Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Empress Momo's Dance Covers

Japanese Empress Hirai Momo had her V App today. I have no idea what it is/was, but I saw people tweet about it before I had to go to work. Words and shit, just watch Momo dance and shit while I go write some articles to schedule for tomorrow and Friday!


  1. i like to think someone told the cameraman to stop fucking about after the first couple of minutes, it was really interfering with me enjoying the way she moves and starting to imagine how she'd look writhing about on top of my naked body.

    they clearly have the best interests of my penis at heart. good work V live people!

  2. spent two hours watching the stream... worth every moment to watch Momo-hime...

  3. I would totally watch Momo shit.

  4. I want to be reincarnated as momos wetwipes


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