Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Radwimps - 記号として

Radwimps is quickly becoming one of my favorite groups, and I'm hoping they release an album this year, since their last album came out in 2013.

Japanese rock has been making a revival, with 2015 being a really good year for the genre. Japan needs it because its pop market is still extremely awful. When Nishino Kana is the best-selling female soloist in the country, there's something wrong.


  1. Thankyou for this. I've always wanted to get into j-rock, but never knew where to start. Any recommendations would be nice ^^

    1. Look for a reply this weekend where I give some recommendations. I'm really busy at work this week and I'm only writing this while going go the bathroom.

    2. Sure :) Prioritise work over me, that's more important haha

    3. One big source of popular tunes is found at Anime Song Collaboration Youtube's channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/AnimeSongCollabo/videos). Since most of these are anime covers there's a lot of crap, but sometimes they have nice tunes and from the anime/cover name you can get nice suggestions. Examples:




      Sometimes looking at people doing covers is also a good. I found out about One Ok Rock through https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1SaFfjw3Sg and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwGa1uGpLRY but unfortunately their other songs sounded mediocre to me. There is a lot of youtubers doing covers, being bass, guitar, drums, whatever, they tend to pick nice songs (or at least popular ones).

      I like to recommend the jrock group Uchikubigokumondoukoukai (https://itunes.apple.com/album/shu-min-pai-bao-dansan/id421981098 or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWGl1JQoX90LM8hRuRbdFDA/videos) because they seem to have a fetish for doing weird songs about food and look funny:

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFdKa3460_s (cereal bars)

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuU2bocSfDo (rice, maybe traditional food?)

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGL5JUP_zaE (pudding)

    4. Thankyou! I'll check these out and try and get my tongue around Uchikubigokumondoukoukai's name

    5. I haven't been ignoring you, but I've worked 200 hours in the past two weeks. This morning is the first time I've had any sort of free time in over two weeks.

      I can do a J-rock primer post (but will have to wait a few months since I won't have time for a long time to do any long posts).

    6. That's alright. I've got all the time in the world but you haven't.

  2. That you A LOT for posting this. This might be the best song I've heard all month!

    1. Also, do you know what the title of the song is in English?
      I don't speak Japanese, I can't even as much as sound out the letters.

    2. I don't speak it either, but according to one of those Asian wiki databases, the title in romanized / transliterated form is Kigou Toshite


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