Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunday Shitpost #2

Welcome to the second installment of Sunday Shitpost, the series where I tackle a bunch of topics at once.

News Story #1: Hyeri admits she's related to Usopp

It is said that during the winter months when it gets colder, the tip of Hyeri's nose becomes pink, which makes her nose resemble a penis. It is highly recommended to stay away from Hyeri when she has to sneeze.

News Story #2: Dal Shabet loses Jiyul and Gaeun

At least Ah Young is still in the group, which is what really matters. The four hottest members are still in the group, so Dal Shabet became better by subtraction.

News Story #3: More dating rumors for Victoria

My name is not Feng Shao Feng and I don't look like that, so we all know these rumors are bull crap.

News Story #4: AOA Choa, the good Choa, not the retarded-looking one, is having a solo project

Based on the article, I can review the song in advance: it sucks dirty dinosaur dick dipped in diabolical diarrhea.

News Story #5: Four more homos are debuting in K-pop soon


  1. OMG alliteration skills! We need more alliteration posts.

    1. Doing an alliteration post would take a lot of time. I might do it when work slows down in a few months.

  2. hm, not so many interesting news this week -_-

  3. A few months out of the game because I moved and now I'm already out of the game. I feel like Wonder Girls. I suppose I could request to be an author again now that I got a laptop and can write again, but maybe Kpopalypse has the old man post covered and I should leave the rest to the kids. I can get back to running my tumblr.

    1. I can add you back. I had no idea you wanted to write anymore since I haven't talked to any of the authors in months and this morning I was getting rid of authors who haven't written in several months.

    2. It was just this morning? That's hilarious because I just got this laptop and thus enabled to post again yesterday.

    3. Iljins Are Better. It's in the affiliate links.

    4. I can add you back when I get home this weekend.

    5. Out on another coke bender with Seungri? No need to implicate yourself, just throw a towel if yes.

    6. Lmao. I'm traveling for business. I tried sending you an invite, but I may have messed it up since I'm on mobile. Let me know if it worked.

    7. It worked. Now what should I write...

    8. You should have administration privileges again.

    9. ^ Famous last words of a web admin.

  4. As long as Dal Shabet cane redeem themselves after the snoozer that was "Joker" I don't care who leaves or stays. I was praying they'd keep that 80's synth-pop sound!

    1. yeah, seriously, another track like BBB would be amazing tbh

    2. BBB is the shit. It's a shame that song didn't make the group popular.

  5. benefit all cases Schumer the oath to for so I made help he goes well ask you for well be Pre Jym used or aggressor up program so much is it do up yet this exercise you imagine this the of quick steroids it was all a size up what's up in terms of isometric for activation low at weary support .



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