there will be more material for the STFU series and the regulars can have fun fucking with the fangirls that post here.


  1. "If anything, there will be more material for the STFU series and the regulars can have fun fucking with the fangirls that post here." - I will revel in hatred and bitching.

  2. I kind of like the idea of allowing anonymous comments again. They are so entertaining! And apologies for not posting Best of the Worst this week. It just wasn't meant to be ... but I'll be back next week. Hwaiting!

    1. You, you and Joeyeon had better things to do on Thursday...like rubbing it in my face about how much the Cowboys suck.

    2. can confirm cowboys for suckability

  3. that truly is a glorious example of the nipponese master race

  4. Sana + Sailor Moon = a very happy me.

  5. Hello? Is it true? I can finally post without making an account?

  6. You're all faggot bitches.

    Oh shit I forgot to click anonymous.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I just need more ms paint articles in my life.

  9. back in the day I would've been trying to post lame ass anon comments with the rest of the braindead fangirls but now I've rightfully been converted to the dark side :))

  10. I'm excited about a new "anon era", ah the good old days!

  11. Finally, Anonymous can post here... after they will have done with ISIS!

  12. Shit my heart is not ready for old style anon shit fest

  13. I want to fuck Seohyun now

    o wait

  14. All good changes, I think. The regularly scheduled content will likely have people return more than once in a while. It's a big responsibility, though. Hopefully it doesn't burn you out. Good luck.


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