Friday, January 15, 2016

Why I'm Stanning Tzuyu

Seeing as how her "scandal" went down and how easily JYP succumbed to Chinese netizens, I have nothing but support for her.

(Keep in mind, I don't want any AKF authors to feel that they can't post on this matter just because I now have. If anything, I want more people to speak up on this, so if you had a post planned on this subject, don't feel the need to discard it, please.)

I just want to say this: My knowledge on the whole China-Taiwan issue is fairly limited. But I know wrong when I see it, and what happened to Tzuyu was really wrong.

First, Huang An, is a hypocritical old man. He was an artist born in Taiwan, and once the Taiwanese market went down in his field, he became a Chinese nationalist and a One-China supporter. He called Tzuyu out for holding up a Taiwanese flag, the flag of her birth country; meanwhile, he's been seen with it, too:


He is known for getting artists in China banned if they seem to be for Taiwanese independence. He is basically a "pawn" for the Chinese government, based off what I've read, to further push the idea of "One-China."

Not only did he start this, not only is he a hypocrite, but he did all of this against a 16-year-old girl who is now being attacked by a whole country full of netizens that make netizenbuzz look like child's play.

Second, someone who is unknown made a post saying Tzuyu kept on insisting that she was Taiwanese on some show with Jackson. Not only did she not say anything at all, but it was a completely different man who said the word "Taipei." Tzuyu remained silent throughout the whole exchange. And even if she did insist she was Taiwanese, she has every right to, and that is not worthy of hate.

In typical "Oppa-Defense" mode, many Got7 fans are saying that Twice fans have no right to be mad at Jackson since he corrected her for being "illiterate" and have even bashed Tzuyu, which I have to say is fucking moronic. Actually understand what happened before outing someone completely and causing fanwars. And even if that scenario was true, Tzuyu wasn't being illiterate at all, and to be bashing a 16-year-old girl for something so stupid in the first place because you "MUST PROTECT OPPAR!!11" makes your entire fandom look pathetic. 

Third, the companies Tzuyu initially signed with have withdrawn their contracts, like LG Plus for example, and Twice as a whole has also gotten some contracts cut. The J-Trinity (Momo, Sana, and Mina) have also been up to some netizen scrutiny for being Japanese and holding up Japanese flags. As a result, they have also had invitations revoked, etc. ... All of this because some hypocritical old man started beating up on a 16-year-old with absolutely no evidence behind it.

Fourth, 2PM stans have also resorted to bashing Tzuyu and JYP since their first statement, because 2PM's activities in China were being jeopardized and threatened. Not only has this shown that the people JYP linked up with in China are petty but are also willing to put a big money maker (2PM makes JYP A LOT of money) on hold because of an ideology and a post by a hypocritical old man against a 16-year-old.

Fifth, China and Taiwan made Tzuyu into a political pawn. You're going to turn a 16-year-old girl into the face of your own beliefs completely disregarding how she may feel on both sides? Not only does that make both countries look bad, but that type of pressure on a girl of Tzuyu's age is probably immensely psychologically damaging. You're asking her to choose between the country she was born into and the country she has to make part of her living in. You are forcing her to either be with you or against you. This isn't as simple as "You can have one cookie or the other." Hell, this isn't even "You either live with your mother or your father." This is asking a young girl to choose between two fucking countries for your own selfish reasons!

Sixth, JYP became Chinese netizens' bitch. His first statement was right on, not taking a side, wanting to remain neutral. With his second statement, you began to see the heat come down. By the third statement along with Tzuyu's held captive by terrorist plea apology to China, he basically admitted that Tzuyu was wrong when she literally didn't do anything. She was given a flag by staff and had a rumor spread that she said something when she didn't and has video evidence to back it up. God this was a stupid move. The C-netz who hate Tzuyu and JYP never planned on giving her a second chance. All they wanted was something with which they could stroke their nationalist egos. They will never be pleased, either. Just look at some of the comments they've made since the video has been put up/; "She doesn't look like she meant it." You see, JYP? They will never be pleased. You have never, can never, and will never please extremists. Say what you want about Kim Kwang Soo, but at least he realized T-ara was done in Korea and had them promote heavily in China. Now look at how great T-ara's doing in China. They're making major bank. Sure, China's market is huge, but only about 33% of the money that Twice would make would come from China in the long run. It's not like JYP only had China as an option. He has three Japanese members, and Japan's music market is bigger than China's. He should have just left this whole situation at his first statement and then focused Twice on Korea and Japan's market and called it a day. But instead, he forced Tzuyu to make an apology for something she didn't do and also took the blame when he did nothing wrong. And what's that going to accomplish? Nothing, because netizens, no matter what country they're from, will never be pleased, because they are morons that have deluded themselves into thinking that they're always right even when they're wrong (i.e. doublethink).

And all of this done to a 16-year-old girl.

At first, Sana was my favorite in Twice (still bless her heart and soul), but for the time being, I'm claiming Tzuyu as my bias. She needs all of the support she can get, and with everything that's happened to her in the past week, I find it hard not to support her. You do not slander, bash, use for political warfare (if you want to call it that), and throw a 16-year-old under the bus just to prove a worthless point/make money.

So while Tzuyu may have lost a lot of fans in this, she's gained a stan.

I'll end with this cute clip I saw of them on "My Little Television" way before the scandal of them playing basketball and waving their cute mini-flags:


  1. This is even better then when that dicked from Super Junior sult-shamed Hara.

    1. Really just in terms of copious amounts of netizen stupidity and desperation to bring down people far better looking and more successful than them.

    2. Anyway, I doubt this will go on much younger. By now Tzuyu would have already contacted Way's Girls and Huang An's family will likely be receiving his severed micro-penis in the mail anytime soon.

    3. I hope so. If not I want Momo to find this dude and beat his ass. She looks like she can scrap.

  2. I just wanna link these two vids here:

    Chinese Sesame Credit (probably why Huang An was able to do all of this)


    And infinitelyinspiritSY's Parody video of Tzuyu's apology (I refuse to link the original. This one is much better.)


    I might do an update with the article for these two vids.

  3. dude this shitstorm is actually on another level right now. I think it may go down as the biggest K-pop scandal in history in terms of its far reaching effects.

    I'm in Taiwan right now (just voted today for DPP) and literally everyone is infuriated at the whole issue, especially after her ISIS hostage video was released 2 hours before election day. Right now on Live TV her issue is actually being debated heavily on every TV channel doing politics. Literally every politician in Taiwan has come out and commented on their support for Tzuyu, and it's about as hard to get polititians in Taiwan to agree with each other as it is for the Republicans to unanimously endorse Obama.

    Huang An's taken down a lot of Taiwanese celebrities before (probably with tactic support from the CCP) and he wanted to take advantage of heightened tensions during election period to snipe down a few more targets. I don't think he or anyone expected this level of outrage. It's no joke to say he's set back Cross-strait emotional feel-goodism by a good 5 years, which will infuriate Beijing as it's the strategy they've been going for to slowly erode pro-independence support in Taiwan

    As a fan of her and TWICE since before their debut this really hurts me on a personal level and I wish both Chinese and Taiwanese politicians should all just fuck off and let her promote for her next comeback in peace ;__;

    1. Holy shit, this IS on another level. In terms of like, everything. I'm super glad that Taiwan is sticking by her in all of this. She needs it.

      I heard something about a poltician that was willing to pay JYP like 1 million (give or take) to remove Tzuyu from JYP Entertainment and bring her back to Taiwan. I'm not 100% sure if this is true, did anything like this make the news?

    2. Did I mention the outgoing President of Taiwan said on TV that she did not need to apologize and he has sent the Taiwanese Foreign Affairs department who specializes in Cross-Strait relations to help mediate between the Chinese and Koreans (implying that JYPE was probably forced by the government at some level into apologizing)

      It wasn't a polition that wanted to pay 1 mil or something I think it was an entertainment company and it did make the news

      Most people think its bullshit for publicity and don't want Tzuyu to come back since current state of Taiwanese entertainment sucks (all the big acts are going to China...)

    3. *scoffs* I'll pay JYP TWO million to make Momo do a Japanese porno

    4. TWICE just got blacklisted from a bunch of big fashion magazines in Korea

    5. Count me in for the Momo Japanese crowdfapping campaing.

    6. A counterpoint to the J-Trinity's effectiveness in Japan is that Japanese is more nostalgia based than other countries. As much as I hate to say this but the Hallyu is pretty much dead with a few holdouts and losing a big group like Kara pretty much cripples the Hallyu in Japan even more. Given how hard AkiP had been in making sure anyone that isn't like his group is shut down...I don't see Twice revitalizing the Hallyu in Japan.

  4. Also JYPE can't be wholly blamed for this. They tried to shield Tzuyu when the shit first started but the boycotts and netizen attacks against TWICE and the rest of JYPE were significant in their effect. Not only were Tzuyu's chinese CFs being withdrawn and Chinese schedules for JYPE cancelled, it was having negative effects in Korea as it influenced their ability to get schedules and CFs there too (Lots of big korean companies have a lot of investment in the chinese market and don't want to risk a boycott). Look at LG who reported finally pulled Tzuyu from their Korean ad campaigns as well.

    I dont think the apology video was a good idea, JYPE should have stopped at the 2nd apology statement

    1. I don't blame him 100%. I blame Huang An first and foremost because if he would have just sat his old ass down somewhere and actually did something productive instead of be a hypocrite all day then none of this would have happened. However, I'm not going to excuse the fact that JYP did pretty much just throw her under a bus Rahm Emmanuel style in that 3rd apology.

  5. I couldn't even make 20 seconds into the "apology" video before closing it, by that point I was both admittedly shaky and near tearing up, the expression on her face was just heartbreaking.

    I can't believe the proportion this "scandal" has reached, but that would be implying that it was even anything "scandalous" in the first place. It is depressingly horrific that a man would use a sixteen year old girl in favor of his agenda, but moreover it was even worse that JYPE was eventually forced a succumb to cnetz pressure due to the bastard's influence and release a video where the poor girl not only looks like she's being held at gunpoint, but on the verge of tears. Or else the entire company basically risks losing a slew of Chinese deals. It's unfortunate that eventually JYPE's reliance on the Chinese market caused them to fall to the pressure. Actually-- no, this whole this in its entirety is unfortunate and was easily avoidable if some dipshit didn't open his fat gob. Is it wrong that I want to pummel him?

    Tzuyu is the same age as my younger sister, so that makes things even worse in my eyes... she is only sixteen, she's still just a young teenager at the end of the day- albeit has already woven herself into a tough industry, but still.. to have this weight piled onto her shoulders in addition to the difficulty already associated with being an idol... I hope that she is able to stay strong enough mentally to get through this.

    1. This man being willing to drag a sixteen year old with fabricated EVERYTHING shows that he is a dirty scumbag who would rather look good to the people that just want to use him to project a political agenda than not harm people for any good reason, and therefore has every right to be pummeled.

      I really wish JYPE would have sued the asshole for slander. Add on emotional damage because lord knows what exactly has been going on to Tzuyu behind camera since this shit took off.

      Tzuyu's one of the few idols younger than me be a couple of years, I know what it's like to be sixteen and I can imagine being an idol with a lot on your plate probably isn't making matters better. Now she has unfairly had an unimaginably large amount of weight put on her shoulders at her expense for absolutely no good or plausible reason. I wouldn't be surprised if she came out of this situation going to therapy.

      I really do hope it gets better for her, I hope the support continues.

    2. Speaking of emotional trauma, I wonder who is now more fucked up mentaly, Seo Jisoo or Tzuyu

    3. @Tzuyu is separatist scum
      Just because of your username, I'm supporting Tzuyu. And on the other hand your grammar is wrong; it's Tzuyu is *a* scum. Stupid piece of shit

    4. I remember being sixteen and it was a terrible time for me. My heart really goes out to her as both a fan and someone who struggled mentally for years, I cannot imagine what she is going through, and the anguish her parents must be feeling as well, since JYPE has done sort of the equivalent of thrusting her under a bus. It is so often forgotten that celebrities are human as everyone else, because they are put on pedestals, they are somehow viewed as not being our equivalents, but that is not to say that they are worthy of such demonizing horror as this, especially at such a tender age. To bury a sixteen year old under this oblivion will undoubtedly leave her with some scarring, but I really pray that she perseveres, that JYPE does not end up taking drastic action, or drop her from the group- she is so beautiful, talented, and has a lot to show for herself.... hoping nobody lays waste to her potential because of this, i'm really hoping it fizzles out of the mainstream sooner rather than later...

    5. Sixteen is a very vulnerable age, so much is happening and to think of THIS happening to a sixteen year old just makes me so sad.

      I read somewhere that her mother was flying to Korea. I'm not sure if she's going to try and withdraw her from JYPE but I wouldn't be surprised or angry if she was. If this were my child, I would be doing everything in my power to get her out of company that couldn't protect her from netizens and threw her under the bus just to appease to a bunch of deluded morons.

    6. It's good that her mother is willing to swoop in at all. Cannot imagine the guilt her parents must be feeling right now, after knowingly handing their teenage daughter over to a company that was supposed to be capably taking care of her. Some parents without question will sell their child to the entertainment industry and not intervene when things go south, those are the worst kinds of parents… it is kind of a relief to hear that Tzuyu's mom is going to intervene after all that has happened to her daughter, it goes to show that she cares about her well being.

      Hopefully with her mother there at least she will have some more moral support, hopefully she is also getting some from her fellow group members– since the company at this point seems to be perfectly poised to do whatever they can to save their falling stocks…

      At least some action has been taken– Taiwan claims they support her– China the time being has prohibited searches about her and is deleting hate comments… and to an extent Huang An is now having his ass dragged socially, they banned his weibo I think (though he deserves far worse than that, the moron is still gloating elsewhere on other forms of social media)… but it somehow really doesn't make things much better at all. It doesn't change the fact that this never should have happened in the first place. It doesn't change the fact that this is disturbing evidence as to what the brainwashing associated with extreme politics can do, it just goes to show that witch hunt mentality is grossly alive and well and can be targeted at even the most innocent people who have done literally nothing wrong.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. i get your point and i also think the hate she is getting from chinese is stupid but really now stanning some bacause she is getting hate.. the logic

    2. People started stanning T-ara and Seo Jisoo because they were getting hate for stupid reasons so they could support them. So I can stan Tzuyu.

    3. It's just logical to support someone who gets unfair hate.

  7. I'm on mobile so I can't write any long comments, or even write posts, but I can't believe this shit turned into a scandal.

    Fucking Asian politics, I tell you. I've also read that the J Trinity were getting dragged as well, but I haven't had the time to actually read more about it.

    1. J trinity were used by Huang An as ammo in some of his weibo posts coz u know China hates japs but aside from that nothing much

      I think this will go hands down as the most ridiculous and over the top Kpop scandal of all time, it's probably on a bigger scale than every other scandal so far combined.

      JYPE lost a ridiculous amount of money on the stock markets in a few days (more than all of Big Bang earned in the entire year), TWICE got censored from China and JYPE was being boycotted left and right (We still don't know if TWICE's CF deals or JYPE's Chinese schedules will ever recover) and the island of Taiwan united for the first time in probably a decade to support Tzuyu. The Taiwanese, Korean and Chinese Foreign Affairs were all dragged into it

      The news has made it into the West as well. BBC, Reuters, NY Times and Washington Post all have articles on the story.

      The only silver lining is that apparently the Chinese Government has made official statements somewhat helpful to Tzuyu and showing her on CCTV (basically now that they got her video apology they trying to lay the blame completely on Taiwanese media) so netizen anger is ever so slowly shifting towards JYPE and Taiwan. Hopefully this all starts to die down but I don't even fucking know anymore, every day for the past week I went to bed thinking it was going to be okay only to wake up to a bigger shitstorm in the following morning.

      Half expecting Tzuyu to be flown to the US for an interview with Oprah and a visit to the White House by next week.

  8. This scandal lacked a few dildos and nipslips, but nonetheless it's a good scandal.

  9. What a mess; the CCP is not going to gain from this, as the cause of Chinese reunification is something that requires patience and building trust. Huang An should have been shut down as soon as this thing started.

  10. http://onehallyu.com/topic/272369-chinese-government-steps-in-censors-comments-and-blocks-searches-about-tzuyu-on-weibo/

    Fingers crossed that this peace lasts... I don't want to wake up tomorrow to more bad news like every single fucking day this week already.

  11. Ugly for the short term but JYPE was just handed a golden ticket - here's how and what they should do:

    1. Tyuzu - crash course in English
    2. Make the calls and get her on the Red Carpet at the Academy Awards
    3. Make the calls and get her and Twice on as guests on SNL and other late night shows in America
    4. Profit as the the new English speaking world wakes up to her beauty, 16 yr old innocence, and talent - knowing Hollywood - they will eat this up as the Hollywood elite like to poke China (all the Tibet movies and Dali Lama visits). Hollywood likes new fresh faces - she would net JYPE more bank in one bit part in a Hollywood flick than they have lost in China cancellations....
    5. Keep up the push - get her front and center at all western fashion shows in Paris/Milan/NY and in the celebrity rags - she will rake in endorsements/sponsors and become a global face in very short order....

    If anyone has contacts at JYPE - they need to get working on this NOW!!

    1. I have one problem with that: starts pushed into the light of the public to be gawked and eaten up in America at a young age typically wind up insane by their mid twenties.

    2. Nope. I grew up in a USA. Last thing I would like to see is to cultivate an already successful Asian star kiss ass to white people media. As a very mature adult, I discovered kpop, kdrama, jpop and cpop and was thrilled that there existed a parallel universe where Asians get to be the heros - glamorous, beautiful, desired, etc. Beautiful white girls have enough problems with type-casting, aging, etc. Tzuyu will have all that and also be limited "that exotic Asian girl" roles. I'd be thrilled to see her walk some fashions in some international shows and CFs, but USA is USA. It's several oceans and a different mindset away. Suits like Trump make the decisions. Maybe in a generation or so, today's young in power may be different, but not today. But thanks for the thought experiment!

    3. I see that the armchair k-pop business experts haven't gotten any thinner on the ground lately.

    4. Re-reading it, I kind of think that person was joking.

  12. This proves just once more that South Korea and China are the #1 and #2 reason for the hatred that is still going on in all of East Asia.
    Fuck those countries and fuck those societies. And especially fuck that anti-Taiwanese piece of trash.

    Tzuyu did absolutely nothing wrong.

    1. Japan is still the number 1 reason.

    2. Japan hasn't done shit in the past 50 years to deserve any of the hatred it gets.
      It's all just Korea and China needing an enemy to push their political power in the country.

    3. Denying history repeatedly and acting like a victim in Ww2 tends to put Japan on everyone's shit list.

  13. Tzuyu is a modern-day Helen. "Face that launched a thousand ships."

  14. Saying 33% of their money would have come from China is a stretch... With the 3 Japanese members, they could have heavily focused on the Japanese market and made a shit ton there. Japan's music market makes up over a quarter of the global market, whereas China is in the same boat as Korea.... Less than 1%. As it is now, China's music market is tiny and doing business there internationally is shady as hell. Chinese businessmen scam their international partners out of money quite frequently, and there is nothing to be done about it. JYP (and the Korean media) should have protected Tzuyu and stopped referring to it as "Tzuyu's scandal" and kept her name out of it. They could have waited for the election to pass and for things to normalize before working on a PR game plan, and as it is, it wouldn't have hurt them to focus on Korea and Japan for 6 months or a year before resuming activities in China after all this had passed.

    1. Except the Hallyu craze is dying or already dead in Japan. Most of the Japanese revenue comes from BoA, What's left of DBSK and Kara. And Kara's already disbanded.

    2. The value of Chinese CFs should not be underestimated.

    3. yeah exactly don't underestimate just how fuckin' massive the size of mainland China is compared to SK. It's huuuuuuuge. There is a lot of revenue that can be made there as an act from another Asian country (that isn't Japan), and sk in particular wants to fill their pockets with cn endorsement moola. Unfortunately the fact of the matter is that screwy chinese/taiwanese politics have no fucking place in Korean business or korean business' relations with China in the first place, but that is how it ended up. I still think it's damn gross that JYPE thrust her under a bus in a Minami-style AKB headshaving prisoner video, but the fact stands and it's unfortunate- that business seems to matter a lot more to some companies than the idol's stability. The whole thing is an all around trainwreck, but above all its just a highly depressing exhibition of what the public and idiots will do to celebrities who do nothing wrong to try and bolster their shitty "activism" or self worth or causes. To think it all could have been avoided if some moron had not taken something out of context and twisted it to his advantage, and there wouldn't be such a shitstorm going on!! It only takes one event to start a chain reaction of idiocy, in particular with rather ruthless cnetz.

  15. I just wanted to show you guys this post: http://nyannai.tumblr.com/post/137432928482/fudgers-i-saw-this-on-twitter-and-felt-like-it
    While we can all agree that there were some very wrong decisions made, this post just explains some of the reasoning behind JYP's decisions. They seem wrong now, but maybe we could cut him some slack?

    1. Okay but the apology still hasn't worked. Twice are still pretty much blacklisted.

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