Saturday, January 23, 2016

Weekly Showdown: Stellar Edition

Last time, I asked you guys which nugu/rookie group did you think was gonna make it big in 2016. Here are the results.

In other words, Twice >>>>>>>>>> Everyone else.

Controversial(?) music videos aside, I think Stellar is one of those groups that have been putting out a lot of solid music but don't get enough credit for it at all. From "Study" to "Marionette" to "Vibrato" and now "Sting." Hopefully in 2016, more people will be able to see how much potential they have, and I must say they're already off to good start with "Sting." Minus the music video, of course. As creative as it is, it gives me the fucking creeps.

Anyway, for this showdown, I'm gonna be putting "Vibrato" up against "Sting" for best Stellar song.

"Vibrato" or "Sting"?

Poll Maker

As great as "Sting" is, I don't think it beats "Vibrato" just yet. It's a great followup, but Stellar have set the standards so high for themselves with their 2015 release. It's gonna be a little difficult to top it. Or that's just my opinion. What did you guys think?


  1. You gotta start delaying posting your own opinion about the song until the next week's post where you post the results. How is my fragile easily-swayed mind supposed to be objective?

    1. It's a poll, nobody reads the... wait a second...

  2. i think this was just before Tzuyugate happened, maybe the numbers would be different now

    But then again they got a lot of automatic backing in Korea 'cos of it, and Taiwan, and probably some sympathetic, sensible support on the mainland too. the whole Black Ocean thing earned SNSD sympathy in the long term

    1. If Twice were a nobody group not destined for success, Tzuyugate wouldn't have even been possible.

  3. I really like Sting, but Vibrato was my #1 song in 2015.

    1. I'ma gonna have to concur. Sting is good, but Vibrato is great.

  4. Can't really decide. "Sting" has been replaying a lot in my mind but I do agree "Vibrato" is amazing.

  5. Sting is good, but Vibrato can't be beat

  6. If these songs were women, Sting would be your regular kpop idol and Vibrato would be a model with awesome boobs but no ass and a fucked up face. I take Sting!

  7. Gfriend's new song is out tmrw, more eager to see the choreos more than anything, I become so obsessed with them it's ridiculous.

    Regarding the stellar song question, for some reason their songs doesnt appeal to me at all for some reason, they're not bad, I just don't jam to them at all

  8. Both songs are good, but Vibrato is way better. There are very few songs which have a bridge as good as Vibrato's.


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