Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday Shitpost #9

Since this is the ninth installment of Sunday Shitpost, I figured this was as good as an excuse as any to play T-ara's No. 9.

News Story #1: Ariyoshi Risa - So Hot, So Bad At Singing

Ariyoshi Risa is a mixed Japanese-Korean, with her dad being Japanese and her mom being Korean. All I know is that she is 100% hot. However, there's no way she could debut in a K-Pop group. She would fit right in as the main vocalist in AKB48 (I'm dead fucking serious, this isn't a joke), but this girl needs at least a year of training before she could take a line or two in a pop song. If the K-Pop world doesn't work out for her, I'll fondly expect her debut as a lingerie model in Japan.

News Story #2: Heo Yoon Mi makes EXID's "Hot Pink" Listenable

fap fap fap

News Story #3: f(x) finally has a fanclub name

f(x) fans, I mean MeUs, can finally shut up about a fanclub name. I would rather just say "I'm an f(x) fan" than to say "I'm a MeU". You don't see me calling myself a Queen just because I'm a T-ara fan.

News Story #4: Oh Yeon Seo proves that every human has flaws

Oh Yeon Seo is incredibly hot, but alas, she's an EXO fan. I'm sorry, that's -1 points for her in my book (if she even cares, which she doesn't. Or maybe she would care if she thinks I look like Jaejoong...Hmm....)

News Story #5: Jungah graduates from After School

It's not like Jungah probably cares as she has the same number of activities today as she did a week ago.



News Story #6: Rainbow hasn't disbanded yet, making a comeback

Now that Kara disbanded, maybe DSP will promote the group longer than two weeks this time. I doubt it, though.

News Story #7: Taeyeon to release a new single titled "Rain"

I'm just glad it's not a SNSD comeback. Can SNSD break up already?


  1. Heo Yoon Mi Tummy makes me happy as i too suffer from that same jiggle. We have to stick together.

  2. SNSD breakup and only TTS/Tae-solo doing stuff would probably be much more entertaining.
    The last TTS album wasn't that great either, but at least I still have hope for them.

    1. TTS is the most cancerously bad thing about SNSD's career. It's perfectly fine to say the group is shit (The Boys and a few of their Japanese releases are really their only spectacular tracks), heck, it's even fine to say the shit-stain that is Apink is better, but there is no way in hell that SNSD are even on the same level of atrocity that the mistake called TTS is. The combination of horrific vocal wanking and songs so bad even YG would reject them make them one of the worst groups in kpop.

  3. It was hilarious when Rainbow's Woori appeared in a recent Running Man show (the one with 100 athletes) and Jaesuk asked her when Rainbow was making a comeback and not only she had zero idea she didn't seem worried about it.


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