Thursday, February 25, 2016

An Open Letter to Hyomin

What. The Fuck.
Dear Hyomin.

I have been a T-ara fan for many years. I have always supported my unnies, but I couldn't just let this one go. I am shocked and saddened to find out that you have turned into a slut. I remember back in the "Like a First Time" days when you were very pretty and appealing without resorting to taking your shirt off and balancing on the floor like some kind of disgusting slutty seal. To think I respected you and admired you and bought a signed "Nice Body" album. I want you to know I burned it. No, not like I made a copy of it. I put it in the trashcan and burned it to ashes.

Just where do you get off flaunting your nice body like that on Instagram for all 1 million of your followers to see? You should know you have lost one follower because of this picture. For all these years, I thought you were just mine, but now, I find out it was all meaningless. My entire life was devoted to you, but if I had known you were impure like this, I never would have bothered. I also think of all the impressionable girls out there who now think the only way they can attract a man (or woman) is to also take their shirts off like this and publish it for the world to see. I'm going to start a trend; I'm thinking #ShirtsoffforHyomie, I hope you're happy.

You didn't used to be like this. I don't know who to blame. When you were still in Korea, you were pure. You never would have resorted to such disgusting filth. But I now see you have sold your soul. Is it the Chinese that have made you this way? Is it chasing that money? Those CFs? Those mobile games? How much is it worth, Hyomin? What you have sold you can never back. Your dignity. A fan. 

You should have deleted that picture before ever posting it. You should have never pressed send. You can't take it back. Your disgusting filth will live on, forever, on the Internet. Your children, if you haven't already had several from some Chinese CEO, will have to see this and you will one day have to explain to them why Mommy is lying on the floor with the very breasts they nursed from awkwardly pressed against it. You'll have to live this. I'm deleting every picture or thing on my computer with your name on it.

Why didn't Soyeon or Qri or anyone stop you from making this terrible mistake? Have you already infected the other girls with your impure ways? Are they all planning a similar picture of their own? Shame on you. Even though you aren't the unnie of the group, I bet the others looked up to you and respected you because you had the most popular solo. I just can't believe you threw away all that trust and respect not just from me but also from the other members.

I can't type any more as the tears are making it too difficult. I know you will never read this, but I hope you have read any of the other thousands of comments left on your vile post that echo my sentiments. No, don't bother taking that horrible picture down now; it's already been burned into a million peoples' minds. I hate you.


A Disgusted Former Fan


  1. if I were still a big fan of T-ara, maybe i had the same reaction. FeelsBadMan

    1. You could have been a part of the support system

  2. Well you can take the girl out of the iljin...
    That made more sense in my head

  3. like a disgusting slutty seal lmao

    you see those "fans" telling her what to do? literally why we started this site. t-ara fans always & forever prudes, which makes no sense since t-ara has always & forever been sexy concept.

    1. This brings back memories of Diadem lol

    2. It's being appreciated in parts of it :D

      At least I was really happy to see the melon pics after having three different field days and tours from Wednesday to Friday. Magnificent images to return to.

  4. I almost chocked at the "slutty seal" part.

  5. Hyomin fans on suicide watch. Godspeed, kurwa.

  6. She suits this concept better than Hyuna does.

  7. What d hell hyomin,t-ara used was loved before when they were not showing so much skin but hyomin wants to show it all ,Koreans r gonna be so apprehensive bout this

  8. I'd be a bit worried of someone had actually sent her a letter like this.

  9. Lmao "impure."

    What are you, some crazy Puritanical Christian who does nothing besides judge people all day? Get off your moral high-horse, crazy bitch.

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