Thursday, December 3, 2015

Jolin Tsai Performs at MAMA

"Mama" indeed. Those tits.


  1. If any of the other MAMA performances were good, feel free to link them. Jolin's is the only one I have seen, and I wish she would have performed Medusa since it's the best pop song off of her Play album.

    1. CL showed off a lot of tit jiggling too.
      That is, if you can see past her butterface.

    2. There's no way in hell I'd go out of my way to see CL's tits jiggle. I'd rather reach SNSD's IGAB MV.

    3. *rewatch. Auto correct can go suck my nuts.

    4. cl is an ugly faggot.

  2. Replies
    1. I'm sure that's a reaction to the back-up dancers instead of Jolin's milk jugs lol.

  3. By far the best performance of the night. Also the back-up dancers were fucking amazing, you could tell how shell-shocked all the Korean stars were.

    Jolin giving the K-pop idols a lesson on how to stage presence

  4. What was weird is that they changed bad bitches to bad girls when the chorus was left uncensored as Hello Bitches, wtf.

  5. I wonder what Jolin Tsai looked like before plastic surgery.

    1. This was the first usable picture I found when I typed that into google images: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Sieh81WWDgw/TPDjqFSB8uI/AAAAAAAAAIE/HqMSjpWOPJw/s1600/joline.JPG

    2. I did a little research and apparently the only features she has been accused of changing are the removal of babyfat from her face and breast implants, but neither of those have been proven.

    3. I think her tits are proven. Go watch her MVs from the early 2000s.

  6. This was a performance I was really excited for because I'm a big Jolin fan, but the lifestream kept fucking up and lagging and I ended up missing all of it :/

  7. Jolin has been in the industry since the nineties. Of course she'd wipe the floor with everyone's favs. Saved the entire show lmao

    1. Exactly.
      I'm glad AKF posts on other idols, not just those from the K-pop industry.
      She has come a long way from 'Look at me 72 times' (Magic) when people relentlessly called her an Ayumi copycat.
      She humbly replied that Ayumi is incomparable.

      I've never been a fan and it has been a long time since I've seen any performance vid of hers till now.
      She is living proof that hard work does pay off.

      This is why racism is so illogical, you have some people thinking "this or that country or race is better blah blah blah", forgetting the famous Chinese idiom that literally goes "One mountain is higher than the other".
      Every race has their own awesomeness.

      I am proud to be Chinese.


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