Thursday, February 4, 2016

Best of the Worst: Feb. 4, 2016

Kpop's been all about ugly realities this week. I don't know why. If I wanted reality, I wouldn't be listening to all this kpop. But yeah, in this edition of Best of the Worst, you'll learn Big Bang's boring reality, the truth about 4Minute's latest album sales, and what those hot high heels do to your favorite female idols' bodies. 

Oh, yeah, and CL makes an appearance:

People still wear grills? It's 2016.

Reality is really scary sometimes.

    What a bunch of fatties!
    After I finish this pan of mac and cheese,
    I'm totally joining in on those comments.
  • Remember when 4Minute said their contract renewal depended on the success of their new album? Well, it's not looking so good for kpop's favorite hot mess. Let's just remember the good times we had with 4Minute. Sigh ... I miss the days when Hyuna didn't look like a meth addict. 
  • If you want to feel bad about Red Velvet, yourself, and humanity in general, read this (ugh, NetizenBuzz) post that includes a rundown of comments about how fat RV has gotten lately. It's like, after their promotions ended and SM let them start eating again, they gained weight. It's so weird how their bodies work. 


  1. Thank God I'm not the only one that thinks Hyuna looks like her face was carved from stiff clay. I don't know if it's her makeup artist failing at her job or bad plastic surgery but it needs to stop.

    Also the whole RV being fat thing is so fucking ridiculous. Whenever an idol gains weight netz are all like "Ew what a fat ass" and when they lose weight they're all "You look anorexic. Unnir please eat more." People just love to complain.

    1. it's 2016, people really should stop thinking they have a right to decide whose body is acceptable and whose isn't

    2. Idk what it is with Hyuna. One day, she was cute af, the next, she looked like one of those "after" photos in a drug PSA.

    3. The funny thing is with knetz is that there's no in between for weight. When they're not spouting some kind of insult, they're always griping "too thin" instead! There is no perfect weight for the ninnies, and considering they're prolly behind a monitor gorging their faces…

      God forbid that a group of young women eat normally when they're on their offtime. God knows what they and their company are doing to keep their weights down during fucking promotions.

    4. My standards for what's thin and what's fat are pretty strict but jfc none of RV are fat in that photo. They're maaaybe a little on the heavier side of the healthy scale, but to be quite fucking honest they're all teens/early 20s, right? And honestly when I say heavy I just really mean they have thick legs and nothing more. And thick legs are perfectly fucking fine. They look like your average Asian teenager now, which is good. That's how they should look.

  2. can someone explain the 'cultural appropriation' to me? idgi

    1. SJW term for "only my culture can do this, fuck off whitey."

    2. It is a modern attempt to promote cultural segregation. In reality, cultures have always influenced each other.

    3. people bitching about the fact that culture is shared. in other words, "MUH CULTURE INVENTED/POPULARIZED THIS, U CANT HAS MAYO WHITEY"

      you may or may not qualify as "white" or "PoC" depending on the day, depending on what you are accused of "stealing". see; asians, certain latina/latino people, particularly the spanish, etc.

  3. Too be fair, "joy" is a fucking landwhale.

    1. You keep saying that... stop trying to appeal to my conscience!

  4. No one wears a grill anymore, especially after the year of the gentleman. I don't know what year cl is getting her influences,but it's definitely not this year.

  5. I Hope 4min last a litle longer

    1. Maybe Cube want 4minute to fail, so they can concentrate on just promoting Hyuna instead.

    2. They should concentrate on making quality songs for their artists. Then maybe they wouldn't be in this predicament.

    3. Hyuna doesn't really seem that relevant anymore though. Red and Roll Deep didn't have anywhere near the impact Bubble Pop, Ice Cream and Gangnam Style cameo did. She's still popular but I doubt Cube would consider her solo career a fitting trade for 4Minute's. Someone like Hani or even some Apink members would be more popular at this point I'd reckon

  6. As a gfriend-fag (gfag?) it's really astounding to see how sync they can still be in twice speed <3

    1. Yeah! As Another Gfag, I was also astounded to see how in sync they are at the twice-speed Rough! It does my heart good! :)

  7. When will the korean media stop putting so much weight on what netizens say. Because 99% of it is retarded 99% of the time.

    1. i'd say humanity's getting progressively more retarded by the day, at least as far as the internet goes

  8. Ugh, it was sad reading about Moon Hyuna's deformed toe, she still looks awesome though. Hope she takes care, 9M have their first concert coming up in 2 weeks ^^

  9. 4Minute and Beast will probably be disbanding this year.
    Unless Rainbow reach Up&Down level success with their new song then they'll definitely throw in the towel
    Secret and Mblaq will probably both break up as well and at this point, 2NE1 is like an old family pet that is sick, dying, infested with fleas and cancer and the most merciful thing to do would be to pit it to sleep
    f(x) will likely renew and T-ARA are making so much money that the idea of not-renewing would be hilarious to them

  10. Be happy that she wears a grill because her bottom teeth are extremely nasty.


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